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Is there a good recent film on an important Polish battle/war/history fact?

Spavo  3 | 18  
10 Sep 2009 /  #1
so I know they were to make a movie on Battle of Vienna but it seems it will never be produced (Victoria). they will make hardkor 44 on the Warsaw uprising but not before the next 3 years. Tajemnica Westerplatte had to be ready this 1 September but it didn't.

isn't there any well-done movie about a Polish epic battle or something? there are a lot of things in polish history which can be made in a wonderful movie but i still didn't find any.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
11 Sep 2009 /  #2
All three parts of Sienkiewicz's Triology have been featurised. The first Polish epic film was 'Krzyażcy' which came out in the early '60s. Katyń is a very good film. Lotna perpetuates the propaganda that Polish uhlans attacked German tanks with sabres.
jump_bunny  5 | 236  
11 Sep 2009 /  #3
There are many related to events of World War Two! Off the top of my head: Akcja pod Arsenałem, Kanał, Godzina W, Sekret Enigmy, Hubal, Kiedy miłość była zbrodnią, Zakazane piosenki, fairly new Daleko od okna and very famous Pianista and even comedies: C.K Dezerterzy and Jak rozpętałem Drugą Wojnę Światową.
Marek11111  9 | 807  
12 Sep 2009 /  #4
try movie " Gdzie jest General " comedy
OP Spavo  3 | 18  
13 Sep 2009 /  #5
mmh i think i'll have to see lotna
by the way, i knew some of those but i intended a recent movie, after 1989, when they could put what they wanted without censure. Katyn is an example, but it shows polish victims and not something great that poles did in their history like a battle , or maybe the signing of constitution of 3 may. is there something like that?
gumishu  15 | 6231  
13 Sep 2009 /  #6
try movie " Gdzie jest General " comedy

this is really hillarious ;) i loved it ;)

'Krzyżacy' - by Aleksander Ford ending in a mass scale battle scene of medieval chivalry encounter (Battle of Grunwald/Tannenberg - quite reasonably made - my opinion better than its Hollywood contemporaries

'Potop' is the best historical film I ever saw (though it is not strictly based on history but on the prose of Henryk Sienkiewicz) - I am of course biased being Polish

there were no recent films like that (excluding 'Ogniem i mieczem' but I think it is hugely inferior to the 'Potop')

Juliusz Machulski envisions a film of the 'Saving private Ryan' sort about the Warsaw Uprising but it would be much more difficult from the technical side (urban scenes that have to emulate Warsaw) and would cost God knows how much and there's little chance anyone ever gives it a credit

Tajemnica Westerplatte is supposed to cast shadows on the defenders - I don't think we need another film on Westerplatte - there is one already made in the sixties as far as I can tell
chauduyphanvu  - | 11  
28 Sep 2009 /  #7
Try "The Pianist", it was filmed based on WWII Poland.
sjam  2 | 541  
29 Sep 2009 /  #8
Juliusz Machulski envisions a film of the 'Saving private Ryan' sort about the Warsaw Uprising but it would be much more difficult from the technical side (urban scenes that have to emulate Warsaw)

I believe all of the urban scenes in the recent film Cloverfield were computer generated. So technically it would not present much difficulty in emulating Warsaw urban landscape during the Rising and in many ways it would make it easier to replicate and more convincing given the extreme camera angles and prodcution flexibilty that CG allows film makers.
ShawnH  8 | 1488  
29 Sep 2009 /  #10
So, was it a good film?
jump_bunny  5 | 236  
29 Sep 2009 /  #11
It's not a bad piece but it disappointed me in a way. There's no action at all, the film is boring, filled with dull dialagoues. I knew the historic background before I went to the cinema therefore I found the film boring because apart from the historic facts it doesn't express much more. The burning of the photograph of Kutschera is a totally misjudged Hollywood style concession, it almost made me giggle.

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