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Joined: 9 May 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 11 Sep 2016
Threads: Total: 5 / In This Archive: 3
Posts: Total: 1767 / In This Archive: 983
From: Europe
Speaks Polish?: Trying hard (sometimes) to learn...
Interests: Music, sport, history, geography, science, languages...and probably Poland too.

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30 Jun 2007
News / What do you think about what the Kaczynskis say about Germans ? [90]

No i've been in Poland a lot !! My mom is Polish, I'm 19, so i think i've been in Poland like 19 times ! LoL :p actually i try to go there each year. Last time i was there, it was in December, i spent Christmas and the "Happy New Year" in Zakopane ;) It was nice !!

And sorry, yes i'm going there soon ;) next Friday, to the North-West, to the sea ;)
30 Jun 2007
News / What do you think about what the Kaczynskis say about Germans ? [90]

LoL Puzzler ;)

Well, who is Polonophobic ?? Not me, i'm sure of it :p But yes the person who is even a little Polonophobic is quite bad. ;)

I have anything against Christianity but i think it's a personnal thing, you cannot put Christian things all day long in everything. Religion, for me, is a personal matter. We do believe in god, or we don't. Laicity is good because each one has the choice to believe in god or not. By the way, there is something i'd like to know : is Poland a laic country ?

That's all for now ;)
30 Jun 2007
News / What do you think about what the Kaczynskis say about Germans ? [90]

Roman is not a very brainy guy, but he is nothing compared to your Le Pen and dude not so long ago was in the 2nd round of presidential elections, wasn't he ?

LoL Grzegorz_ yeah, we have Le Pen, but i have nothing to see with the 2nd round of the presidential (in 2002) because i couldn't vote. ;)

Polson, also Roman Giertych has been demonised by the media hacks, not only in Poland, but all over Europe. There are, for example, dripping-with-hateful-venom attacks against him by the Italian hacks.

And his father Maciej has been demonised by the EU Parliament itself. Especially its German members scolded him angrily for - guess what? - his alleged 'antisemitism.'

Maybe he has been demonised, but i think you can't say he's a very nice person by being even a little "anti-semitic", and by wanting Polish schools to stop reading books of Goethe or Sienkiewicz, but to prefer more "Christian" ones, or i don't remember what. It's a good point that his suggestions are rarely taken seriously but he's...dangerous ! LoL ;)
30 Jun 2007
Life / Polish Kids - Polish speaking? Bilingual? only English? [56]

I'm fluent in French...Je parle bien le français étant donné que je suis né en France et que je vis en France depuis dix-neuf ans...but I think the reason is that i'm French, i think it helps :p LoL
30 Jun 2007
News / What do you think about what the Kaczynskis say about Germans ? [90]

Polson, as for so-called 'homophobia' in Poland. - In Poland, many people object to the gay 'parades,' to the propagation of homosexuality in schools, and to the attempts to 'convert' to one's 'sexual orientation.' Many Poles don't care who sleeps with whom, as long as it is not advertised noisily. They regard - perhaps rightly? - the noisy advertising as abhorrent and shameless.

I didn't know that there was a "propagation" of homosexality and "conversions" ? It sounds weird because when gays want to do a parade, I saw some cities who refused, so how they do to propagate or convert people ? Actually, if what you say is true ("propagation in schools" and changing the sexual's orientation, even if i don't know if it can be changed...), so yeah i agree, it's not really acceptable, but is it really true, or is it one of the stupid speech of Giertych...LoL i don't know if you support him, but he's maybe worst than the 2 bros ;) LoL

You're a lucky guy - you can go to Poland soon and have all the Polish food you want. Have a good time there.

Yes i know !! I wish i was already there, but i have to wait until next Friday...grrrr ! LoL
We have some remaining pierogi at home, so when we will be there, we will buy more !
29 Jun 2007
News / What do you think about what the Kaczynskis say about Germans ? [90]

LoL okay so I see there will never be an end to this topic with us ;)

I ate something i don't know what it's called, but it's the kind of quick preparation food, but it was quite good. I'm waiting for next week, I will be in Poland and i will be able to eat all the pierogi i want ! I love them ! LoL ;)

I worked in a farm this morning and i think i should go to bed now, because i don't want to get up at noon tomorrow ! ;)

Dobra noc !

PS : the Poles are modern ;) i was just talking about horunPoland and his homophobia.
29 Jun 2007
News / What do you think about what the Kaczynskis say about Germans ? [90]

Stay calm Puzzler, and i'm well-educated if you want to know ;)

I don't know if you read it but i'm half Polish, my mother is Polish, so I don't want to attack Poland or saying wrong things about it.

