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Current state of the property market in Krakow [135]
A few points before we get way off track:
1) Comparing Florida property to Polish city centre developments is clearly silly. A relevant comparison would be to Bulgarian ski resort or coastal property as the same factors apply: unlimited land for development, aggressive marketing to foreigners and no real local demand.
The big cities in Poland are experiencing population growth due to inward migration. Why inward migration? Because the cities are where the highly paid jobs are.
2) The fact that the average Pole can't afford a central Krakow development is neither here nor there. The average wage earning Brit hasn't a hope in hell of being able to buy a central London apartment. Downturn or not, prices in Manhattan aren't going to adjust to become affordable to the average Kentuckian.
3) True, property markets do move in roughly 10 year cycles, as we're seeing now in Ireland and the UK. Irish prices in particular went up a staggering 5 times in the 12 years up to 2007. But - 2008 is nowhere near the 10th year of the Polish growth cycle. In fact prices fell in 2004, and 2005 was the first post accession growth year. So the 10 year cycle principle doesn't really apply here.
4) Price increases are coming from healthy GDP growth (4-5 per cent) and not solely easing credit like the last 3 years of the UK's boom. Even the weakest of the new EU member states, Hungary, is nowhere near recession.
5) The market for off plan Polish property is, and always has been, 90% Polish. Compare that to coastal Bulgarian property where the market was basically 100% foreign.