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Posts by dannyboy  

Joined: 15 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 1 Aug 2007
Threads: Total: 18 / In This Archive: 16
Posts: Total: 248 / In This Archive: 212
From: Ireland
Speaks Polish?: Used to speak it reasonably well, forgotten a lot. My Russian is mediocre (I work too hard laik!)
Interests: Bodybuilding, Russian/Polish, Music, Reading, S3)(, economics, politics, cars, driving, cooking,

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1 Jun 2007
Language / Most-used Polish verbs (and every-day sentences) [37]

lisa, this is a good resource: apronus.com/learnpolish

goto byki.com and download their free polish software, I bought the full version, its brilliant and really works.
31 May 2007
Language / Most-used Polish verbs (and every-day sentences) [37]

I've found only '301 Polish Verbs' *lol*

Thats the new book, the older one is better and has an extra 200 verbs (although the extra 200 aren't that common to be fair)

just got 'Teach yourself Polish' so i know what i'm going to be doing later. lol

Thats crap, one of the worst ones I've used.
31 May 2007
Life / Smoking ban - will this be coming to Poland like other EU countries? [183]

I don't see anything wrong with baning smoking at the restaurants, official buildings, any public places. However, it is silly to ban it even in the taverns. That's what people are going there for, to drink and to smoke. I say - let them. I don't have to be there. There is no smoking in Chicago for a couple of years already and the cigarettes, I think are over $7.00... smoking is a 'luxury' nowadays...and a waste of money.
But, Tobacco companies are still doing well in China, Russia and Europe.

Governments are interested in reducing the expenditure for the National Health Services, removing the various problems associated with smoking does a lot to alleviate the situation.

I'm not preaching, I was off ciggy for a year and went back on a few weeks ago, only smoking in the evenings after the gym tho, 3max per day

They outlawed 10boxes in Ireland today, we're probably a step ahead of the rest of Europe in the fight against smoking (and a step behind in everything else ;-)
31 May 2007
Language / What is the most annoying thing about non-native Polish speakers? [90]

Quoting: dannyboy
speakers tend to speak grammar quite well

A perfect example of excellent grammar!

LOL ;-)

I was tired.
Besides, part of the reason I posted was because I have caught myself making so many grammatical mistakes lately, due to my GF.
She speaks english very well, however, her grammar can be a disaster at times and I seem to be absorbing some of it unfortunately.
24 May 2007
Language / What is the most annoying thing about non-native Polish speakers? [90]

What is the most frustrating mistake that non-native Polish speakers frequently make?
I suppose its probably something to do with cases.

For me, slavic speakers of english never seem to fully grasp the use of 'the' and pronoun usage which can be a little frustrating after 3 years.

German speakers tend to speak grammar quite well, however, they frequently get confused between v and w.

Spanish speakers tend to have problems pronouncing words.
French speakers tend to have a strange rhythym.

Scandanavian speakers tend to speak perfect english
24 May 2007
Life / Light switches in Poland versus Western Europe [14]

Well your the teacher, so you tell me. :-)

macumba, don't take it the wrong way, i was joking mate.

Wroclaw, I agree but it seems to be consistently different. I just find it interesting, because there are so many things like this. I often wonder if its a remainder of communisim.

For example, instead of importing taps, a factory would have to be setup to do it the communist way, thereby creating jobs and industries.
For example hot and cold taps are on different sides (in fact Uk&Ireland have a hot and cold tap as opposed to Europe which more sensibly has a single tap [faucet for our american friends])
22 May 2007
Life / How do Polish view others [116]

I enjoyed the reply by bookratt, and bubbawoo. Some interesting points.
good point about the double edged sword of religion too bubba.
22 May 2007
UK, Ireland / How do people perceive Poland in the UK? [28]

In Ireland, they are well liked and respected in general.

They are white, christian and hard workers. If they had a better command of English, there would be no problems at all. This will come with time.

People would far prefer to have the Poles than some of the other immigrants we could have.

It is true that you see scumbags in their baseball caps cursing at women, kurwa this, kurwa that. The worst place is Midelton in Cork. There are many polish criminals in this town.

Similar to AV, I had to put up with a lot of ******** because my partner is Polish. Polish men all thought they had some right to fcuk her because she is Polish.

I have had drunken Polish men calling to my door asking to borrow money at 3am.
I have had drunken Polish men barge into my sitting room at 9am completely drunk and spilling alcohol.
Polish guys punctured the tyre on my car.

Once I got fed up and started kicking the **** out of them, they weren't so tough anymore. They think they are great fighters, but they are drunken idiots, one hard punch and a lot of them will go down.