I didn't say that the Poles were not modern !! It's just the fact of being untolerant that is not modern.
Then, all i said about the Kaczynskis were back up but another one :

Polish Prime Minister: 'Something Very Negative' Happening in Germany

In a radio interview, Poland's prime minister issues an ominous warning about Berlin, implying that contemprorary Germany is comparable to the time that saw Adolf Hitler rise to power.


"...The elfin-featured prime minister apparently feels "something very negative" is happening in Germany. In a Tuesday radio interview quoted by AFP, Kacyzinski added: "Like an era which has already passed, the large majority of Europeans didn't have the courage to talk about it, it is the same today."..."

Why would I invent it all, I have other things to do. It's just what they said, you can read articles maybe on or any other Polish or foreign websites, they said that. Maybe not both of us, I think it was Jaroslaw.

Do you think that all the Germans were Nazis ? There were a lot of them who were against, but if they told it, they were killed. People in Germany at this time (as in other countries) had great difficulty to have a normal life after crises. Hitler, first, was a kind of "the man of the situation", because he knew how to boost the economy, so people was hoping something good would happen.

Sure there were pro-Nazis, but not all the Germans were Nazis.

I also told you I'm not protecting the Germans, but just criticizing what the Kaczynskis sometimes say, that's all. I didn't insult the Poles (because i'm part Polish, it would have no sense to insult them/us).

Most is right : as Angela Merkel was born 10 years after the end of the war, how can you think she was involved in the Nazis "crazyness" ??

Most of today's Germans regret what happened in the past, and the other hand, i understand that it's a complicated situation for the Poles, they suffered a lot, but they'd like to have an unified Europe : one common point with the Germans.


I'm going to eat, i guess you're not going to say me "smacznego"... ;)
29 Jun 2007
News / What do you think about what the Kaczynskis say about Germans ? [90]

re: So no I didn't invent it all, i just saw it !

- But where, when? Can you give the name of the source, a quote? - The stuff by Butty, from the German media, seems to be a misrepresentation. Kaczynski has never said that today Germany is like Hitler's Germany.

So you provide evidence to me by quoting from Butty's post, from his quote from the German media? Do you think it's credible?

I told you ! The Kaczynskis (or one of them) told it in radio, how do you want me to prove it, i've just read this fact on the Internet.

About the voting system, i said i think the one suggested by the Kaczynskis is better because it would give more power to little countries (even if Poland and Spain are not little countries). I agree with them, it's okay. I just don't like the way they say that it's the fault of the Germans if today Poland has less population. First it was the fault of the Nazis, then it's enough difficult for German people to accept this part of their history, and to finish, Angela Merkel has nothing to see with what happened 60 years ago.

I'm not protecting the Germans, or accusing the Poles of anything, i just want to know how they react when the Kaczynskis have these kind of speeches in front of all Europe. know that Poland suffers a lot of the Second WW (as many other countries), but it's time to pass over it, and try to build a strong and unified Europe as you told me. )

That's all for now !

About homophoby, i can't understand what's the problem ! If it really disgusts you, so why don't you stop looking at them. Let them live their lifes, and you'll see, yours will be better too ;) Be modern, bud !
28 Jun 2007
Life / Polish Kids - Polish speaking? Bilingual? only English? [56]

Hey ! I'm 19, live in France, my mother is Polish and my father is French. When I was a child my mother used to speak to me in Polish, so I was fluent (or almost as I was very young) in both languages : Polish and French. But at school i mixed both languages and my friends laughed at me, so I stopped speaking in Polish (unfortunately).

Today, i speak only a little Polish (i'm trying to learn more though ;) ) but it's not an easy language, LoL. I think there is a good point in all that : it's that today i love languages, i had no difficulty to learn English, i can speak also Spanish, a bit of German and Polish, and I'm trying to learn some Swedish. It's gonna be a real good thing for me when i'll start working the fact of speaking many languages ;)

So, if i had a piece of advice to give you, it's just to try teaching Polish to your kids or kids of anyone else. I don't see anything dangerous with that. ;)

Good night !
28 Jun 2007
Travel / The best holiday destination in Poland? [34]

Actually it depends on you prefer.

For a beautiful city full of history not far from the mountains, Cracow, for the same criteria but on the sea coast maybe Gdansk even thought i've never been there yet, but i'd like to ;) Then if you want real night life or i don't know how say it, maybe Warsaw.

