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Posts by Ranj  

Joined: 29 Sep 2006 / Female ♀
Last Post: 30 Jan 2010
Threads: Total: 21 / In This Archive: 20
Posts: Total: 947 / In This Archive: 789
From: USA
Interests: Travel, sports, reading, music

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1 Feb 2007
Life / Poland has killed my inner child [105]

If that doesn't work, will reach for a bottle of vodka.

If that is what makes you happy---knock yourself out!
2 Feb 2007
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

Who was responsible for the slave trade? Who brought them to America?......

Jose, I understand what you are saying, but there comes a time in ones life when we have to be responsible for our actions. I'm not saying those things did not happen, but they happened 100-200 years ago. People need to stop using as an excuse that their ancestors went through hell, therefore they are entitled to act anyway they like and it be acceptable. That goes for everyone in life. You can be a caucasion, hispanic, black or any other race and have a sh*tty life growing up. That doesn't mean you have the right to go out and commit horrible crimes or even not so horrible crimes. We all have choices in life and when people stop blaming others for their plight and instead try to productively change their lifes for the better, then this would be a much happier world. I know that sound eutopic and it will not happen in our lifetime but it needs to start somewhere.:)
2 Feb 2007
Life / Poland has killed my inner child [105]

Work, Money. TV, Sex, Sleep. Nothing else.
That's not my idea of life.

You are right---it should be Sex, sleep, food/drink, money, tv, work and more sex!:)
2 Feb 2007
Life / Poland has killed my inner child [105]

Jesus man you live in the capital there is lots of **** to do.

Of course there are lots of things to do, Giles----he's just a whiney baby wanting a little attention and reason to sit on his a$$ so he doesn't have to put any effort in creating his own fun! I like your list, btw. Lots of good suggestions.:)
2 Feb 2007
Life / Poland has killed my inner child [105]

can't wait to settle in Gdansk

Is that where your wife and her family are from?

Meanwhile since we shall be opening our buisness out their we will be really busy working

What kind of business are you opening?

Poland isn't boring, its the person

You got that right!

Have a fantastic weekend everyone, except for Barx of course----I'm sure his will be miserable:)
2 Feb 2007
Life / Poland has killed my inner child [105]

instead of insulting the thread poster...why not try to understand his situation and try and give a little advice...

I did just that and he came back with smarta$$ remark. If he truly wants advice, then he'll listen to people, but he is clearly hear just to bi*tch. He doesn't want to do anything to change his situation so he'll get what he gives.:)
3 Feb 2007
News / What is happening in polish politics? [51]

Feb 3, 07 [10:10] - Attached on merging:
How do Polish People feel about their Politicians?

Is this a big deal in Poland, or do people really care about it?
4 Feb 2007
Life / Poland has killed my inner child [105]

Today's Quote

The man who can't dance thinks the band is no good.

-Polish Proverb

:) That says it all!
4 Feb 2007
USA, Canada / American attitude towards Poland [89]

Quoting: josecitomadera, Post #118
Using the word mestizo, mulato to a hispanic is like using the n-gg-r word. It is extremely offensive and racist.

I don't think the term is equal to that of the word nigg_r . N_gger is much more derogatory IMHO...

I assume you are caucasion, Roz, so you really don't have a right to tell someone of another race what is more offensive. It's all a matter of perspective.:)
4 Feb 2007
USA, Canada / American attitude towards Poland [89]

It doesn't matter what race he is....he cannot say one word is more offensive than the other for other people....maybe he's not offended by it, but as you said, some others would find great offense to being called a mestizo or mulata. It's all a matter of perspective, like I said.:)
5 Feb 2007
UK, Ireland / Male Ballroom dance partner required in Dublin [16]

I don't know if the male dancers are "usually gay"

I don't know about dancers either, but when I was figure skating in the younger days, the gay men were rampant----quite a shame because they all had excellent physiques and were very sweet. Some were downright HOT! What a shame:(
6 Feb 2007
UK, Ireland / polish girls outnumbers polish men interms of relationships with native from uk or ie [178]

Polish men dont think very highly of English women, I asked her and she said that they dont - they see English girls out of a weekend "showing too much skin" and are getting too drunk!

