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Posts by isthatu  

Joined: 8 Jun 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 1 Apr 2008
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From: oop north
Speaks Polish?: troche
Interests: People places history life

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23 Dec 2007
UK, Ireland / "Nostalgia" - Polish shop in Glasgow [25]

perhaps someone can recommend a brand of Polish vodka to me that you dont usually get in the UK!

You have to try some Zubrowka,it has a blade of buffulo grass in it and a nice smooth taste,also try some of the flavoured vodkas,Wybrowa pepper flavour is spot on,dont forget some ogorki to go with it, I throw them out of my burgers but munch a jar full in a good drinking sesh :) Also tyr adding a dash of apple juice to any plain vodka,if you feel you have to mellow it down a bit.

Also, I was just wondering, what are the things Polish people living in the UK would normally go to a Polish shop for, rather than just getting them out of Tescos or something?

Ive never seen perogi (russian dumplings) in tesco's but there is always a que of about ten people laden with them when Im in my local Polish shop:)
23 Dec 2007
Life / Hollywood is built by Polish people! [18]

Im sorry, are these people to be proud or ashamed of ? ;)

Wachowski brothers: They made the matrix movies

Pirates of the Caribbean 1 2 3

# Street Fighter (movie) (2008)
# Doom (2005)
# Cradle 2 the Grave (2003)
# Exit Wounds (2001)
# HRT (2001) (pilot)
# Romeo Must Die

ETC ETC ETC ETC... to many to write down.

please write some more down,there must be some good ones out there :)
Im sure half the hollywood greats had Polish sounding real names,do a little digging :)
23 Dec 2007
History / Should Germany claim to be the victims in Poland? [510]

You never lived through it. The outcome may have been different if the situation was reversed. But your not polish anyway so you what would you know about the communism regime that was over poland.

Wow,what an unbeatable argument you put forward,what did you do to fight communism then? Did you defect to the west? Did you fight in Korea? Malaya?Vietnam?Angola? Hungary? Timosiara?

Funny thing is,Im guessing your pretty young anyway dude,so what excactly do you remember of Polands Polish communist times then?
And with your logic,Your not german,what do you know about nazi germany?
But lets focus on this enigmatic statement;

The outcome may have been different if the situation was reversed

Im thinking you may be refering to my statement regarding 60 years of Soviet influence V 60 years of nazi occupation? In that case, you would prefer 60 years of nazi occupation.

Right,too right the outcome would have been different,lets start with a few questions ;
Q,Did you go to school? Did you finish school in your late teens? Did you go onto higher education?
If the answer to any of those is yes you wernt living under nazi occupation but comunist or democratic Polish govt.
Q, Did you and your family live in a ghetto outside a German town such as Posen or Breslau?
If the answer is no,you didnt live under the proposed rules of nazi long term occupation.
Q, did you,your sisters,cousins etc have to go off and work 16 hour shifts as soon as they hit their mid teens?
Moscow never did this, Berlin did.

isthatu wrote:
Whats more of a shame is that the Soviet butchers were never put on trial.

You know what.Because you signed the law that members of the allied forces cannot be prosecuted for war crimes.

I did,I cant remember that one mate,had I been drinking?
23 Dec 2007
History / Should Germany claim to be the victims in Poland? [510]

It seems so strange that the British slaughtered so many people colonizing the World

Can you give me figures for that? Or are you just trotting out the usual revisionist garbage? Sure there were battles,more often than not these involved the "British" siding with one local ruler against another and as often as not the "British" forces were made up of 3 white guys and thousands of Indians/Africans/Arabs. If you want to look for colonial slaughter you need to look to the French,Belgiun,German and Potrugese Empires,they were the ones with policies of ethnic cleansing where as the British Empire,by no means perfect, was always founded on trade and predominantly asimilation with local customs and peoples.Remember this Britian is part of a comenwealth of nations,former colonies and territories,all are members of the comenwealth because they choose to retain ties with what many people saw/see as "the mother country", If the British Empire was as despotic as claimed by many of you who were educated by Moscow why do you think this exists?

I think that the Nurenburg trails were a shame

It is just another case of of 'might is right'

Really,it was a shame that the nazi butchers were put on trail? Whats more of a shame is that the Soviet butchers were never put on trial.
23 Dec 2007
Work / "Ethnicity" form - Polish Europeans? [77]

But beware! It may conclude you are a Tutsi or Hutu :)

Very unlikely as these distinctions were artificialy created by the Belgiun colonists.....so unfortunatly this just uncovers an underlyng streak of racism in many europeans highlighted by ;

Forget machetes. These came with more advanced civilization ;)

Yes,sold on the cheap by western "civilisation",as were the ex warsaw pact AK 47s also used.

