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Posts by Frank  

Joined: 14 Aug 2006 / Male ♂
Last Post: 22 Nov 2016
Threads: Total: 23 / In This Archive: 19
Posts: Total: 1,183 / In This Archive: 978
From: Ireland
Interests: Travel, cars, gr8 food!

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27 Oct 2006
Real Estate / Apartment purchase in Poland [226]

At the moment it appears the process is a bit more complex in Poland, but will find out soon enough!
28 Oct 2006
News / Terrible School Incident in Gdansk, Poland [34]

At our school, many years ago, we operated a vigilante system, any of our year/mates were picked on, 1/2 dozen of us used to confront bully..........explain where they went wrong, and then used the subtle hint of a swift brutal response ...if they stepped out of line again.

Needless to say, we never actually had to do anything whatsoever.

Am afriad, believing anything that comes out a of a politicians mouth is not really on, they choose the easiest option, best sound bite, but there are many other factors, all involved from all aspects, are virtually equally guilty, a very very sad day for all her family and friends, indeed for Poland, and that a little girl felt the only way out was to take her own precious life.

Is Poland any worse/different from other EU countries..........probably not.
30 Oct 2006
Life / I want to leave Poland [82] cows, sheep, and even horses....don't have feelings........and esp. horse aren't loved?

Oh, please its only another animal..............a dog that is, given human characteristic traits by people who have lots of time on their hands for animals.......and not humans......:(

Yes, if the dog"belonged" to you it was theft, not fair, but if they eat/breed dogs for eating and kill them humanely, I don't believe that there is a law against it in most(all) countries?

It takes all sorts, some we agree with others......well....

And to go back on thread, yes the points raised by posters are very relevant, aim for an area of defined shortages, nursing at the moment - the RCN magazine is saying that trusts will sack 20000 in the next 6 months, but in some areas there is a huge need for midwifes, so do lots of research.

Manual , basic jobs may now become harder to get.

Point get your English up to a good standard. with your friends/family who have already gone there
Three...make arrangements for temp accommodation BEFORE you leave
Four ....have a back up fund to tide you over for 4 weeks, just in case
Five...if possible have a job set up for you BEFORE you arrive
Six...don't believe everything you are told/read in papers/message boards!!
30 Oct 2006
UK, Ireland / They eat a LOT of chocolate in the UK! [30] usual there are different types of chocolate......the international standard is min 30% cocao solids for milk chocolate and 70% dark chocolate....anything else cannot be classed as such...least thats what the French and Belgians say!

Effectvely those items bought in UK are "candy"...full of sugar/fats as a cheap substitute....bad for you......!
30 Oct 2006
UK, Ireland / Integration with our new Polish neighbours in Ireland [12]

Guys, I live in a small country town in N Ireland, population 14,000 roughly 60/40 religious split, Catholic/Protestant.

After 30 years of "troubles" things are sorta settling down. During this time around 3000 people lost their lives. If we put this in context for the UK as a complete country it would have meant 118,000 ( ie 10% of what they lost during the 2nd WW.) killed during a similar period ( In Poland.....equivalent to 76000 killed)

So you can see just how devastating this period was for such a small population.

Today they officially opened a "mixed" public housing scheme of just 20 houses...local catholics/protestants/travelling people/English and east Europeans.

This is the first scheme of its kind, the tenants have signed up to a "charter" agreeing not to act in a sectarian fashion.

In order to understand the type of nationalistic/facist statements made on this board at times, it does us no harm to put into context these sorts of primitive attitudes.

Different peoples don't always like to live together, they like to stay together in their own social groups for a whole variety of reasons. Can they integrate/will they integrate?

For schooling, 95% of children are still educated in one faith schools (effectively). And much to my surprise today the statistics for public housing were also given.

In N Ireland as a whole 90% of public housing is one religion or the other, and in Belfast (city of 600000) 97% of the public housing is either wholly Catholic or wholly Protestant!!!

So perhaps you can understand how local people react to "foreigners" coming to "their" country to take "their" jobs. The posts on this board made by a small number of posters reflect how things are percieved by some groups.

As always it takes a significant period of time for the locals to get used to new groups, to feel secure and not to react in a primitve reactionary fashion to percieved threats this instance 600000 Polish immagrants to the UK!!

Its a steep learning curve for everyone, I hope we can sort ourselves out here in N Ireland, and I hope our new Polish neighbours/friends can also integrate to the advantage of everyone.

As before, I can only wish all concerned, all the very best for the future!
30 Oct 2006
UK, Ireland / Integration with our new Polish neighbours in Ireland [12]

People, thanks for your kind sentiments.

Its been a very complex, unrewarding experience for a huge number of people in N Ireland.

Attitudes are still entrenched in significant areas, much still need to be done.

Part of the problem in Belfast and some other towns has been that Polish (Catholics) have moved,( unwittingly) into Protestant areas, hence they have been less than welcome and are then victims of racsim/ important thing for Polish immigrants to note when coming to N Ireland!!

Today I met two Polish people, one a care worker in a nursing home, another a lady who may be working for us shortly. Both are intent on staying In Ireland and are educating their children here, so even after 1-2 years, Polish people are regarding Ireland as home.......great to see!
31 Oct 2006
UK, Ireland / I understand poles coming to uk [196]'d make a wonderful mother/father...such mastery on the board!!

