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Posts by isthatu  

Joined: 8 Jun 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 1 Apr 2008
Threads: Total: 3 / In This Archive: 2
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From: oop north
Speaks Polish?: troche
Interests: People places history life

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20 Mar 2008
Life / What kind of antiques are popular in Poland? [49]

I my self would be very interested in it.

Theres a cracking BauHouse building in Gliwice if you get the chance to visit.

Re the antiques and furneture especially. Sometimes I got the impresion it was rather impolite to ask the provinence of such things. Unlike say in the States or GB these often hadnt been handed down for generations but ,how to put it,been appropriated at the end of the last war. Thats not casting judgement but rather a reflection on conditions in post war europe.

A word of caution for Carol re the Ukrainine "100 year old" Ikons. Well,you may have been extremly lucky and found the genuine thing,but,I rather imagine those 100 years were closer to a 100 days Im afraid.
20 Mar 2008
History / Where do Polands non Jewish victims go? [64]

Lol harry,I see why so many people dont like you on here......

BTW: you left off the red triangles and the purple triangles in the death camps: Freemasons and Jehovah's Witnesses. And the correct word is Roma, not Gypsies. They do not consider themselves to have been part of the Holocaust, they refer to it as the Porajmos.

If you had actually read what I put you will have noticed the "etc etc etc" after my very short list of victims.Ps,the "correct word" is not Roma.....flump....the Rom are just one branch,the other major branch were the sinti,and collectivly,or so my GYPSY mates tell me,as long as you dont call them GYPOS then gypsy is fine as a shorthand title....so dont come and lecture me about the Devouring,seeing as close friends lost loved ones too it!And You are so wrong,they ,the Roma Sinti Gypsy have been campaigning for decades to be included in the "holocaust".......stick to writing your ickle e mag mate.
19 Mar 2008
Life / What do Poles do for fun? [49]

Those were feral monkeys in the botanical gardens S',not Poles in fur coats :)
you sure your not from Hartlepool? ;)
19 Mar 2008
USA, Canada / Polish ladies beauty secrets from the USA [30]

I guess that I don't see dentistry as cosmetic even though it can be.

Lol,hrmmm,ya know the joke about english teeth? well,its true,so,er any bloomin dentistry over here is cosmetic :)

Mali,just a pointer,"Cosmetic surgery" was pioneered in Europe, wartime Britain to be precise where the procedures were first utilised to try to reconstruct the faces of horrificaly burnt fighter pilots. North America doesnt have some special skill for this,the only skill North America seems to have is in dreaming up ever more obsurd procedures such as cushioned heels and Butt expansions bladibladi blah :)
19 Mar 2008
Life / Polish people with learning difficulties? [42]

sorry sw33t20,but I think the 2 posts above yours probably demonstrate the mentality I was talking about.........friggin stone age. Someone walks down a british street with Cerabal palsey,maybe,one or 2 idiots may smirk or giggle,Ive seen with my own eyes the pointing and giggling and wide bearths given in a so called "civilised" city in Poland by the complete spectrum of Poles,young and old. This was about 2 years ago so no one can blame the commies or whoever is normally blamed for all of Polands ills(maybe its winston churchills fault?...)
19 Mar 2008
History / Where do Polands non Jewish victims go? [64]

Hitlers first victims were not Jewish,His first victims were trade union members and members of the CPG,if some of those people happened to be jewish this was secondry.So suck on dat.

I realy dont understand the mentality displayed by that contraband dude,its like reveling in victimhood,whats all that about,why do these whinging nancyboys never talk about the Jews that fought back? All the jewish underground members,the countless thousands of Jews that served in the allied armies(or the few hundred that served under false papers in the german forces,no,not loony conspiricy,they had good commanders and were hidden by them.) or the thousands of jews in the soviet forces? His type never want to play up the undoubted heroics of many thousands of jews,they always want to wallow in the very real misary.....from my limited collage psychology even I can see this as sign of ,well,issues....
19 Mar 2008
Life / Culture & Women [80]

Sorry M', you give our politicions way too much credit,they are far too dumb to have thought as deeply as you. I rather imagine they simply didnt have a clue just how many peeps would come here.........and why should they have,before 04 even record numbers were leaving here :)
19 Mar 2008
News / Should we change the rules to let Poles join the British Army? [119]

yes, but so are the U.S. and Canada, and I don't think such a plan should be applied there either.

