Danky Franky
28 Mar 2008
Language / Adjective and adverb comparison [19]
The alternate comparative forms for pusto and stromo that Hiro gives may be analogous to English forms:
My glass is emptier than the others, although it isn't ungrammatical, sounds less correct than My glass is more empty than the others.
But the English equivalent of Michal's suggestion (simply use more and most, forget -er and -est) simply doesn't work:
My glass is smaller than the others is correct, while My glass is more small than the others sounds very wrong.
As others have indicated, such a simplification doesn't always work in Polish either.
Many thanks for the responses.
pusto - bardziej pusto, najbardziej pusto (puściej, najpuściej)
staro - starzej, najstarzej
stromo - bardziej stromo, najbardziej stromo (stromiej, najstromiej)
staro - starzej, najstarzej
stromo - bardziej stromo, najbardziej stromo (stromiej, najstromiej)
The alternate comparative forms for pusto and stromo that Hiro gives may be analogous to English forms:
My glass is emptier than the others, although it isn't ungrammatical, sounds less correct than My glass is more empty than the others.
But the English equivalent of Michal's suggestion (simply use more and most, forget -er and -est) simply doesn't work:
My glass is smaller than the others is correct, while My glass is more small than the others sounds very wrong.
As others have indicated, such a simplification doesn't always work in Polish either.
Many thanks for the responses.