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Joined: 9 May 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 11 Sep 2016
Threads: Total: 5 / In This Archive: 3
Posts: Total: 1767 / In This Archive: 983
From: Europe
Speaks Polish?: Trying hard (sometimes) to learn...
Interests: Music, sport, history, geography, science, languages...and probably Poland too.

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20 Oct 2007
News / Polish Election Poll (according to PolishForums) [237]

Nothing to do with PiS !!!! Joke or what !!! The health service has received a 30% pay rise under PiS. The largest in Polish history. Emigration is the long term effect of a destroyed economy being rebuilt after years of communism! Now under PiS there are jobs being created in all areas of Poland. I myself have employed 4 graduates this year alone. PO claims to offer something more! This is nothing more than lies for which you will suffer. I will only gain from a PO win! You will gain nothing!

30% raise for the health service ! That's a chance, it was so low, they had to raise it, nothing incredible in it ! PO can do at least the same as PiS and even better. They don't think only with the religion, and Radio Maryja will not have the same power anymore.
20 Oct 2007
News / Polish Election Poll (according to PolishForums) [237]

Many of you claim that PO represents the well educated, well off, European minded members of Poland. This is total rubbish! They represent corrupted, morally devoid individuals that will sell you bulshit programmes that they have no intention of implimenting

Oh...hmm...maybe you're going to think i'm curious, but what does represent PiS ? What do they stand for ? What good they've done since 2005 ?...
20 Oct 2007
News / Polish Election Poll (according to PolishForums) [237]

Tomorrow is THE day ;) Come on Polish people ! Kick Kaczki's ass ! LoL

PiS have already won the election!

You're right, they won 2 years ago, tomorrow is another day !
18 Oct 2007
Life / Disgusted me on your thread about your Jewish brothers [11]

Try not to tarnish everyone with the same brush.

Yep, i have great respect for all people, no matter where they are from, no matter what they believe in.

Welcome here ;) You'll see that not everyone is bad here ;) There are a lot of nice and friendly guys and girls.
14 Oct 2007
News / Is the E.U. good for Poland?? [180]

80% of Poles are happy that Poland is in EU


think it is good for Poland

Of course it is ! ;)
13 Oct 2007
News / Women on the Political Scene in Poland - Women's Party [17]

I think it's great that Women have their own party. We know that they will never get many votes on them, but that doesn't matter. They show that women are free, many women in the world would like to have this kind of party, but they are treated like sh*t in their country so...

Go Partia Kobiet ! ;) LoL
13 Oct 2007
News / Made in Poland products? [66]

No it's supposed to be only a PC no Playstation, or Wii... ;)

Gotta go (eat) now.
13 Oct 2007
News / Made in Poland products? [66]

"The Last Wish"

It's the one i read ;) And the next one is being translated (in French) and is said to be available on January 2008 ;)

as to the game I rather dont have time to play, but it looks very tempting.

Yep ! I wish there was a Nintendo Wii version...i would have bought the Wii + The Witcher ;)
13 Oct 2007
News / Made in Poland products? [66]

Hehe Lukasz, have you seen my displayed pic ? ;) The Witcher...i read the first book i'm waiting for the second, and the game seems to be really great !! ;)
13 Oct 2007
News / Polish Election Poll (according to PolishForums) [237]

Tusk declared that he dont understand what we are doing in Iraq

taff player in foregin affairs of being subimissive in realtions with USA

I think that Kaczynski was smashed durring first part of debate about economy

All that seems so good ! Go and vote Polish people, be smart, don't waste your vote on Kaczki ! ;P LoL
12 Oct 2007
History / Poland-Russia: never-ending story? [1341]

Sure but, Celts were Slavic (or both were but, we have confusion in written data)

No you're getting confused, the Celts were not Slavic ! They were Celts, that's all.

what to tell you man, biggest troubles expect from traitors. Always

But, I can tell you that I feel sorry for them. They are in fact just one more victim of Roman penetration in European inland

What are you talking about ?...traitors ? Germans are descending from Germanic tribes, not Slavic nor Celt or anything else ;)
12 Oct 2007
History / Poland-Russia: never-ending story? [1341]

I am sure that they were Slavs (or to say Proto Slavs), as some schoolars suggest

No they were Celts.

Oh don`t worry. Germans originates from Slavs, too

...excuse me ?... :P

Not partly but absolutely, you know- Romans were very cruel

Have you ever heard of the Gallo-Romans ?...

God blessed you

Thanks :P
12 Oct 2007
History / Poland-Russia: never-ending story? [1341]

...I'm Polish and French, not more French, not more Polish (and i might have some German ancestors too ;)

under pressure accepted (Romanization) imposed Roman (read Semitic) culture/language

Not really, do you know the Gauls ? When the Romans came here, they partly imposed their culture, as they accepted to share it with the Gauls (real French). Then France is a great mix today, so i don't know if there is a real native European heritage here... ;)