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Posts by JuliePotocka  

Joined: 19 Nov 2007 / Female ♀
Last Post: 12 Mar 2008
Threads: Total: 5 / In This Archive: 4
Posts: Total: 188 / In This Archive: 123
From: USA, Orange
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: Opera, Art Galleries, walking on beaches, playing with my cousins

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28 Feb 2008
News / US military... how does poland feel about the US military? [70]

outintheyard - you are an original.

Zgubiony - Ah, that is different. Yes, your father could have lived the lifestyle of a hippie.

I personally called them:
Art Nouveau - early 1900s
'Flappers' - 'Roaring 20s'
Great Depression - '30s
'Zoot Suits' - '40s
'Beatniks' - '50s
'Rockers' - '70s
'Punks' - late '70s, early '80s
'Betty Crocker Death Rockers' for the '80s
'Goths' fit in there somewhere, early '90s with 'Skinny Puppy'
Becomes a blur, when everything blends in the mid '90s.
Oh, can't forget the 'Kinder Goths' of the late '90s, early 2000s!

There, summed up the 'The radical teenagers' to the present in a blink of an eye. Really, every generation cries out, and it's the same thing.

Of course, I also found that the leader of the Hippie movement was a long haired, bearded man, 'a Carpenter named Jesus', who said not to have possessions, and to help each other.

So, it appears that I just covered the cultural basics, not through all of history.

Perhaps Christians are the original Hippies, and I'm in error. ;)
28 Feb 2008
News / US military... how does poland feel about the US military? [70]

Hate to burst your bubble, but Hippies were a subculture movement of Beatniks from the '50s, who moved into San Francisco in the EARLY '60s. Also referred to as Hipsters. They moved into the Haight-Ashbury district. Hippies were at their height in 1967, and 1969 at 'Woodstock' was basically the end of the movement. Tendrils of this early '60s counterculture movement went around the world, but all things come to an end.

Thus, we can break it into the following:
Early Hippies: 1960 - 1966
Summer of Love: 1967
Revolution: 1968 - 1969

I don't see 1970s mentioned in there, unless you wish to count -

Aftershocks: 1970 - Present

That is MANUFACTURED, and Commercial, simply to make money off of people! You had to live it, in the 1960s, to be original.

Ergo, to say your dad, Rocky, was a Hippie in the 1970s, is in error; he was a 'rerun' like a television show, I'm sorry.

You can look it all up, it's been in books, etc. Of this, you can't argue with, sorry.
27 Feb 2008
Work / Six-figure USD income doing business in Poland... Possible? [44]

Davey - half million homes are now about $250,000 in some areas - I've seen it!!

JJ, you can drive my car if you have a license without any points against it, and promise not to drive it into things.

I know in the US, that the adults seem to be permanent teenagers (especially the guys in many cases).

People - are they that way in Poland, and everywhere else too? If so, I need to lower my expectations...that's all. (j/k)
25 Feb 2008
Work / Six-figure USD income doing business in Poland... Possible? [44]

Rocky, enjoy your hash. I choose not to indulge in such, because unless there's different types of mj, I personally like being AWAKE and not a couch potato!

All you ever see of potheads in the movies are watching tv until their mom either kicks them out, or she dies, and doesn't have to worry about the kid anymore.
24 Feb 2008
Food / First time eating Polish food [30]

No way am I correcting you - you were able to portray your feelings across perfectly!!
24 Feb 2008
Work / Six-figure USD income doing business in Poland... Possible? [44]

Rocky is in a stable area, I can verify the region. Very sought after area, I had contemplated buying an artists' loft with sales area, to help bring in the tourists 10 years ago. Never knew if they did it, but an artist's village fascinated me.

California is price crashing right now, and foreclosures are popping up everywhere.

You can purchase a gorgeous 7 bedroom Victorian home in the Midwest for UNDER $100,000, so I don't understand the comparison. I could buy a 3 bedroom house with garage for $40,000 right now there; just choose not to live there.
23 Feb 2008
History / Kresy-Siberia, Galicia [16]

I am tracing my family records, since that wasn't obvious. I've been pouring over maps, and became overwhelmed a bit.