BTW, not saying you yourself are a "rascist" or anything....
23 Dec 2007
History / Should Germany claim to be the victims in Poland? [510]

- But the RAF raid on Berlin surely wasn't done deliberately to bring about the relief, was it?

I wouldnt have thought so ,no.
BTW, Speer was a murdering ba8888d upto his armpits in the Slave labor and crimes against humanity of the nazi econamy, the peice of dirt should have dangled in Nurnberg.Just my opinion.......the only reason he didnt was as well as being a scum bag he was a coward who sold out his criminal mates.
23 Dec 2007
UK, Ireland / Poles in the UK sleeping in toilets [165]

Well, acording to noimigration,all Poles in the UK clean toilets for a living,so at least they have somewhere spick and span to sleep........

Whats more embaresing,the fact that people may be fighting for the privalege of sleeping in a fancy public loo,or the fact that a so called first world country has so many people homeless and in similar situations? The technicaly homeless in this country run into the millions,now thats shamefull,not that somepeople would rather doss down out of the cold in a loo than sleep under a canal bridge.
23 Dec 2007
UK, Ireland / Polish towns/cities/villages twinned with UK ones [30]

we're you on the one where we had that slime ball driver??? That when he got heckled he took a wrong turning in Krakow and we got loads of little people glaring at this english coach that waint getting anywhere .... oh the memories

Thats right,Id been once before to Krakow and had to give him directions to the Hotel :) and Wasnt it Gliwice where the coach just semed to go back in time ,sort of,took a wrong turn,the road got narrower and narrower,next thing were in a railway yard that looked like something out of Shindlers List with steam trains and cattle trucks and were about 3 feet from getting stuck under a bridge.All with a big "gay pride" rainbow on the side of the coach for some unknown reason :),oh how we laughed.........

I'm surprised my home town is twinned with Gliwice!

Crumbs, another Donny lad, we get everywhere :)
23 Dec 2007
History / Should Germany claim to be the victims in Poland? [510]

I think that most of us brits and alot of envious Poles and other people are secretly proud of that fact.....and why shouldn't we be?

I dont think so,if they are,theyve been watching Dambusters too many times(did you know,more Poles and Ukrainines,slave workers, were killed in that raid than Germans btw?) and,why shouldnt "we" be proud? Oh,I dont know,maybe that mass,indiscriminate murder of women and children doesnt seem something to be all that proud of,IMHO.

So who was it that flattened Germany?....The answer is the RAF.....

oh,and the USAAF and not forgeting the Red Army and the Germans themselves in many cases to create "festung".

The scum who ran eastern europe for years were "morraly bankrupt" as you speak. Far worse then the germans you slam.

Yep, OK,whatever,Im sure you wouldnt swap 60 years of Soviet influence for 60 years of nazi ocupation,then again,from reading your nexts posts,Im not too sure,you sound like a excelent cadidate for one of the polnische legions hitler created from various traitors and dregs of Polish sociaty.

Exhibit A

First off the term Neo-Nazi is a retarded term juiced up by liberals. Who has ever heard anyone refer themselves as a neo nazi? Liberal nonsense.

( I imagine quite a few people have,Ive certainly met a few NF in my time....)
Exhibit B

Equally bad? You are mistaken. The germans had a strong sense of family values and racial pride.

( Lets hope you arnt a Slav then Szczery,or your fooked.)
Exhibit C

The Communist marxist scum only acomplished tyranny and mass murder, far worse then Hitlers regime I might add.

(could this be that gitler only had 12 years while Stalin et al had nigh on 70?)
Exhibit D

Moscow show trials where the truth was no weapon

Because of course, Third Reich trials were the epitomy of fairness and justice wernt they...)
Exhibit E

I could go on for hours.

Yes,much like the Nurnberg ralies........

I haven't noticed isthatu ever slamming the Germans;

Thanks Puzz, though I will always,as you may notice,slam the nazi's !

Wow, so according to Southern it was the Britsh who caused the Germans to bomb Brit cities? The British are to blame for this, eh?

Well, easy now Puzz', This is a sort of truth. "We" didnt "ask" the nazis to bomb our cities but,one of the main reasons the luftwaffe turned from bombing the RAF airfeilds during the B of B was in retaliation for an RAF raid on Berlin. In an awfull way this brought about a relief on the hard pressed fighter command but unfortunatly led to the London Blitz.Once in this escalating tit for tat bombing raids Britains other cities soon became targets with german cities being added to RAF target lists.

You make a mistake.Hitler wanted a Blitzkrieg,not a long term war and a war between soldiers,not a total war.Time was against Hitler and he did not want involvement of civilians.

One thing not to lose sight of though,and this I feel is very important, had the nazis the airpower the allies later had,Im sure Hitler would have smashed up British cities just as "efectivly" as "we" did german cities.
21 Dec 2007
Work / "Ethnicity" form - Polish Europeans? [77]

No such thing. On paper does not count.