They think because they are Polish that they are somehow superior to Irish people, they have a major chip on their shoulder (a lot like they seem to claim the German are all the time, even though I've never seen German do this). A lot of the younger Polish guys like to think they're gangsters, even though if they met a real gangster, they would **** in their trousers.

The Polish women comment all day 24/7 about how ugly or fat Irish women are, and how much better things are in Poland, but if you ask them why they left Poland if its so good, they become offended.

Or they will talk trash about other good Polish people even when they don't know them.
Its very scary for a woman over here because a lot of the Polish men are utter b*stards and can act in a way they wouldn't be able to in Poland, they don't batt an eyelid, but even worse, the women will label another women a ***** even though she may have never done anything.

In a lot of ways, it was a great shock getting to know some of the Polish immigrants because they are so dis-honest and do not stick together, but instead try to climb to the top of the pile by hurting each other.

For a while I was borderline racist and hated Polish men more than any other, but i think a lot of these criminals had to move to other places, so now we have mostly good Polish immigrants or at least they are the only visible ones.
18 May 2007
Love / I cheated on my girlfriend (I'm British, my gf is Polish) [167]

Daffy, your close enough.

Don't think my GF is like that. She would probably - shout, scream, through a tantrum, say how bad irish doors are compared to Polish doors, go into a big rant about how in Poland they are given classes on how to open the doors with style and the education system concerning opening doors is so much superior.

But she still wouldn't be able to get the door open :-p
18 May 2007
USA, Canada / My personal (Polish) view on USA. [105]

I agree with you on most of those points except for the democracy bit.

Unfortunately the threat to democracy in the USA is far larger than what people realise at the moment. Every consecutive president brings in a progressively more autocratic system and the mainstream are gradually becoming more conservative.

I believe the truest representation of democracy today exists in the EU.

The UK also took on the challenge of world police long before the US, as did the French, however this was done in the name of Empire and Imperial power.

One of the redeeming features of US global power is that they do not require an untermensch in the same way that other Empires did.

One thing is sure. The world would have been fcuked if the US weren't involved in the last century.
18 May 2007
Travel / Beware the peacocks at Lazienski Park in Warsaw [36]

Quoting: dannyboy
His extreme fascination with ham sandwiches is also a point of interest.

Hmm. This is news to me. Let's hope that he doesn't (or does) have a John Bonham moment then!

He doesn't eat the sandwiches, he believes the sandwiches are alien life forms which guide him in his day to day political decisions.

Do ham sandwiches speak Polish?
18 May 2007
USA, Canada / My personal (Polish) view on USA. [105]

crazywhores, you make some good points.

I don't agree with all out freedom, nor with all out banning.

I think the world has changed a lot, since that consitution was penned, and America is both WorldPolice and PublicEnemy No.1 at the same time.

Its unlikely that America would be invaded nowadays but that could all change in the next 5 years for all we know.
I don't expect war in Europe but its possible.
Some crazy Pole may invade Germany to get revenge for the humiliation of WW2, in much the same way the Germans did for the treaty of versailles after WW1.
18 May 2007
News / More On Polish Worker exploitation [5]

Least they have no stress in their jobs, try working in IT.

biggest mistake ever, crap money, horrible work.
18 May 2007
Travel / Beware the peacocks at Lazienski Park in Warsaw [36]

Kaczynski was noted on several occasions to have been wearing a peacock suit before parlimentary discussions.
His extreme fascination with ham sandwiches is also a point of interest.
17 May 2007
Love / Foreigner's opinion about polish ladies [304]

Quoting: dannyboy
Personally, I find the Polish women are difficult to get pregnant, they demand too much intensive force!

ohohooo, u mean polish ladies are not that easy to f**?:P and very good:P we, poles are prolific and we have no problem with gettin pregnant!^^ maybe we just dotn wanna let anybody do it, we wait for apropriate man!;p

No-no, I have the polish woman already, she is my trophy, on the mantelpiece next to the wall with the lion's head and the elephant tusks.

But she demands too much intensive force.

Therefore because she is an individual who is Polish I deduce that all Polish women must be so.

So you see my logic is infallable.
16 May 2007
Love / Why english men like polish women ? [126]

Polish men hm.... one men very nice, two not nice

I think she means to say a polish man on his own is friendly, curteous however when he is in a group, he is not quite so.

Basia, there are plenty of good Polish men too because I have met them (although they never bought me a drink, funnily enough ;=).

Perhaps you have just been unlucky?
16 May 2007
News / Polish/German/Russian relations [304]

I strongly disagree.

I believe the science of determining a persons character based on preconceived stereotypical misinformation (a.k.a propaganda) is as useful as studying sheep turds and intestines to determine if the gods are angry with us.

Judging by the amount of turd on PolishForums lately, I think a volcano will erupt soon enough.