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Posts by isthatu  

Joined: 8 Jun 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 1 Apr 2008
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From: oop north
Speaks Polish?: troche
Interests: People places history life

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19 Mar 2008
Life / Goth scene in Poland [30]

I really don't think that bitish chavs are in any way more tolerant and peace loving than polish dresiarze.

No,theyre not,spot on observation. A young girl was kicked to death here by chavs just for being a Goth.
Magdalena,I tend to agree,young people all seem to be drones these days,even the so called "idividualists" all seem to shop in the same place and dress the same,very sad. I too remember a time when my rather tame ripped levi's and biker boots got me abuse here in england....

ps,lol re hank williams jnr, Best tune he did was in Kellys Hero's ;)
19 Mar 2008
Life / Culture & Women [80]

No,but friggin moaning minnies like you seem to think none of us here know how feked up Empires and colonialism was. Hows about a bit of balance?

Yes they 'outlawed' it, but it hasn't stopped.

yes,my point on the friggin nose,Britain hasnt been "in charge" in india since 1947,so complaing that sati goes on today is hardly the "fault" of Britain is it??

Can you pick out one post where I have said the empire was a completly marvelous thing? Bet you cant.What you can pick out is balance.........shame imature rabble rousers dont have the same balance.....Do you think india would be the power house up and coming nation it is now without the history and ties to the west it has,really and truthfully?

Luckily, I don't live in Canada as a Native, where neo-colonialism is present.

No,but you are a white girl living off the benafits of colonialism arnt you.........so,get a grip and open your eyes love.
19 Mar 2008
Love / Polish-Islam Relationship Union [450]

No,but I rather suspect some of his congregation have a few tart words regarding Poles,dont you? And,just as a BTW,most of the "Polish" shops in my area are owned by Muslims,and they all seem to get along.....why stir the pot shelly?
19 Mar 2008
Life / Warsaw - most boring capital in Europe, after Brussels - comments? [78]

sorry,Its just called York,its an ancient city in England,Yorkshire(oddly enough lol). Its pre Roman,but most famous for Vikings and with some amazing medievil buildings...the birth place of Emperor Constantine,the bringer of Christianity to the Roman empire.....ah well,I shall let you off Z',but if you do ever visit the UK i highly recomend it :)
19 Mar 2008
Life / Culture & Women [80]

I am just thinking what would happen when Poles would do the same in center of london ... every saturday night ..

They probably do,but one drunken shaved headed arsehole looks much the same as anyother.....

Ok then smart arse.did the British do away with sati or not? Did they outlaw such practices or not? Sorry but you kinda prove a point I wasnt trying to make...ie that under British administration the ancient savage ways were done away with and made illegal...however since 1947 and independance those nasty habits have crept back,like sati,and dalits etc etc......

Oh,and BTW mali,if you hate colonialism so much,what the hell are you,a white girl ,doing living in Canada....surely you should kiss some native arse then toot sweet set off for europe.......
19 Mar 2008
Life / Warsaw - most boring capital in Europe, after Brussels - comments? [78]

I agree.. Shall we start a political party to liberate New York from these evil laws they've inherited from the long forgotten British Empire?

Hey,I'll join,and I live 20 miles from Old York lol
Mind you,the gov' of NY seems to think he's in Amsterdam anyway...........
19 Mar 2008
Love / Polish-Islam Relationship Union [450]

pork is a meat British people eat! If they dont like it they can fook off!

So that will include all the Jews as well then shelly?
19 Mar 2008
Love / Polish-Islam Relationship Union [450]

Yes,Abrahim ,Abraham,Ibrahiim....all the same,the Father of the big 3 ,Christianity,Islam,and Judaesm.
It really is a shame that there is such ignorence between all these faiths.
Proven by the pictures of the Shi'a celebrations above......I notice no Catholic on here has spotted the similarity between the public self flaggelation in Iran and all the self whipping and bizzaro hair shirt,barbed wire round the thigh nonsence extreme Catholics go in for......
19 Mar 2008
UK, Ireland / Gang attack Polish man with knife [87]

lol,lincolnshire,a volitile area...lmao,have you ever been there? Its a prozac county.....

isthatu wrote:
half breeds revolution,and they hated everyone

lol, half breeds. I like how you added that in, swinio.

Yes,because that was what they called themselves,Muppet.and put up a damn good fight against the mounties thgey did too.....

Only when they wanted an independent state?

re India...pillock,name one example of "slaughtering" other than Amritsar...go on,proof please butt bandit.

These bastards especially did a lot of damage

Toss pot,they were a trading company,supported by the natives....I should know,my ancestor is Robert Clive.......