I would think both men and women of all nationalities would lack respect for such a person. And let's face it, every nationality has women who may show too much skin and get tanked; not just the English, but Polish, American, Canadian, etc....

I think after being told that by her I'd keep my distance from Polish men, maybe they'd only be talking to me because they think Im that way inclined...

I wouldn't avoid Polish men for that reason if I were you, A----you are beautiful lady and unless you were presenting yourself in that way, you shouldn't have anything to worry about.....I'm sure men are attracted to you for other reasons!:)
6 Feb 2007
UK, Ireland / polish girls outnumbers polish men interms of relationships with native from uk or ie [178]

Its when they go home with these lies, thats how girls get a bad reputation...sad little men!

So true!

one of them (the most gross person - fat ugly and loud) was bragging how many Polish girls he had sex with...

He just forgot to mention how much he paid for them (DISCLAIMER: I'm not calling all Polish women prostitutes----prostitution is everywhere.)
6 Feb 2007
Life / Black people in Poland [357]

Just a side note for all you science minded, rational thinkers---Albert Einstein believed there is a God, and I doubt any of you were more intelligent than him.:)

From a brotha wanting to go to Poland to The Holy Trinity. Don't you guys think you've strayed a wee bit?

I was wondering the same thing.....I had to go back several posts just to figure out how it started.:)
6 Feb 2007
Life / Black people in Poland [357]

I merely can't abide people who love to claim they are right, when they have nothing but belief to back them up and they lure the gullible and the vunerable.

I agree with most of what you wrote, except the last part only because I don't think anyone on this forum is so gullible and vulnerable that they would drop their beliefs to go along with what someone on here says about religion. Now in the real world, I understand your point. Personally, I don't care for evangelical types, but I just ignore them. I really don't care if someone believes I'm going to hell if I'm not "saved". Like you, I have my own beliefs and do not to push them on anyone. I may state what they are, but I don't expect to change how anyone else feels.

As for Hawkings, you are right about his intelligence. I was watching a biography of him about a week ago, and I was still confused by some of his theories.:)
6 Feb 2007
Life / Black people in Poland [357]

They call it Christianese

I have never heard that term. Who are the ones that use it?
7 Feb 2007
Life / Black people in Poland [357]

but what about if your faith... or rather those who tell you what your faith is... motivates you to go and kill in its name... ?

Is there something you want to tell us here, BW? Are you making a plan?:)
7 Feb 2007
Love / relationship with polish man [40]

This all sounds soooo familiar.....the guy is married, like it or not. Have some respect for yourself and boot his a$$ to the curb....if he's cheating on his wife, chances are he'll be cheating on you in no time. Find someone who doesn't have that extra baggage. Now you will probably say it's too late, we're in love, blah, blah, that case, tell him to get his divorce and you will consider having a relationship with him.
7 Feb 2007
Life / Black people in Poland [357]

That's right....I saw your picture as a toddler on the Post a pic thead....violent, but cute:) You really are an American, aren't you?
7 Feb 2007
Love / relationship with polish man [40]

i dont believe him anyway ive told him its lust not love after only 3 weeks and i dont love him!

At least you see that.....nothing wrong with a little lust action when both people are adults and single---single being the operative word---I'm sure you can get someone a little more worthy---there are plenty of single gents on here I'm sure would be more than happy to accomadate you:)
9 Feb 2007
Love / Do you think that Poles are faithful [74]

seen things here that ive never seen anywhere else...

Do tell, BW. What have you seen? Inquiring minds want to know.:)
9 Feb 2007
Love / Do you think that Poles are faithful [74]

seeing and experiencing these things has helped form opinions which i gave above...

Hmmmmm, veeeeeerrry interesting!

I like to believe that the POLES STILL DO KNOW WHAT GIVEN WORD to someone MEANS .... .

well even if Im wrong in general, this the way I am.

I believe it was Anais Nin who wrote something along these lines: "We don't see the world as it is; we see the world as we are"----obviously I'm paraphrasing.:)