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Joined: 9 May 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 11 Sep 2016
Threads: Total: 5 / In This Archive: 3
Posts: Total: 1767 / In This Archive: 983
From: Europe
Speaks Polish?: Trying hard (sometimes) to learn...
Interests: Music, sport, history, geography, science, languages...and probably Poland too.

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7 Oct 2007
News / Why so many bad candidates for Poland Prime Minister? [261]

I'm not saying that all what the EU does is perfect, but there are good points...

Criminals are free from the threat of the death penalty and there is absolutely no reason to waste time discussing this issue!

In Europe yes (even though Kaczki wants to put it back in Poland...), but in such countries like the USA or China, it still exists, and a Day like this is just usefull to make things evolve in the world. The EU maybe powerful, we have to use this power.
7 Oct 2007
News / Why so many bad candidates for Poland Prime Minister? [261]

The suggestion of having a "Day Against the Death Penalty" is a complete non issue as the death penalty doesn't exist within the EU

And so what ? We can be an example in the world by saying we are all against this stupid "solution".
7 Oct 2007
News / Why so many bad candidates for Poland Prime Minister? [261]

I would do that with pleasure.

We can't talk, i like the EU, it benefits a lot to Poland ;)

We could have already thousands kms of highways If governments were rationally spending our money

You mean former govs or the current one (or all) ?
7 Oct 2007
News / Why so many bad candidates for Poland Prime Minister? [261]

I went on the A4 between Cracow and Gliwice last Christmas, and i must say it was one of the most beautiful highways i've ever seen ! Wish there were more like this in Poland ;)
7 Oct 2007
News / Why so many bad candidates for Poland Prime Minister? [261]

Poland, under PiS, is able to formulate foreign policy based upon Polish interests.

And why everything should be taken with Polish interests ? We are 27 countries !! What if all the 27 would veto each time something is not okay or not in their interests.

I understand that sometimes you have to tell that you don't like this, or don't want this, but not everytime !
The suggestion of EU of having a Day Against Death Penalty is a good idea for exemple, where are the interests of Poland in vetoing it ??!
6 Oct 2007
Life / Bolek i Lolek [30]

Bolek i Lolek...reminds me of childhood (even if i'm still young) good memories ;)
6 Oct 2007
News / Poland threatens to reject EU treaty [72]

Uncle Scam

Don't know if it's a mistake, but nice one ;)

And maybe the US is using Poland as its Trojan Horse within the EU, to keep the EU weak and fractured when need be?

Unfortunately, maybe works anyway, such a mess in EU... ;)
6 Oct 2007
News / Why so many bad candidates for Poland Prime Minister? [261]

I agree Tusk isnt perfect, but tehir program for Poland is really atractive.

Seems to be ;) I saw he wants to take the exemple of Ireland, and if it's really possible so VOTE TUSK !!! cause what happened to Ireland is amazing. Fifteen years ago, they were like Poland, and now they are amongst the richest countries in Europe !

So, if Donald can do it, it'd be really great ! ;)

Donald VS Duck....(Donald Duck, not funny...) ;)
6 Oct 2007
News / Why so many bad candidates for Poland Prime Minister? [261]

I would prefer the former, if he could put together an effective government....

Yep ;) Everything new is welcome...maybe not Samoobrona, or Ultra-Catholic...a normal mixed government with modern way of thinking, and good ideas is really welcome !! ;p
6 Oct 2007
News / Why so many bad candidates for Poland Prime Minister? [261]

I'm far more decided to vote on him than on Kaczynski Jaro

I wish there were more people thinking like you ;)
I'm not Polish so i can't vote, but if i could, i would vote Alex or Tusk... ;)
If young people are decided to vote on Oct., 21st, so a good news is possible for Poland (as most of young people don't support the Kaczki bros) ;)
5 Oct 2007
News / There is no Muslim in Poland [116]

Inter racial relationships have existed for centuries - why is Pavel so stupid??? Is he for real??

Exactly, i don't see the problem ! We are humans, no matter we are white, black, pink or anything else ! ;)