"[i]Wild applause in the background......:)...."[i]

Jem.....was duped/dumped by a Polish girl in the UK,apparently...hence his lack or rationality.......:(...take no notice!

Ola....well thank you very much for your understanding..............but I think if you read the history books, it was your neighbours, Germany and Russia who killed/murdered 1/4 of your countrymen........correct me if I am wrong.......they started the whole thing,yes?

Then thats a very cheap shot! End of my replies to this thread....:)
31 Oct 2006
UK, Ireland / I understand poles coming to uk [196]

Sorry, guys...fill me in on whose blitzkrieg campaign started all this in Sept. '39......?

Who then ravaged your country....raped your women, committed genocide against the Jewish population, ghettoized warsaw, slaughtered the inhabitants.......destroyed your towns and cities.......rubbish an entire race of Polish people???

And your great russian friends.....?.........and you thought the Germans were bad....?

I'm sorry..........but this doesnt add up...........
31 Oct 2006
UK, Ireland / I understand poles coming to uk [196]

I think its much more complex than that Ola, forgive me for having a "history book" only perspective, but Germany and Russia met secretly to carve Poland up for themselves, then the Germans shafted the Russians.

Russians "helped" you clear your land from Germans, only because they could then "rubbish" your country for a second time( again correct me , but the Russians had a dislike of Polish people nearly as much as the Germans!!!).....feel free Polish people to join in and balance this discussion!!

You have to look at the MAIN culprits here..........point any finger you want at the other countries above!

PS I am Irish....two of my uncles joined voluntarily to fight on the side of the British during the war......they didn't have to...they had NO responsiblities to UK, France, USA Poland, etc.............but they tried to do what was right!

PPSS No need to thank me belatedly................they only did it because they felt they had reward...not their fight....but they did their best......ok?
31 Oct 2006
UK, Ireland / I understand poles coming to uk [196] my line re being duped/dumped by his Polish girl friend!!...hes just lashing out....I
31 Oct 2006
UK, Ireland / I understand poles coming to uk [196]

"Je ne sais pas c'est a vous de decouvrir cette surprise".....c'est naturelle......n'est pas?.....
31 Oct 2006
UK, Ireland / I understand poles coming to uk [196] suis perdu...maintenant!............aidez moi........Fisz!!!!
31 Oct 2006
UK, Ireland / I understand poles coming to uk [196]

LOl....whats that in French.......Dejeuner Joyeux avec joue?.....:)...seulement E1.99!!
1 Nov 2006
UK, Ireland / I understand poles coming to uk [196]

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....not a mother figure on the board too.....are you and Fisz, married in virtual life?

Basically, they behave like groups of young English lads....? they are doing what local lads do?....hhhhmmmmmmmm

Jem...this sorta post has been done many times before..........why repeat it endlessly......?
1 Nov 2006
Real Estate / Apartment purchase in Poland [226]

Brian, there are a few web addresses on a few of the posts, go back a few pages and do a search....good luck!

PS Wroclaw.......can you e-mail me?
1 Nov 2006
UK, Ireland / I understand poles coming to uk [196] sure wot to say now...yes its me...same Frank.....will that be bad or good for this forum, should I brown nose more, or just keep ploughing the same furrow?....or was that digging a hole?

Or am I not wierd enuf.......Patrycja........please let me know against which scale I am being measured.....!

Yes Hans, has his own agenda...dunno if its anti-Polish or just non-commital?

But there is now more going on here......more variety etc.......ok...trolls are common place...but it gives Admin...a bit to do, plus allows us to ignore them...........or even ( for one or two)...feel
1 Nov 2006
UK, Ireland / I understand poles coming to uk [196]

Patrycja........was sorta hoping you'd say I at least a little bit weird.......most Irishmen are.....and if you mind me saying...those type of semi-compliments, in Ireland almost amount to a proposal of marriage....."clears throat nervously"........but am sure you are just being reasonable.....:)..and thats not the case....

Have posted a few times....but the -00002 size font in posts gets on my goat!!!!

Its more quiet now since its been censored/castrated......:(...or...:)
1 Nov 2006
UK, Ireland / I understand poles coming to uk [196]

........aahhheeemmm........might have to take one myself...........though not quite sure
1 Nov 2006
UK, Ireland / I understand poles coming to uk [196]

No probs....must get that metal polish ( no pun intended) out, to shine up my where did I put that white charger.......

" As weird as weird goes.......ta tum....ta"
2 Nov 2006
UK, Ireland / I understand poles coming to uk [196]

....must get that virtual imaginary dog....put down by a virtual vet.........

PS I alwyas keep my differently coloured socks in the fridge....just to keep me cool.......even though I have a shaved head...........

Thanx BTW.....

PS MY head aint shaved.......:)
2 Nov 2006
UK, Ireland / I understand poles coming to uk [196] at least the daft/anti-anybody posts have been diluted......:)

I think I'll stop posting in this thread..........
3 Nov 2006
UK, Ireland / I understand poles coming to uk [196]

I think freddy, you'll find UK jails were plenty full of indigenous criminals before any recent immigration!

Plus I think you'll find plenty of UK people in foreign jails.