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Posts by JuliePotocka  

Joined: 19 Nov 2007 / Female ♀
Last Post: 12 Mar 2008
Threads: Total: 5 / In This Archive: 4
Posts: Total: 188 / In This Archive: 123
From: USA, Orange
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: Opera, Art Galleries, walking on beaches, playing with my cousins

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7 Mar 2008
News / Do you think that Polish catholics resent the new German Pope? [108]

lesser wrote:
I'm more than sure that JPII would not glad if he knew that some people practice his personal cult. It has nothing to do with Catholicism.

Cult, what cult..... If you consider love for the Pope and what he has done a cult, than I guess all I have to say is sign me up

Sign me up too, woohoo!

What inconsistency.... You can be a Catholic and vote Clinton..... what are you saying a Catholic can only vote for a Catholic. Good explanation is, she doesn't agree with all of Clinton's views or she doesn't agree with all of the churches views. Doesn't mean she can't support both.

I support Obama and he's muslim ...... Good people can be found in all faiths.

And I'm looking forward to either the Obama/Hillary, or Hillary/Obama ticket, either of which I feel will be a clear cut winner. Hillary has already offered the olive branch, all Obama need do is take it.
6 Mar 2008
History / How long was Poland "lost in history"? [21]

It's very complex, and, er, an ancestor of mine is blamed for its demise. Regardless, here's something to digest, and understand that though she was officially not a nation after the Third Annexation, she was still whole in Spirit. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Poland_(1795-1918

That should help explain much.

This should explain the hardships rather well, from WW1

6 Mar 2008
News / Do you think that Polish catholics resent the new German Pope? [108]

Okay, I will give on my initial prejudism against Pope Benedict being German, and in Hitler's youth, for lack of FULL information. It does appear that he just was in it, and not in the army. I was thinking of the youths near the end of the war, who fought while Hitler committed suicide. There's 100 years of Governments murdering people last century, that I called this one prematurely.

Poland was bolstered into tossing off the yoke of Communism by Pope John Paul 2, and by those working within Poland, THAT you can't deny. JP2 had a special way with saying, hey all Religions, lets accept we are different, and celebrate we can be together under the name of God. THAT touched me deeply...because Jesus did that! I'm not worshipping JP2, but he did what was right with that, and helped to heal much difficulty in the world.

Yes; the Vatican DID abandon Poland, especially during the Holocaust!! THAT was a despicable act, and I'm glad I wasn't alive to live through that, nor the Christian Crusades where they murdered innocent people. JP2 welcomed people that believed differently, not killed them!

As for Pope Benedict: No, I do not feel in my heart that he said anything wrong, in that speech that infuriated Islam, except for one important point: HE is the leader of the Catholic Church, and needs to make sure as a WORLD LEADER, that he works towards healing the world, bringing it together. JP2 got that part down pat.

What PB did AFTER that incident was apologize for bringing it up. There, I have to say, if he were still a Cardinal, he could have stood his ground. But, he's the Pope, and not longer allowed to be the Rottweiler of the Church; he must be beyond that.

So, yes; you all won me over from my initial knee-jerk reaction.

I will read his speeches, then give you my feedback on them. I do wish the Pope WAS younger - and not so old. Hopefully, he can keep his health up. Many have lived long and productive lives.
6 Mar 2008
News / What do Polish friends think of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton? [226]

So in politics, no one is ever allowed to change their minds? roflmao

Healthcare is very important to me; for the US to be so high and mighty, yet seeing people not having simple healthcare is disgusting. America is becoming a third world country under Bush, where the rich are becoming more so, and the poor onto the street. The middle class seems to be a myth anymore, crowded out by big business greed.

Want a job in the US, when there's such high unemployment? Work at McDonalds for Minimum wage! Because that's what is being offered in S. Cali, not that many high paying real jobs after Bushwhackers help to big business.
6 Mar 2008
News / Do you think that Polish catholics resent the new German Pope? [108]

You are ignoring what I say, and putting words in my mouth. Typical from someone who puts words in others mouths all the time.

I expect the Pope to reunite the fractured CHURCH, duh.

Fortunately, everyone can see what you are doing, and you are shallow.

You are a fool, to say I can't support Hillary, and be a Catholic, lol. I also never said I'd be drunk with happiness over anyone's demise. The Pope is an an old man, not young.

GROW UP, and learn to listen to others with an open mind, not a closed heart.
6 Mar 2008
History / Poland-Russia: never-ending story? [1341]

Biofuels, Solar power, and perhaps like France: some Nuclear Power plants, to power the cities. France is one of the cleanest Nations, because of their use of Nuclear power, I was rather surprised by this.

I've known many people to spend the $1000 on their Diesel powered cars, and add a 'fish fry tank', lol. Now you smell french fries, or fish when they drive by (the discarded frying oil from restaurants. You can do a filtration system, to turn it into Biofuel).
6 Mar 2008
News / What do Polish friends think of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton? [226]

Hillary does, if you've followed what she's done as First Lady, and then as Senator. She's one of the few First Ladies who's taken the President on, when it was her own husband.