Galacia is what was written down on at Ellis Island on some family members, as point of origin, when they left for America, but not all. Just kept seeing the word. Some never left, many did, just clearing up the grey areas. I'm finishing the story for the four arms of my family as thoroughly as possible, for present and future generations in an actual artistic graph.

I appreciate all information, thank you very much Eagle, for not looking down on my lack of information. Knowledge makes us stronger.

Carol, thank you too!! What you have done means much to many, and most appreciated that you are making sure that the Poles who were exterminated are not forgotten. Thank you for your efforts.
22 Feb 2008
History / Kresy-Siberia, Galicia [16]

Ah, okay...so Katyn is near it, I take?

Is it near the Uman, or the Tulczyn, Ukraine areas?
21 Feb 2008
USA, Canada / The 2nd Amendment (USA), the right to own guns [261]

Oh, I love pits - when they aren't abused. BTW - all but ONE of that guy's fighting pits are in rehabilitation! The female they had to put down, was the one who'd been raped and abused one too many times...poor thing.

There was a time when everyone in America wanted a pit, and 'Our Gang' had a pretty white one, with black around her eye. I just recalled a story, that's all.

I just prefer German Shepherds, because I grew up with them. I once was chased up a tree by two Dobies, because I couldn't tell if they were friendly or not, so I wasn't taking any chances. 'Red Feather' and 'Brutus,' we became friends after that incident, lol.

In truth, the only dogs I haven't liked I can count on one hand - and it was how the owner treated them, that made them nasty. I used to do wolf, and wolf hybrid rescue, and fell in love with those animals! The love and trust they freely give you - well, beats all dogs hands down. BUT - they simply don't belong in a house, or captive. Wild animals are so much more needy than you could ever believe, and it takes up much of your time. 'Shadow' was a black Canadian wolf I helped to rescue from breeders, who brought him into California illegally. I was the first person he trusted, and all he wanted was to be petted, tummy rubbed, and talked to nicely! He'd been beaten at the kennel, so was afraid of men. I still miss him, he would actually dance with me, and you can guess what I sang to him, while we danced, lol.
21 Feb 2008
History / German Deaf/Mute able to give voices to Hitler's personal videos...scary [29]

Filios - don't you want your family's story told, so they are counted and not forgotten?

I was in no way comparing you to that idiot of a 'relative' of mine, btw. She wishes to be ignorant, but her children have not been raised thus. This Aunt of theirs made sure they know. What I find odd is that the creature is blonde hair, blue eyed. Oh, they have since divorced, and good riddance.

Carol - I adore horses, and grew up with the knack of just knowing how to ride and jump them at age 7. Was a bit scary, but I never let a horse get the best of me, and always made fast friends with them.
21 Feb 2008
Genealogy / strange Polish mixes [116]

He looks like Polska mut to moi! /smile
21 Feb 2008
History / Kresy-Siberia, Galicia [16]

I wish for anyone to post whatever information they have on the Eastern section of Poland, and ask questions.

Galacia keeps popping up in my family history, and I'm trying to figure out where it is/was.
21 Feb 2008
History / German Deaf/Mute able to give voices to Hitler's personal videos...scary [29]

Filios, that's what I believe angers me; people want to quiet things down, because they feel they've seen enough. My half brother's wife had the audacity to ask me if what happened in Auschwitz was faked, because it seemed unlikely to have happened.

MANY teenagers today believe that the Holocaust NEVER happened, and was made up!!

I have been exposed to all of this since a child of 6 years old. Teacher I had when I was 9 years old was a Catholic Priest escapee from Communist Russia! It is just part of my life. I speak for those who cannot.

Carol and I have family that are Roman Catholic, and they were forgotten in this entire mess, because the focus of the Holocaust was on the Jews. Out of 18 million people, they accounted for 6 million. We are speaking up for the other forgotten 12 million who died, also in Kresy-Siberia concentration camps! Roman Catholic, Romanian, Gypsies, etc.!

