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Posts by JuliePotocka  

Joined: 19 Nov 2007 / Female ♀
Last Post: 12 Mar 2008
Threads: Total: 5 / In This Archive: 4
Posts: Total: 188 / In This Archive: 123
From: USA, Orange
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: Opera, Art Galleries, walking on beaches, playing with my cousins

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4 Dec 2007
History / Potoccy Magnate Family in Politics and History [23]

I have done research, and I am aware that we had many Hetmans to the Crown! Much meddling in Politics, and my Great+ Grandfather Count Stanislaus Szczesny Potocki trying to take over Poland in the last 1700s. Evidently, he helped to lead to the downfall of the Lithuania-Polish Commonwealth, though I do believe in his own heart, he just wanted to keep the country the way it was - just with him as the King, basically. It was the only way. He was such a tragic love character, he won his way into my heart (I've not had luck at love myself, so I empathize; I suppose finding someone who is honorable, caring, and stand by you is something eternally in my family we dream for). I feel like I have inherited his curse.

I have seen the many paintings, and my friends have been tickled at how much I look like many, which of course would happen since we have hereditary attributes.

But, I digress.

I am interested in any stories that anyone can add to the Potoccy Family, that I hope to some day tell my family.

- Julie Potocka
26 Nov 2007
Genealogy / I was born in Poland and was adopted. Trying to find my biological family. [9]

Well, were you adopted together? Were you adopted in America, another country, or in Poland?

I would start at the country where you were adopted. Your adopted Parents should be able to help, if they are around. In America, they are loosening up the restrictions in some states. It is much more acceptable now, as most people gave up their children because of varying reasons. Most of all, they gave their children up OUT of their love, and desiring a better life for them, that was impossible for them at that time in their life.

Hope that helps, Dianne!
20 Nov 2007
Life / You know you're Polish when... ? [111]

You know you're a Pole - when the first thing you recall as a child is making Kielbasa, then smoking it in the backyard smoker!!

Well, now I know where my short temper came from. ;)
20 Nov 2007
Genealogy / strange Polish mixes [116]

I am half Polish, 1/4 Irish, the rest German, French, Italian, English.
19 Nov 2007
Food / Horse Meat - popular in Poland? [36]

If meat were scarce, and I were starving...I'd start looking at the old horses going to the glue factories in another light.

Who are we to say what the world has a right to eat? Except when it comes to cats and dogs...I draw the line there.
19 Nov 2007
Love / I'm pregnant of a polish guy [90]

You need to talk with someone, who won't judge you. I don't understand why you are so concerned about this man's feelings, and you feel you aren't worthy of anything.

You are worth a lot! I personally don't care how this situation came about - it took two to tango - you didn't do it alone.

Right now, my concerns are about YOU. It matters not whether you decide to bring the pregnancy to fruition, or have an abortion. I won't think any different of you, no matter what.

You are scared and confused. You do not matter any less than this man, and you deserve to be happy! It shouldn't be a decision that he gets to be happy, and you toil away in misery.

Talk to your friends - who cares if they hate him, they are YOUR protectors! Talk to a therapist, talk to someone around you.

You are welcome to pm me, if you like. I wish only the best for you, and will think good, soothing thoughts for you amidst this chaos.

