UK, Ireland /
polish girls outnumbers polish men interms of relationships with native from uk or ie [178]
Polish men dont think very highly of English women, I asked her and she said that they dont - they see English girls out of a weekend "showing too much skin" and are getting too drunk!
I would think both men and women of all nationalities would lack respect for such a person. And let's face it, every nationality has women who may show too much skin and get tanked; not just the English, but Polish, American, Canadian, etc....
I think after being told that by her I'd keep my distance from Polish men, maybe they'd only be talking to me because they think Im that way inclined...
I wouldn't avoid Polish men for that reason if I were you, A----you are beautiful lady and unless you were presenting yourself in that way, you shouldn't have anything to worry about.....I'm sure men are attracted to you for other reasons!:)