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Posts by Maati  

Joined: 4 Nov 2006 / Female ♀
Last Post: 23 Nov 2006
Threads: Total: 1 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 178 / In This Archive: 158
From: Poland
Interests: Literature, Art, Linguistics

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19 Nov 2006
Work / Polish Labor Is Scarce as Workers Go West [60]

Why they did not mention, that they already have Ukrainian, Belarusian etc. workers
(some of them holding university diplomas) to do this job illegaly and/or almost for free?

They are filing the gap very quickly. Many of the people I know here in Warsaw have Ukrainian/Belarusian nannies for their kids. Some of these women with proper education work also in hospitals, since most of the Polish staff is in the UK/EU. Many strong and poor men from these countries work here often illegaly for low wages doing all kind of odd jobs... so what's the problem ?

When Polish government stop discussing condoms and contraceptions influence on people's health , and make this country more civilized in terms of economy and life standards , migrant workers may come back, if they are stilll alive...

The only one thing that prevents me from going to the UK, is that I do not want to use my university diplomaS as a toilet paper, like my well-educated, young, beautiful Polish friends .

I wouldn't like to see myself as a modern slave.But who knows, maybe if I am not able to feed my kids you will meet me there...
19 Nov 2006
Life / Black people in Poland [357]

Hey Krysia, You look great! Your kids are lovely...
I have two daughters also- they are 3 and 4 and I'm 26.
I would like to post my pic but I would like to stay anonymous, since I believe that some of my students may recognise me here and I have written about so many private issues.
17 Nov 2006
Life / How do Polish view others [116]

Yes there are some Spanish people in Poland.
And I think people have a quite stereotypical view on them, just like on everybody else.
17 Nov 2006

All my friends with at least M.A. degree from Warsaw University have s*** jobs in the UK.
All of them can speak English very well.
That's why I'm still in Warsaw :)

Ups... I forgot... only one of my friends has a "good" job there. She is an exception . My friend is Hungarian with Polish roots.

For over 2 yrs. she has been working as a teacher assistant in the most dangerous places in London. She has MA in Polish Philology and Culture Studies. Her English is very good. Also she is very talented artist and translator, since her Hungarian and Polish are fluent.

It is so sad to see how the potential of many young, educated and beautiful Polish people is wasted there. And I do not blame UK government for it...

I hate my country, really.
15 Nov 2006
Life / Music tastes in Poland [23]

yes, ich troje is one of the worst Polish bands
unfortunately it has many fans, especially in small villages.
15 Nov 2006
Love / Polish interracial dating [333]

pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Le_Madame - unfortunately, the text is in polish

we all know what the real reason was and that warsaw PIS government did not like all these le madame gays, queers and independent culture in the center of the city...

even john malkovich was involved in le madame case:)



and also i would not call that club a "gay club"
krystian legierski owns now "m25" . i really did not notice there gay culture domineering, especially on electro parties :)
11 Nov 2006
Food / Vegetarian food in Poland? [83]

i live in saska kępa.

i do not want to hurt anybody's feelings but when i was in the states i lost about 10 kilograms , because even eating vege food was like eating plastic to me.

i used to live in cambridge ma , not far from harvard sq. and i used to go to the "harvest store" on central sq. to buy food there for myself, but even their food wasn't too tasty... sorry.

but at least, i looked like kate moss when i came back to poland :)
11 Nov 2006
Love / Polish interracial dating [333]

my life partner is African-American .
we have two children and we live in warsaw.

i met him when i was in the states and we spent there together about 1 year before we moved to poland.
i came back here to finish my studies at warsaw university and he came right back after to live here with me.

and i really do not like too much hip-hop unless it's underground/ independent label and i hate what is generally called here "black music".

i prefer electro, sometimes good reggae and dub etc.
i like the club "m25"and all different clubs and pubs in the place i call "forty"-(raclawicka 99) in warsaw and i use to go to the "le madame".

my partner and me are atheists.
my family is very liberal, tolerant and open-minded and they do not have any problem with my choices in life.
my mother is a counter-culture mother. she was born in communist poland, she did not travel too much in her life but she is not a racist/ prejudiced/ antisemitic person (!).

my grandma is a very religious person. however, she does not attend catholic masses and she really does not like the church, as it is now in poland. she does not wear a "moherowy beret" and does not listen to "radio maryja". she is not even too much into the pope stuff.

but she prays every evening and reads the bible.

i fell in love with my partner not because he was "exotic" (i hate this word) or whatever...
he seemed to be the most creative, loving and intelligent guy i have ever met in my life.
and yes, for me he is the most beautiful and handsome man i have seen in my life.

i work as a teacher of polish for foreigners in warsaw , i'm quite young but well- educated, and i like all my students . the country and/or ethnic background do not matter.

and sorry for my english mistakes, i'm trying to prepare the birthday cake for my second daughter.
tomorrow she'll have her 3th birthday.

"and i use to go to the "le madame"."

and I used to go there, of course, before it was closed by the new government of Warsaw for political reasons ...
11 Nov 2006
Food / Vegetarian food in Poland? [83]

I'm Polish, 26 yr. old female and I have not been eating meat for more than 15 yrs. now.
I live in Warsaw, where you can find some vege restaurants too.
And even before we had them, I was shopping a lot at the small open market ( "bazarek" :) not far from my place. I was able to find there healthy food i.e. tomatoes from Mysiadło etc. etc.

Also, I do not eat bread, pizza and chips . I do not like soya too much...
And yes, I'm in perfect health.
I do not know where you are now, but there is plenty vege food here.

Ups, I see you are in Kalisz.
I have no idea about vege places in this town ... You may have to cook for yourself and I'm sure you will find lots of organic food at the local markets.