Im guessing your a bit weak on your military history then JP? Coz you sure aint heard of the FSSF then have you? Lets make it a bit easier. The Devils Brigade ( Clff Robertson,Wiliam Holden 196something...) or the 1st Special Sevice brigade/force,were a joint US / Canadian force set up in 1942 for a proposed invasion of Norway. This never happened but the force did go on to play crucial roles in the Aelutions then more famously in the Italian campaigns and southern france. The FSSF was considered by most as one of the finest fighting forces of ww2 and led the way to the later green berets and LRRP style units.
19 Mar 2008
History / Where do Polands non Jewish victims go? [64]

OMG,Contraband,You are the funniest man ever,so wrong on so many levels.A total shlamiel........

You and Celinski can keep talking about Hitler all you want. This thread is about the victims of Stalin.

er,no its not.....Thread title; Where do Polands non Jewish victims go.".....Ok,Im not 100% on what that actually means in itself,but,it definatly does not state Stalins victims now does it H'? And,btw harry,you just made yourself look a prat,not to mention a stooge of a very marginal "jewish" idea that they were the only victims........Jewish survivors of the Holocaust in the UK have something rather different to say,all work tirelessly to promote the fact that Jews,Gypsys,Communists,Disabled people etc etc e bloodytc are included in the memorials. I realy dont know where all this revisionist right wing jewish BS is coming from. Is it the States or Israel? Wherever,its not coming from survivors,its coming from those with a hidden agenda from a much younger generation......shame on you all.
19 Mar 2008
Travel / Tips for driving in Polish cities [29]

Make sure its an armourd car,preferably of the BMP BTR variaty or failing that a nice little T34 should see you safely through the traffic :)
19 Mar 2008
History / Where do Polands non Jewish victims go? [64]

Stoopid schmuk! The holocaust is the term used for ALL of hitlers victims. SHOAH is the term used exclusivly for jewish victims you ignoramous.
19 Mar 2008
Life / Culture & Women [80]

I make my observations based on what I read and observe, even on this forum.

lol,dont use this forum as a measure.If I did I would think Poland was full of self pitying ,whinging anti semite homaphobes who alternatly either won ww2 for the rest of us or lost because of the rest of us and are either the hardest nation on earth or poor little poland always done over......;)
19 Mar 2008
Life / Culture & Women [80]

isthatu wrote:
or how about the opium wars ? invade china because they didnt want to buy british opium...........

yes, Indochina

erm,no Indochine was a french colony...........

er,obviously the answer is yes,just as all countries hark on about so called past "glories" or what not......Of course there are fools who think the sun shone outa the empires arse,just as there are Poles who look back on their poxy little empire in the Ukraine etc as some sort of glory days.

when times are hard and tehe Queen still spends tons of pounds on tea parties and such, insted of spending it on education etc?

Ok,er,lets look at this,Im personaly a republican( in the non GWB way lol) but is the Queen,our titular head of states spending any more obscene than the amounts spent on presidental retreats or motercades or bloody airforce 1? Im sure the millions wasted by all heads of state would be better served by plowing it back to the people but,ehem,not gonna happen is it?
19 Mar 2008
Life / Culture & Women [80]

or how about the opium wars ? invade china because they didnt want to buy british opium...........
or ,hey,lets see,who was the first to Gas the Kurds in Iraq? Saddam? Nope.Winston Churchill........
To all non Brits I would just like to point out what is taught about the British empire in our schools(or was 15 odd years ago :) ). namely, Ghandi,and how great a chap he was and how horrible the nasty English were. So,dont be deluded into thinking we all sit around wearing panama hats and safari suits waiting desperetly for a second chance at turning one 3rd of the map pink again :)

there is no valid justifcation to invade any country because of that. India was not invaded in order to protect women's righ,

well,lets look at the facts,the Indian maharajas invited the british east india company to expand their influence and help fight the less enlightened French and Portugeese east india companies.Dont kid yourself into thinking anything was Black and white.It wasnt.