Nonsense,maybe not in your neck of the woods,but what would you call a Black guy descended from a tudor servent,all his ancestors back to the 16th century were born and raised in Europe,would you seriously call him an African. If you would it just shows that certain isolated corners of europe have a lot of growing up to do.
21 Dec 2007
UK, Ireland / Polish towns/cities/villages twinned with UK ones [30]

Thats a shame, Glad Andys retiring though,he need a break bless him,had a bit of a rough patch to say the least. Im sure something will be arranged though ,what with flights now to all points in Poland from Donny airport . But,you cant beat that 36 hour coach journey and the smug look on "veterens " faces when everyone else realises why they brought 2 pillows on the coach, " thdunk thdunk thudunk go the roads west of krakow clang clang clang go your bones ..."

Quite a few thousand .....

I liked the fact during the last world cup as many pubs were covered in PL flags as English ones :)
Eeh, t'yorkshire accent, its greet tha knows flower.
21 Dec 2007
History / Should Germany claim to be the victims in Poland? [510]

isthatu wrote:
Im sorry,I didnt realise you had served in the US army in the last war........

Don't know what you mean by that mate?

in reply to your derogatory term,

i think the Krauts would have won the war!

normally,and exclusivly used by our late arriving cousins from accross the sea, "we" british prefering such nom de guerre for the enemy as " jerry" or possibly the older ,last war era "hun".

I think you've given in to modern day morality!

I hope not, more the old fashioned morality of the Geneva and Hague conventions Britain was a signatory of stating the plain fact that Bombings of civilians was to be viewed as a war crime in any future wars. Goering was to be hung, yet Harris was applauded(infact,he wasnt,he was thankfully shunned post war for being a vicious psychopath).

The cities were military targets

Yes, you keep telling yourself,then look at the actual written record of the RAF and USAAF targeting criteria,namely, did it burn well,and would it cause terror to a large civilian population.

I think the crux of your arguent seems to be ," The nazis did it,so why cant "we"?", which,no offense,seems a little flawed,if not morraly bankrupt.
21 Dec 2007
UK, Ireland / Polish towns/cities/villages twinned with UK ones [30]

Polson, you have to remember that there are many people in Doncaster with Polish names who do not know how to pronounce them proparly:)( choosing that weird americanised way instead of the correct way) but the knowladge of Poland and Polish is being slowly changed in Doncaster, The collage runs exchange trips to the area( admitidly Krakow,not Gliwice,but,you would,wouldnt you?) and many,many Polish people are now in the area. But, the last word has to be the idiosyncracities of the Yorkshire accent/language. To pronounce anything proparly is seen as a bit " soft" a bit too southern and poncy,so even when people do know how to pronounce something they will do thier damdest to get things wrong :) Sort of a bit like Parisiens who can speak fluent English right untill the point an English person speaks to them :)
21 Dec 2007
Work / "Ethnicity" form - Polish Europeans? [77]

European and an indo European? I have never met this distinction!

Righto ,quick British history lesson then; :)
Back in the day,well,17 and early 18 hundreds it was quite usual for British men working for the East India Company in india (not the "empire" that came later) to marry local Indian women and raise families together, oddly enough this only became frowned upon around the same time Britain abolished slavery in the 1830s, untill then it was almost normal for Britons,living in India to adopt the local culture(many even the religions),so you see, Indo British children were the products of these mixed marrages.
21 Dec 2007
Work / "Ethnicity" form - Polish Europeans? [77]

Invasion of Romans and 500 years latter Normans, Norse, from Northern France did not change British genetics much but brought a bit of civilisation.

Er,yes,thanks for that Roman "culture" hmm, Slavery, Gladiators,religious persecution,no rights to women,children,non citizins.Of course,so much more cultured than the Celts wernt they,after all,the celts were barbarians who had sexual equality,rights to fair trial, laws protecting the elderly and children,while in Rome,unwanted babies could legally be left on the city rubbish dump,some civilisation....

And the Normans were the same stock as the earlier Viking invaders of all parts of britain,bythe time of the conquest "english" and " Norman" culture was practicaly the same. PS the Saxons were around a long time after the arrivall of the Normans aswell,all becoming "english" at a later date.

anyhoo, If you can trace your ancestors back in the UK anything over a hundred odd years you are more than likely european(with some indo european in the mix now and then) Being the simple fact,that everyone seems so scared of these daysthat ALL white peoples origionated in europe( lord yes,before someone says the obvious,we may well all have started in africa,but that is still only hypothetical,,)
21 Dec 2007
UK, Ireland / Polish towns/cities/villages twinned with UK ones [30]

Hehe, i'd like to know how English people pronounce it ;)

Most dont,they just say, "That road near t'dome,ya know,over t'road from Asda,yeah thas right,t'one wi Mcdonalds on it" :) (or for non Yorkshire speakers, " I say,there is a road near the Dome sports center that has a dashed funny name,its near the Asda supermarket,yes,that is correct,the road does have a Mcdonalds fast food emporium on it.)

isthatu wrote:
Yes,ironicaly we were twinned due to Coal,Gliwice has a booming mine

There are only few left now...

has to be better than none :(
21 Dec 2007
History / Should Germany claim to be the victims in Poland? [510]

If we all had your attitude i think the Krauts would have won the war!

