UK, Ireland /
How do people perceive Poland in the UK? [28]
In Ireland, they are well liked and respected in general.
They are white, christian and hard workers. If they had a better command of English, there would be no problems at all. This will come with time.
People would far prefer to have the Poles than some of the other immigrants we could have.
It is true that you see scumbags in their baseball caps cursing at women, kurwa this, kurwa that. The worst place is Midelton in Cork. There are many polish criminals in this town.
Similar to AV, I had to put up with a lot of ******** because my partner is Polish. Polish men all thought they had some right to fcuk her because she is Polish.
I have had drunken Polish men calling to my door asking to borrow money at 3am.
I have had drunken Polish men barge into my sitting room at 9am completely drunk and spilling alcohol.
Polish guys punctured the tyre on my car.
Once I got fed up and started kicking the **** out of them, they weren't so tough anymore. They think they are great fighters, but they are drunken idiots, one hard punch and a lot of them will go down.
They think because they are Polish that they are somehow superior to Irish people, they have a major chip on their shoulder (a lot like they seem to claim the German are all the time, even though I've never seen German do this). A lot of the younger Polish guys like to think they're gangsters, even though if they met a real gangster, they would **** in their trousers.
The Polish women comment all day 24/7 about how ugly or fat Irish women are, and how much better things are in Poland, but if you ask them why they left Poland if its so good, they become offended.
Or they will talk trash about other good Polish people even when they don't know them.
Its very scary for a woman over here because a lot of the Polish men are utter b*stards and can act in a way they wouldn't be able to in Poland, they don't batt an eyelid, but even worse, the women will label another women a ***** even though she may have never done anything.
In a lot of ways, it was a great shock getting to know some of the Polish immigrants because they are so dis-honest and do not stick together, but instead try to climb to the top of the pile by hurting each other.
For a while I was borderline racist and hated Polish men more than any other, but i think a lot of these criminals had to move to other places, so now we have mostly good Polish immigrants or at least they are the only visible ones.