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Posts by poly  

Joined: 26 Feb 2008 / Male ♂
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Posts: Total: 17 / In This Archive: 15

Displayed posts: 15
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31 Mar 2008
Life / Polish escort services - legal in Poland? [98]

Prostitution is legal in poland every where Prostitution standing on biside the roads you can see yourself 20% discount for new costomers
3 Mar 2008
UK, Ireland / Poles top of UK class [41]

englishman can settle in poland

you must be joking poland never
29 Feb 2008
Life / What do Poles do for fun? [49]

I'm not kidding everybody playing with toys in poland lot of shops there
29 Feb 2008
Life / What do Poles do for fun? [49]

polish born woman living in the U.S. to make her feel happy?

how old she's? than i can tell you