But you can also choose smaller cities like told before Sopot for example, near Gdansk, and very nice ! ;)

Have a nice day buddy ! ;)
28 Jun 2007
News / What do you think about what the Kaczynskis say about Germans ? [90]

Okay, first of all, i had to look for the meaning of "faggots" LoL and i found "gay"...
Are you homophobic ?
And you used the word "infecting" ?? Do you think that homosexuality is a disease ??!

I don't understand what you've just said...because there are non-conservatives presidents in this world who are not gay... ;)
28 Jun 2007
News / What do you think about what the Kaczynskis say about Germans ? [90]

"...But some observers see different motivations coming from the Kaczynskis, including the editorial writers at the Augsburger Allgemeine newspaper, who note: "All the prime minister cares about with his venomous and bile-filled attacks against Germany ... is to help shore up his diminishing popularity in Poland."..."

So no I didn't invent it all, i just saw it ! ;)

I don't like the Kaczynskis because i think there are too conservatives, they want too much the Church to be part of the government, if you want to know I'm against almost all of their ideas. I just said that i didn't like them, but if you do, i respect your opinion, it's okay ;)

About France, i don't think we're that much Polonophobic (for my part, I can't, cause I'm half Polish, my mother was born there, and i have family there, i often go there, almost every year, and i'll be on the Baltic sea coasts in one week, LoL). And I've never heard bad things about the Poles here, except maybe a politics one day, but that's all, i guess.

We like Poland. More and more French go to Poland each year ;)

About Lech K. being single i'm sorry, i didn't know he was married, maybe it's his brother, Jaroslaw who's still single and give all of his wage to his mom... :p

If you started insulting our dear president Sarkozy, I promise you, i would...n't blame you, i don't like him a lot neither, i didn't vote for him. :p

;) Peace guys!
28 Jun 2007
News / What do you think about what the Kaczynskis say about Germans ? [90]

All the things I said about the Kaczynskis, i found them in the newspapers and on the internet. For my "poor single ducks" i can explain, it's not the way we call them in France, but just the fact that they're still single, as long as I know, and "ducks" was used first by the Poles, themselves because of the name "Kaczynski" and "duck" in Polish "Kaczki", i didn't create it, i knew it.

Then yes i know that if they are at the head of the government it's because they had been elected by the majority. But well-educated (LoL) and modern people of Polish cities voted in majority for Tusk, while poor farmers of the countryside influenced by the Church voted for Mr. K. ;) By the way, i saw that it was quite a surprise when he was elected.

One last thing : about the popularity of the 2 brothers, i don't think they're supported that much, at least, less than before.
28 Jun 2007
News / What do you think about what the Kaczynskis say about Germans ? [90]

I saw this many times in newspapers and on the internet. They always think Germany is a danger for Poland, and things like that. Actually, it seems that they want all the Poles against the Germans, as if we were still in 1940, but it's not.

And another stupid, and quite funny thing (but I don't know if the Kaczki are involved), i saw that Polish police officers, instead of catching thieves and murderers, have to go to the Baltic beaches and check if there are no topless girls (because apparently it's forbidden in Poland). It's kind of "Middle Ages" decisions, so conservative !! We're in 2007 ! It's not a crime just to want to sunbathe ! Is it ?... LoL In 10 days I will be on the Baltic coast, and i don't want to have cops around me at the beach ! ;)

Okay dzieki ! ;) It's what i thought, but wasn't sure. I have family in Poland, maybe it happens to make joke about German people (not often though), but it's more friendly than very bad.
28 Jun 2007
News / What do you think about what the Kaczynskis say about Germans ? [90]

Hey ! First of all I must say that i don't like the Kaczynskis, Tusk was better than those...poor single ducks ;) sorry

I just wondered how Poles react on what they say about Germany ? Comparing them to the nazis for example ?

I must say that i prefer their voting system better than the one proposed in the Constitution, but I think they're going too far by saying that today's Germany is the same as Hitler's one ???!!

If there are Germans, they're welcome to answer too ;)

Have a nice day !

9 May 2007
Life / considering a move to poland :-) [19]

Merged: Emigration to Poland...

Hey everyone ! I'm half French, half Polish and I go to Poland every summer (or almost every summer). I wondered something : we're always discussing of Polish immigration, but I think there is also an emigration to Poland (I know it's not exactly the same thing).

I know there are Ukrainians working in Poland, some Vietnamese too...
Anyone has more information about that ? Are there Russians, Chinese, Africans (I lastly met Black people in Poland, more that before, lol)...?