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Posts by FISZ  

Joined: 14 Jun 2006 / Male ♂
Last Post: 16 Dec 2009
Threads: Total: 24 / In This Archive: 22
Posts: Total: 2116 / In This Archive: 1666

Interests: Snowboarding/ Travelling

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18 Jan 2007
Life / Black people in Poland [357]

I came to this forum to find some basic answers and see if I could do some advance research into how to I could best fit in and enjoy learning the history and culture of Poland

I don't think you'd have a problem in most places. This girl sounds like she's from a small town or sth. There are may universities that blacks attend. Of course some people will be curious and stare, but I don't think you'll get too much negative reaction and staring is quite common. I've seen many black people in PL and they were getting along with everyone...some even spoke polish. Don't sweat it..you'll probably be with other people anyway.
18 Jan 2007
News / Hurricane Warning Issued For Poland [17]

Warsaw, Poland 18 January, 2007. A rare hurricane that has hit Germany See will reach Poland within the next 24 hours. Winds of up to 180 kph are expected througout Poland.

People across the country are being warned to protect things on their balconies from the high winds. Drivers are warned not to park under trees and to avoid driving if at all possible.

Northern Poland is still recovering from the damage that was done last week when it was hit with high winds of up to 120 kph. Winds of 180 kph can be expected to cause much more damage in the region as well as damage in other parts of Poland.

High winds are expected to start this evening and will begin subsiding tomorrow.

s this currently breaking news for those of you in Poland?
18 Jan 2007
News / Made in Poland products? [66]

I've had Danone in Poland and it was similar. We do have a lot of companies that make crummy yogurts. I like to buy plain and blend in my own fruit.
18 Jan 2007
Love / Matrix says that POLISH GIRLS= NOTHNIG SPECIAL [279]

Oh boze.... Listen..I have no issues with you and I wasn't referring to you in any of my statements...I would've told you so when you asked. Stop trying to act so tuff. This is why I asked you that question. Really...spoko :)
18 Jan 2007
Love / Matrix says that POLISH GIRLS= NOTHNIG SPECIAL [279]

Wow...are we feeling guilty of being a twit?

I'm happy that you have family from Poznan. I'm sure they're good people :)

Want YOu?

What do you mean by this?
17 Jan 2007
Travel / Visit to Cracow [28]

since its my b/day I have the say so in these matters...

uh huh....even if it wasn't I'm sure you do anyway :)
17 Jan 2007
USA, Canada / American attitude towards Poland [89]

I'm in the telecommunications field. I was just curious as to where they originated myself :)
17 Jan 2007
Travel / Visit to Cracow [28]

I think she means where people dress up nicely...some clubs don't allow jeans and sneakers but, I've never run into a club in PL that had a dress code. A I'm sure wherever you go some people will be wearing jeans and the majority will be dressed up a bit.
17 Jan 2007
Travel / Visit to Cracow [28]

I hope you have a Bappy Birthday A!! I'm sure you'll have fun no matter what.
17 Jan 2007
USA, Canada / American attitude towards Poland [89]

PS: Somewhere on this board there is also FISZ's explanation. Also very true.

part of the post....

In the 1960s, West Germans began a Polish joke cycle in response to tensions with then-Communist Poland. This was then imported into American comedy.
The civil rights movement made color-based ethnic humor increasingly unacceptable (though, obviously, it never vanished completely), and the rise of left-wing comedians made blue-collar conservatism the butt of many jokes. Working-class Polish-Americans made classic, and acceptable, targets of ethnic jokes.

But Polish-Americans were now too integrated for jokes about broken English and social slip-ups to make sense. So the jokes emphasized technological stupidity.
This struck a chord. In the midst of an arms race, a space race and the increase of techno gadgets in daily life, technology seemed either threatening or just hard to keep up with.

Jokes about people who didn’t understand technology or the logic behind it articulated that anxiety and relieved it by transferring it to another group.

Polish jokes exploded in popularity. By the 1980s, many kids repeating such jokes though “Polack” was another word for “moron” rather than someone from an actual country. Recently, Polish jokes have become socially unacceptable, both because of anti-defamation groups (which recently got a Polish joke removed from “The Drew Carey Show” and because the Solidarity movement of the early ’80s showed Poles were smart and pro-democracy, to boot. But the need to pick on a minority and saddle it with our fears about still-increasing technology remains. The same old jokes are still circulating, now applied to such “acceptable” targets as Iraqis and blondes.