Another example,the 1950s,the Kenya,the Mau Mau uprisers were crushed rather energetically by the British and other Kenyans.Why,because the Mau Mau were slaughtering non kikuyu tribes.These days its painted as evil white man being nasty to poor black men,when in fact it was evil black men being nasty to poor black men with white men picking sides later on.
19 Mar 2008
History / Where do Polands non Jewish victims go? [64]

Sorry to demure here,but,I do not think Stalins victims should be lumped in with Hitlers victims.Im afraid that just muddy's the waters. Although history will demonstrate a remarcable level of colusion between the 2 in the period between 17 sept 39 and 22 june 41 in the end these were two seperate crimes commited by two diametricaly opposed psychopaths.
19 Mar 2008
News / Should we change the rules to let Poles join the British Army? [119]

Hey,Im friends with everybody,just suffer from net tyson syndrome now n again lol
Z',re the phillipinos......did they all get confused with gender pronouns like they do over here?Typical exchange; " Your Grandfather is doing very well,she is very happy and she is a lovely man....." (sweet people,funny way with words lol)
19 Mar 2008
Life / Culture & Women [80]

Love it,Im,if you dont know me,totally behind both yours and mirandas statements :) I'll be honest,I was trolling,hoping to bring out some real Empire lovers just to shoot 'em down.

What I will say is that,undoubtedly Empire brought many benifits as well as many bad points. There is no point in looking back on history with a modern judgemental attitude. For instance,The British in the Sudan in the 1880's and 90s were there on a "christian mission" to free the slaves. Of course now it would be seen as interfearing with a soverign nations right to self determination as witnessed by darfur.
19 Mar 2008
Life / Warsaw - most boring capital in Europe, after Brussels - comments? [78]

lol,yes,we have loads of anachronistic "laws" that are still on the table:)
I rather imagine anyone trying the Bow n arrow thing would be charged with murder ......I hope :)
Theres also laws such as Taxi drivers having to carry Hay in their cars because in the "olden days" when the origional Hackney carraiges were horse drawn feed was obliged to be carried.

( see, Hack drivers,something I know is slang in the states,comes from olde londone :) )
19 Mar 2008
News / Should we change the rules to let Poles join the British Army? [119]

Hi Carol,been busy with "real life" ;) so to speak :)
Personally,I dont think any rules should be changed,what I do feel though is that,someone who wants to make a long term commitment to a new country should have the ability/oppertunity,if they so wish,to serve that new country in anyway they feel comfortable with,be that Armed forces,Police or any such service. Of course,if they dont speak the lingo thats another issue. I know there is a huge proportion of Hispanics in todays US.Army,but I rather imagine they speak english as well as Spannish.
19 Mar 2008
Life / Culture & Women [80]

Ok then,girls,which country would you rather live in,the country where women are the property of men or the country that outlaws such a practice?
19 Mar 2008
Life / Warsaw - most boring capital in Europe, after Brussels - comments? [78]

If you do Z' let me know and I shall make the effort to try to show you around one day.
(just make sure you dont have Scottish ancestry....as one of the ancient laws,still not repealed,is that a native born son of York is legaly entitled to shoot,with a bow and arrow,any Scotsman found within the city walls after dark !!!! ;) )
19 Mar 2008
News / Should we change the rules to let Poles join the British Army? [119]

Good point Carol,Im minded of a certain British gentleman who was one of the Hero's of the 1st air cav in the battles of the Ia Drang valley,a platoon leader,considered one of the best by Hal Moore. This chap,went on to become head of security for a certain company in a certain building in NY......untill a certain day in september a few years back when his employment ,along with 3000 others was terminated one sunny morning.