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Posts by Maati  

Joined: 4 Nov 2006 / Female ♀
Last Post: 15 Feb 2007
Threads: Total: 1 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 178 / In This Archive: 158
From: Poland
Interests: Literature, Art, Linguistics

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28 Jan 2007
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

Africa? Why not?
I live in Warsaw ( the city where my family is from many generations back) and I feel very comfortable there.
28 Jan 2007
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

"Nasz Dziennik" and Radio Maryja are quite popular even among "Polonia" in the US and Canada, believe me.
28 Jan 2007
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

Because I live in Warsaw and I'm very comfortable there. It's my home.
If anything, I'll go and live on one of the Carribean Islands, where my partner still have relatives.
28 Jan 2007
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

Yes, that's true, Matyjasz.

Africa is a better choice.

Why? Since when you are an expert on Africa?
28 Jan 2007
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

Yeah, I know. Some of our firends relocated to their homeland from the States. Well-educated people. They don't regret. Stop being sarcastic.
28 Jan 2007
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

What else can I say to the extremist nationalist pervert, Bojownik ?
And I see you are not only the expert on African issues, but also internet psychoanalyst. Impressing.
28 Jan 2007
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

BTW where are you now? Why you are not in your beloved Poland trying to save her from culture degradation, hmm...? As a Polish patriot, you should have been working for Poland, not for USA, internet warrior.
31 Jan 2007
Life / Having a Baby in Poland [28]

it depends where you'll be.
i had my 2 daughters at zelazna hospital in warsaw and it was one (two )of the best experiences in my life.
midwife and the doctor could speak very good english , so my partner knew what's going on (i'm polish).
2 weeks before childbirth i met my midwife to prepare the birth plan.
also, i was having water childbirth with my second daughter.
31 Jan 2007
Life / Having a Baby in Poland [28]

This is supermodel Alek Wek.

Been long time since I see you again

We met somewhere?
1 Feb 2007
Life / Poland has killed my inner child [105]

U r not the only one...
What you don't like the most here and where do you live?
Maybe you need entertainment?
1 Feb 2007
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

America needs people like Bojownik around so don't you give him any ideas to leave! We all miss Poland but we have our lives here and U.S. is just as good of a place to feel proud of being white as any!!!!!
It is better for Poles to be colonizing other parts of the world!

The truth is that YOU need AMERICA. America does not need anybody. It will be just fine without you two, believe me.
1 Feb 2007
Life / Poland has killed my inner child [105]

90% of Poles I know will say that they hate Poland and this country is really hopeless.
"No future for me, no future for you."
What makes you so depressed here?
1 Feb 2007
Life / Poland has killed my inner child [105]

Entertainment... Hmm. Suggestions?
(To tell the truth, am a little bored of the night clubs and pretty girls, I want something with a bit more substance. Alas substance is what life in this country sadly lacks...)

Hmmm... what do you mean? What "substance"you find in UK?
1 Feb 2007
Life / Poland has killed my inner child [105]

What about your Polish wife? Why she's not going to help you and organise your "intellectual and cultural" life? There is a great alternative club in Mokotów called Pruderia. Some English perverts were playing there on New Years Eve. I love them , really!

They are coming back here for more shows. In M25 we have had Scottish DJs invasion.
I cannot wait to go there and see them again! These clubs are not about pretty girls.

If you are really bored, you always can sign up for my classes too :) I teach Polish.
1 Feb 2007
Life / Poland has killed my inner child [105]
"**** the pain away" guys were playing there. They are coming back.
I cannot wait for Vogel night.
Schmidt, Landstrumm and Tresor DJs were playing there before.

Also, you can check Britain in Poland section on British Council website.
1 Feb 2007
Life / Poland has killed my inner child [105]

Unfortunately it's not so easy to get away when you have ties here, like a wife. Though suppose I could divorce her....

Aw, you have relationship problems, right?
That happens. Quite often.
It's normal. Get over it!
And also- University Library- you may find good English literature there.
You don't need to be a student to sing up .
3 Feb 2007
Love / having an affair with a Polish man (but he has a wife and a child) [266]

My father has quite dark complexion( for Polish standards ) but green eyes and blond hair at the same time... I haven't noticed Polish guys with dark looks. Maybe she met people from South of Europe and she has taken them for Poles. (?)
4 Feb 2007
Polonia / Germans: Do Poles like them or dislike them? [217]

Yesterday one of my students from Germany asked me this question.

He was told by many ppl that when he comes to PL, he must be very very cautious, because in PL ppl steal a lot, espacially if someone is a foreigner. He was scared of conversating in English with me, while walking through Nowy Świat and Krakowskie Przedmieście in Warsaw (!)...

I live in Warsaw all my life and nothing like this never happened to me here. My partner is a foreigner and also nobody was never trying to steal anything from him here.

Why always we (Polish ppl) have to be responsible for some stupid Polish folks, who used to go in the past to Germany to steal their cars etc. Anyways, is it more like urban myth or really Polish folks steal there a lot, so German ppl are scared to speak foreign language, even while walking through the most beautiful street in Warsaw full of foreigners on Saturday afternoon?
4 Feb 2007
Life / Black American Living In Poland [283]

Epicurus, I don't know if you noticed- James is not a gangsta drug dealer, but office manager in U.S. Army. Whatever you think about American politics and military, you should respect army members, as long as you live in the US (Florida). I am telling you this being against war in Iraq and against keeping US military everywhere in this Planet.

Yesterday one of my students asked me, if Polish folks steal alot. He was scared of conversating in English with me walking through Nowy Świat. That's the opinion some German folks have about Polish people. Didn't you think that what you are saying here is bunch of stereotypes?
4 Feb 2007
Polonia / Germans: Do Poles like them or dislike them? [217]

Yes, I know.

The guy didn't have any intentions to offend me , since I was his teacher.

My problem is what other foreign folks, I assume German ppl, told him, that he was so scared of being robbed in PL and told me he was affraid to speak English, so he will not be robbed on the street. (!)It's like paranoia. I was walikng through the most expensive, beautiful streets in Warsaw with him (Krakowskie Przedmiescie, Nowy Swiat).
5 Feb 2007
Life / Black people in Poland [357]

Jesus is God. God the father and Jesus visited me. If you ask Jesus to visit you he may pay you a surprise visit also.

Good joke!
10 Feb 2007
Food / Is there McDonalds, KFC, Pizza Hut etc in Poland? Food survey. [222]

Unfortunately, AmRest reigns in Poland. They are going to introduce Starbucks too.
KFC, PizzaHut, Rodeo Drive, Fresh Point , Burger King and their biggest competition McDonalds.
In Poland schools don't offer fast food to their students, that's why are relatively slim.
10 Feb 2007
Food / Is there McDonalds, KFC, Pizza Hut etc in Poland? Food survey. [222]

Do people in Poland not like Pizza or is it that they don't like Pizza Hut? I mean since it was closed.

Pizza Hut is still in Poland and it's doing very well. Burger King will come back to PL after a while. We have many coffe bars like Starbucks already. I think Starbucks will be their biggest competition.