2 Dec 2008
News / Polish-Hungarian friendship - reality till today or just a phantasmagoria [144]
Hello guys,
Just to have a little more light about some points. I'm hungarian also, and got married with a polish woman. So I have a strong relationship with the pole culture.
By the facts now: Hungarians, are related to asian groups of ethnicity, not slavic, neither turk or persian. By the language they are more related to finnish guys, then others. Of course there lot's of influence from german, latin, greek and slavic. Who does not?
Lectures: Khazars, from Arthur Koestler
In Northeast of Hungary there's a specific hungarian ethnic group named Palócs. Guess what? It's not necessary to be an expert to conclude, they are Polands absorbed by hungarians. Not a problem, since these people respect each other for centuries.
Other point, Hungary can achieve the "Pan-Hungary", only by culture and language, never by terrytory, since Hungary signed the Helsinki Agreement.
However, to a european country join the European Union, the country MUST, achieve some points. Regarding minorities, for example Slovakia and Romania, Had to solve the problems with hungarians, and other minorities in their countries. They solved the problem and they joined. Same was applied to Slovenia, Croatia, Slovakia, and Romania. Austria was the first to solve it, for croatians and hungarians. These major problem was created by Trianon Agreement.
The problem with Rutenia in Ukraine is a double problem. Rutenia, belongs to Ukraine today, because of russian invasion of 1956, not Trianon. Ukraine has a big problem. They want to join EU, but they have to give back Rutenia to Hungary. Hungary by the other side, can not get Rutenia Back, because of Helsinki Agreement. The Solution, probaly is Rutenia become an Independent Country, like Montenegro on Serbia.
This could be the same situtation to serbia and Hungarians from Servia. If some day Serbia joins the EU, they must sove the problems of hungarians there, Like Romania made with the Transilvania (with hungarians and saxons), and Slovakia, in the southern region. My aunt, is always visiting Bihar, in Transilvania. Today Bihar is double language Romanian and Hungaria, like the EU constitution says.
And the problem with WWII, I think it was more a problem, of the supposed austrian-hungarian empire.
What I learned about the hungarian culture, since the "Onoguria" times, is a people who always give Sanctuary for those who needs it. It's possible to check it, about the kabars, austrians, croatians, and incredibly spanish and frenches. Yes, the city of Banat, was founded by then, when they were pursued by catholic inquisitors.
I could spent all night long here, typing many other things about hungarians. I read, a lot about this ancient and controversal history, and I believe that a european union can be only possible if we forget the bad past.
Personnaly, I always considered the eastern europeans more brothers. The western more like cousins :). I like the ukrainians, the poles, slovakians, croatians, slovenes, romanians, bulgarians, georgians, estonians, russians. After centuries, in terms of race, we're the same people. Only with dna analysis it's possible to discover a relationship. In fact, it was proved 1 man in 200, around the world is descendant from Gengis Khan.
And yes, I know there's the culture, the language, the religion and so on. But Socrates said once, "It's respecting the differences, we can live really free".
I believe in the hungarian-polish friendship, I'm hungarian (Szilagyi), married with a polish woman (Chrusciak). And if someday I have a son, he will have both surnames.
The saber is saved, and I leave a toast for the Polish fellows here (in preference with a tokaji), like the saying of the post. Cheers !
Hello guys,
Just to have a little more light about some points. I'm hungarian also, and got married with a polish woman. So I have a strong relationship with the pole culture.
By the facts now: Hungarians, are related to asian groups of ethnicity, not slavic, neither turk or persian. By the language they are more related to finnish guys, then others. Of course there lot's of influence from german, latin, greek and slavic. Who does not?
Lectures: Khazars, from Arthur Koestler
In Northeast of Hungary there's a specific hungarian ethnic group named Palócs. Guess what? It's not necessary to be an expert to conclude, they are Polands absorbed by hungarians. Not a problem, since these people respect each other for centuries.
Other point, Hungary can achieve the "Pan-Hungary", only by culture and language, never by terrytory, since Hungary signed the Helsinki Agreement.
However, to a european country join the European Union, the country MUST, achieve some points. Regarding minorities, for example Slovakia and Romania, Had to solve the problems with hungarians, and other minorities in their countries. They solved the problem and they joined. Same was applied to Slovenia, Croatia, Slovakia, and Romania. Austria was the first to solve it, for croatians and hungarians. These major problem was created by Trianon Agreement.
The problem with Rutenia in Ukraine is a double problem. Rutenia, belongs to Ukraine today, because of russian invasion of 1956, not Trianon. Ukraine has a big problem. They want to join EU, but they have to give back Rutenia to Hungary. Hungary by the other side, can not get Rutenia Back, because of Helsinki Agreement. The Solution, probaly is Rutenia become an Independent Country, like Montenegro on Serbia.
This could be the same situtation to serbia and Hungarians from Servia. If some day Serbia joins the EU, they must sove the problems of hungarians there, Like Romania made with the Transilvania (with hungarians and saxons), and Slovakia, in the southern region. My aunt, is always visiting Bihar, in Transilvania. Today Bihar is double language Romanian and Hungaria, like the EU constitution says.
And the problem with WWII, I think it was more a problem, of the supposed austrian-hungarian empire.
What I learned about the hungarian culture, since the "Onoguria" times, is a people who always give Sanctuary for those who needs it. It's possible to check it, about the kabars, austrians, croatians, and incredibly spanish and frenches. Yes, the city of Banat, was founded by then, when they were pursued by catholic inquisitors.
I could spent all night long here, typing many other things about hungarians. I read, a lot about this ancient and controversal history, and I believe that a european union can be only possible if we forget the bad past.
Personnaly, I always considered the eastern europeans more brothers. The western more like cousins :). I like the ukrainians, the poles, slovakians, croatians, slovenes, romanians, bulgarians, georgians, estonians, russians. After centuries, in terms of race, we're the same people. Only with dna analysis it's possible to discover a relationship. In fact, it was proved 1 man in 200, around the world is descendant from Gengis Khan.
And yes, I know there's the culture, the language, the religion and so on. But Socrates said once, "It's respecting the differences, we can live really free".
I believe in the hungarian-polish friendship, I'm hungarian (Szilagyi), married with a polish woman (Chrusciak). And if someday I have a son, he will have both surnames.
The saber is saved, and I leave a toast for the Polish fellows here (in preference with a tokaji), like the saying of the post. Cheers !