Im sorry,I didnt realise you had served in the US army in the last war........

So when they bombed us all first....You think we should have all sat back and done F...all??...

No, "we" should have stuck to bombing military targets,not pure revenge attacks on women and children.Simple truth is, the large bomber raids mounted in late 44 and early 45 did f' all for the strategic situation.
21 Dec 2007
Work / "Ethnicity" form - Polish Europeans? [77]

is it not supposed to be "white caucasian"?

arnt they chechens?
Simple answer, dont fill in the form,I never do,simply because I dont beleive its anyones buisness.They are only an optional form and if anyone says other wise have a word with your union rep'.
21 Dec 2007
History / Chicago Public Radio on *Polish* concentration camps [62]

Did you know that in England they teach that 7 million jews died in the "holocaust" and

no "they" dont, it is taught that an approximate figure is 5.5 million but this can never be known as exact records do not exist. Stop spreading your deep south type bile and paranoia,you dont represent white people anymore than adolf hitler or mother teresa....
20 Dec 2007
UK, Ireland / Polish towns/cities/villages twinned with UK ones [30]

My Polish family comes from Gliwice, i didn't know that the city was twinned with Doncaster ;)

Yes,ironicaly we were twinned due to Coal,Gliwice has a booming mine(in the middle of town!!!!) and Doncasters have all since shut down.........mind you,we do still share some rather grim 1970s architecture ...............
20 Dec 2007
UK, Ireland / British throwing food to trashes... [26]

why waste the postage? there isnt a town in britain now that you cant get Polish products in......
20 Dec 2007
History / Chicago Public Radio on *Polish* concentration camps [62]

quasi-Masonic para-military group, that formed the nucleus of the Army of the Confederacy...you are a student of American history, yet you didn't know that this is true?

Funny,I thought the nucleus of the CSA was the states militias and half the west point graduates,but you give me food for thought.As to the title,"student of american history" ,Im flattered but just an interested amatuer.

Anyhoo, Unfortunatly Im pretty sure now the first Concentration camp was actually a Scottish thing,In edinburgh a couple of centuries ago, some sort of religious thingy was going on as usual and a lot of people died.....
17 Dec 2007
UK, Ireland / Anti-Polish sentiment of England [253]

Quoting: isthatu
but you guys really do owe most of your "culture/civilisation"

What culture?

I didnt say it was anything to be proud of ...

USA belonging to the anglosaxon world?Hm,

er,yes,when most of the signaturies to the declaration of independance were british born, the fact that english not spannish or french is spoken as americas "first" language,that all major holidays spring from ties to britain, ie Thanksgiving,british colonists meet redskins,dont shoot them but eat turkey etc etc
17 Dec 2007
History / Chicago Public Radio on *Polish* concentration camps [62]

However the Germans and the Russians did go at it with particular zeal

Rather,incompitence seemed to be the major killer in other nations camps,where as in germano russian camps efficiancy ruled the day.

The most famous American 'concentration camp' was Andersonville SC, used by the Confederacy

History always written by the victors,the Union were no better when it came to P O W camps.

the Confederacy AKA Scottish Rite Freemasonry,

Lol, OK then,at least your not Calling Robert E Lee a secret Jew...........

there is some anecdotal evidence that FEMA/Dept. of Homeland Security have set up/are setting up various 'detention camps' in many states

Eh, anectdotal...What would you call Gitmo's various little prisons then,Holiday camps?
Mind you,by the time fema gets round to things Mad Max will probably be battling it out with the mutant zombies for controll of route 666 :)
16 Dec 2007
UK, Ireland / Anti-Polish sentiment of England [253]

They, (the septic tanks) call us "Limey's" because our Royal Navy ate limes to combat scurvy and vit' C deficiancy,something that tore through the amature time USN like wildfire,only to be resolved once the Scotsman John Paul Jones formed the "modern" USN........sorry,but you guys really do owe most of your "culture/civilisation" to these "little islands" and thats something most americans are highly aware of hence silly little outbursts like those displayed by "dumb yankee71", most Americans however are fine,upstanding folks with more than cotton candy between their ears.

(ps, the film Master and Commander was origionally going to be about the RN sinking a USN ship in the 1812 war, but we didnt want to embaress you guys with memories of burning White Houses :) )