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Are Polish People Racist? [1037]
Quoting: Fulabasz, Post #949
I would also prefer that if someone wants to debate, they do so with facts, not opinions and insults.
He calls this debate?
I'.................................................................. ..................capitalize
yes, yes we know you capitalize your facts. hmmmmmmmm.
you know what, I think those who are debating with you, arent basing their
views on cold hard evidence. Jose made a point, which sticks like glue
that America was able to form a Union. all different countries. most do stick
within their own nationalities. some dont. And Point blank , theres nothing you
can do or anyone else about interacial marriages. you cant stop it.
I know I am happy with who I am, as many are. people come on here lately
basically saying that skin color means your the lowest form of life their is.
That is not cold hard facts. that is insulting and degrading! so people speak
up because that is their views. how they feel, and they dont like when someone
says mean, obnoxious things about them, because its not true. The Generalization
is a bit lacking in cold hard facts.
And then when we disagree, we get told to move to Africa, and we deserve it
and Debate about which Race is supreme is really out of hand.
I am sure in everyday life, you dont say these things, if you do, I am truely amazed
you must live in a house on a mountain, because people dont tolerate this type
of behavior. Whether its your views or not.
Everyone on here has their own preference, own views. Leave it at that.