History /
Did Ukraine really "steal" Polish land? [302]
Well, in the beginning you owned sh'it as Poles were late comer to these lands after Celts and Germanics! You stole it first!
See? Just in case you missed history class....no Poles, but Germans where now is Poland.
where do you get from, which century? Even in the time of Charl the Great it was spoken of slaves in the East. Germans did not exist in the 8 century in this region- so we can't speak of Germans in this time neither German country. 846 Verdun we can't speak about gemans neither.
Bratwurst Boy:
in these lands it's both, Poles and Germans.
it seems Awaren and Longobarden were Germans too, nice. Who was Charl the Great? Germans claim to bee German karl der Grosse, French to be French Charlemagne, maby he's English or Celtic- Charl the Great. Maby his ancestors were Egyptians or Jews? Posen was allways polish. Thanks big countries like England France USA and Sovjets the history was as it was. Wartegau or Great Poland fought for its independence on its own. Thous big countries wouldn't have given a sh##t to do anything for Poland. They have shown how much they care about Poland :pushing us to the war and then left us on our own and finaly sold in Jalta.