We are both healthy minded and fine, but we have a MORAL OBLIGATION to stand up, and help the world to count the other 12 million!!
21 Feb 2008
History / German Deaf/Mute able to give voices to Hitler's personal videos...scary [29]

Don't ignore the facts, don't sweep the past under the rug.

We HAVE been moving forward. But it has only been in my lifetime, that all the pieces of Katyn and the truth of how many lost their lives has been allowed to be spoken of.

Unfortunately, we aren't guilt free in this, either, just by living in America!

American Companies helped Nazis:
21 Feb 2008
History / German Deaf/Mute able to give voices to Hitler's personal videos...scary [29]

I added a clip above, with music perhaps more scary with the film clips, as it goes rather well with them.

I think that we all are going forward, but we must remember history, and always question, question, question!

It doesn't matter if Hitler personally killed or not; he contributed to the deaths of 18 million PEOPLE, 'nuff said!!

Who says she's wrapped up in these disturbing facts, btw? She's a living REMINDER, as AM I.
I suppose, we are playing our parts as 'Speakers of the Dead'. There is no shame whatsoever for that, nor anything disturbing. Just HONOR.
21 Feb 2008
History / German Deaf/Mute able to give voices to Hitler's personal videos...scary [29]

Why do you say Carol is living in the past?? That is RUDE!

She is strong, and making sure that ALL of our ancestors are remembered!! 18 million people lost their lives between these two dictators, and all need to be accounted for. Why the HELL DO YOU WANT TO FORGET THOSE PEOPLE!?

Carol didn't make the videos - others did; others compiled them with music; people strongly feel that though we are going forward, we must NEVER FORGET!

18 million are our families, friends, neighbors, aunts, uncles...they should not be forgotten, buried under despicable conditions, starved, shot, raped, and who knows what else.

These were crimes against HUMANITY - and you want her to FORGET??

HISTORY repeats itself, if you FORGET!! We must take all the crimes to our hearts, and acknowledge they happened, and NOT BURY THEM.

Which part of this message are you just not getting!? WE are their future, their legacy - and you want us to forget them??

NEVER FORGET, always remember - and live on, honoring those who paid in BLOOD.
Nazis vs Communism vs Fascism
21 Feb 2008
USA, Canada / The 2nd Amendment (USA), the right to own guns [261]

I grew up with many collectable and working guns in the home, and German Shepherds (and a few wolf hybrids). None of us kids every shot anyone, and I felt that was pretty amazing, since I thought my half siblings weren't necessarily all there in the brainpan. We had toy guns, but had been taught if you didn't know the difference, do not touch it, bring an adult! The weight was a sheer indicator. I was taught to shoot since I was nine.

Oftentimes, kids are shot by trying to pick up a gun, to give to their parents in the house.

As for dogs, I scared a pitbull owner, because they got stupid with me. The dumb dog growled at me, and the owner asked me, "So, what would you do, if my dog got loose, and attacked you?", I coldly replied, "Kill it." He never brought the dog near me again, hah! I much prefer German Shepherds or Rotties any day.
20 Feb 2008
Life / Horse racing in Poland? [13]

I really shouldn't laugh...but I can just see the jockeys on their horses cussing, as the horses go the wrong direction. My father would laugh pretty hard at that!
20 Feb 2008
Life / Is POKER popular sport in Poland? [5]

Poker is how my father taught me how to count at age 6. I've been playing all sorts of card games ever since, including the dreaded double-deck Pinocle, when I can find enough players.
20 Feb 2008
Food / Polish Ham - How to? [45]

I miss Chi-town for the easy availability of Polish products. I miss my wyroskobi (sp?) pickles!!
20 Feb 2008
Law / Building a still in poland [19]

o.O That is disgusting, unhealthy beyond compare. I feel sorry for those who died from it, nasty death.
20 Feb 2008
Food / Polish Ham - How to? [45]

Point taken, thank you.

I pick up Danola Black Forest ham, because it has that smoked flavor we used to make in the smoker. I like that bit of 'bite'. The others are okay, I just tend towards the smokey end of things, like I do with Kielbasa and smoked turkey breasts because I used to make it with my dad.