Hey gay boy Greek sex man.....everyone in Britain excepts that crimes were committed during our 300 year empire...you on the other hand,call mass executions of turkish civilians in the 1970s "something they deserved"....who is the sicko?
18 Mar 2008
Life / Goth scene in Poland [30]

lol Now how did I survive here being a punk rocker as adolescent?

nice one,punks are slightly less androgynous than goths though :)
18 Mar 2008
UK, Ireland / Gang attack Polish man with knife [87]

tosser.......the "native" population of north america was slaughtered in the 19th century by the Americans......."native" canadians got on extremly well with the british and french,the only troubles there were the half breeds revolution,and they hated everyone. Yes,India,very close ties still with britain,their busness language is english...africa,yep, not a whole lot of slaughtering going on there,that that did occur happened in civil wars between black tribes....really butt bandit,do a little research b4 you post,you may even learn a thing or 2,but i doubt it....
18 Mar 2008
UK, Ireland / Gang attack Polish man with knife [87]

You talk about Greece and a few hundred dead Cypriots and Turks, who very well deserved their treatement for their bad behaviour,

say no more,your as sick and twisted as crow.......

your own nation commited crimes which rival only Hitlers and Stalins,

yep,sure it did,thats why 54 countries around the world are still happy members of the commenwealth...arse bandit.
18 Mar 2008
Life / Warsaw - most boring capital in Europe, after Brussels - comments? [78]

I like the skyscrapers and Warsaw is something like European New York

lmao ,oh,please,stop,right now,yer killing me !!!:)Only resembelance last time I was there was to ground zero.........
Great little city,loads to do,but NY,nah,not quite mate.
18 Mar 2008
News / Poles in Iraq. What's the point? [160]

Sure it is crow,sure it is.........see lots of slavic nations crowding the top 10 most economically succesfull naations dont you......
18 Mar 2008
UK, Ireland / My fellow brits here - are "traitors" by not dating English girls? [103]

lol,they cant cope with women with a mind of their own so they go for percieved subserviant cultures.....lmao you pathetic creatures.....the only Brits who slag off British women just havnt got the eggs t cope,pu ssies. Funiest thing is,I give them 3 months before they find themselves firmly under the slipper :)
17 Mar 2008
Life / Goth scene in Poland [30]

lol,probs british students ...you should have seen the odd looks even "mild" goth types got only a couple of years back in those very same cities :)
17 Mar 2008
Life / Culture & Women [80]

In parts of India widows are burnt to death because they're husbands have died and their existence

no theyre not,the British empire did away with that sort of savagery.....

how do people react in UK when somebody starts to masturabe on street or fuk dust-bin ?

we ignore them as fukwits,where as you lot sem to take photos....who is more weird?

british bit*ches

yes,says the polish junior slapper.
17 Mar 2008
Life / Goth scene in Poland [30]

Seriously though,in a partialy stone age/gene huntesque sociaty where gay people get beaten up by the Police and stoned by skin heads just how many lads are going to wear eyeliner and black lipstick?
17 Mar 2008
News / March of Tolerance in Krakow [478]


Bravo my Nederlandse mate.

Homosexuality is not just biological, it is caused by environment as well, usually the behaviour and relation between parents and children.

HHmm,yes,because straight parents are clamouring to raise gay kids arnt they.....

And what about transgender, is it genetic? :)


here is no coherent society without norms and you can't expect to have a functioning society on the long term

Sorry boyo,Leon Degrelle is long dead and you make a very weak rexist.
17 Mar 2008
News / How to call non-Poles ? [32]

I wanted to come up with a wity comment re panlatitudinals and the fact that "pan" means mr.....but couldnt,ah well.
17 Mar 2008
Life / Polish people with learning difficulties? [42]

hehe,Im mr pot/kettle like hun',but yes,it was the txt spk i ws pkin up on thn,nt fir 2 r polish rdrs.

You may also,unfortunatly run into a rather antiquated and Gene Hunt like mentality in this area. Dyslexia is widely thought to be a myth in learned Polish circles and ,to be honest,I add Poland to my list of countries where,well,to be blunt,you just dont see disabled people around and about and when you do there tends to be lots of pointing and smirking........Lets hope its not bulgaria mkII.
17 Mar 2008
News / Poles in Iraq. What's the point? [160]

Lets ask our American friends something. Mexico invades,imposes curfews,raids homes without warrents,drives tanks across your white picket fences and destroys small towns in airstrikes. Hands up all Americans who would fight back. Now tell me the insurgents arnt doing the same,and keep a straight face and no crossed fingers.

I hear there is a growing anti war movement in the states,just like Vietnam all over. Shame its just as hypocritical as the 60s version,less to do with Yankee agresion and civilian deaths and more to do with financial costs and loss of american lives,shamefull.

Oh, And Britain is just as culpable for the slaughter for arse licking bush. Funny,I had no idea I would be in a similar position to right minded germans in the 1930's,that of loving my country but being ashamed of the death and destruction being caused by its leaders and war makers.
17 Mar 2008
History / Poland Betrayed in WW2 [243]

Next, you'll be telling me Wojtech the Soldier Bear is made up.

Nope,defo not,my Grandma saw him in the Zoo when she was young :)
17 Mar 2008
News / How to call non-Poles ? [32]

That wins first prize for most surreal/enigmatic post on PF.
17 Mar 2008
UK, Ireland / Gang attack Polish man with knife [87]

Some carry a fake, public face, during their work day, and they go on to plan crimes like these.

lmao,ave you been hanging out with Lex Luther again?
Dont come the injured civiliesed Greek buddy,we all know how you lot love a bit of Turk slaughtering! Lets see,slaughter turkish cypriots,turkey invadeds,slaughter a few more nieghbours....sorry mate,till we have ethnic cleansing and indescriminate murder on our streets such as you greeks go in for ,shut up.