They aren't going to redo the Primaries - the cost is in the Millions of dollars, unless the DNC pays for it. She already won it, so why redo it!? Stupid DNC.
6 Mar 2008
News / Do you think that Polish catholics resent the new German Pope? [108]

lesser, obviously YOU don't belong in this debate, since you are so eager to toss all of us out, who don't fit into your little cookie cutter world.

Crow said it best, I thought it was obvious, but you need it spelled out to you:

Pope John Paul II who was Polish, had far batter chances to re-unite Catholic and Orthodox Churches then current Pope- who is maybe German or even more, who possible originates from germanized Slavs. How could i (speaking about muself) trust to him? If nationality isn`t important why is Benedict a German?

REUNITING the Catholic Church, back to its former self, from the two splintered groups it became.

I don't trust this Pope; but no fears; he will die out soon enough, replaced by another!
6 Mar 2008
News / What do Polish friends think of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton? [226]

MY goodness, take a look at this:

Michigan lost its 156 votes, due to moving its Primaries up;
Florida lost its 210 votes, due to moving its Primaries up;

Who won both those states? Hillary! If they had awarded her those votes, she'd now be well over 200 votes ahead of Obama. That smacks of unfairness towards Hillary, and stinks to high hell!! She's insisting that they seat them at the Democratic Convention, and so far, the DNC is refusing to count them.

So tell me: who's cheating!? Hillary is the clear winner to me, and even during the Debates, she's the one who's always first asked questions over Obama, nearly each and every time, thus giving Obama time to think over the question.

The DNC isn't playing fair with Hillary at all, and seems to be trying to undermine her. Ergo, I want her in, because she has a mind of her own - not a puppet of the DNC.
5 Mar 2008
News / Do you think that Polish catholics resent the new German Pope? [108]

lesser, you just crossed the line.

Cardinal Ratzinger was chosen to become a Pope and not Julie Potocka. So why don't you leave to him what is up to Pope to solve? Pope should do his job and you yours which does not means undermining his authority.

THIS is a discussion about why we resent the new German Pope - I'm answering you HONESTLY, so BACK OFF!

I have every RIGHT to question the Pope's Authority, and WILL, and if QUESTIONING his AUTHORITY in your book means I'm not a good Catholic - think I personally really care? You are not my husband, brother, father, grandfather, nor great-great-grandfather. My father always liked the fact that I questioned everything.

Stay on topic, and stop attacking others.

The Catholic church must EVOLVE, not DEVOLVE - THAT IS MY POINT. And that goes down to why our JP2 was so beloved - he was Evolutionary in what he did.

If you don't like the EU, then vote against it, lobby against it - do whatever you can. But as far as I can see, Politics and Religion always are intertwined, throughout history.

Or, did you forget the past? The Christian Crusades?
4 Mar 2008
News / What do Polish friends think of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton? [226]

Her stint on SNL was good publicity. Also, the lobbying and votes don't mean anything, until she or Obama have the much needed votes. That is all this lobbying is for. She was stronger than him, before.

I have issues with a candidate saying, "change, change, change" but then not following it up with change WHAT!? You don't sway me with words, but deeds.

The fact that Rush Limbaugh has jumped into this, is just funny.
3 Mar 2008
News / Do you think that Polish catholics resent the new German Pope? [108]

I have to agree with Ebony and Bathory. He's hit the nail on the head. Dumbledor was implied homosexual, but you NEVER saw him have a relationship, so it was more of teaching tolerance in her last book.

All my Christian friends understand that the books are ALL imaginary, and not to be taken literally. God gave us all imaginations - some of us utilize that for the enjoyment of all.

As for Hitler's youths - did this pope ever say he was forced into it? Is it true, you joined or died? I don't have that answer, I wasn't alive back then.

Lesser - evidently 'Talking Heads' has much more publicity than the pope. THAT is why I felt keeping in step with JP2 would've been much, much more beneficial for the Church! JP2 did many inroads, and healed much. This pope isn't going to free Poland...so tell me, other than make us lose followers, what good is he going to do?
3 Mar 2008
News / Do you think that Polish catholics resent the new German Pope? [108]

If you can't tell I'm Polish, I'm sorry. I followed this Pope, and read much of what he was about.

Yes, John Paul was progressive, compared to this one. I prefer a Progressive Pope, one who cares about bringing the Catholic Church back together, rather than continuing its defrag.

I despise anyone who was in 'Hitler's Youth'. Is that clear enough?
2 Mar 2008
News / US military... how does poland feel about the US military? [70]

Yes...I catch your sarcasm, Janekb. Your last sentence laced such brings the new US in the correct light. I can only hope that with a new president (finally!), some good will come.

BUT I pay much attention to the representatives in the house and senate, because they wield the real power - and I vote, write in, email them, and watch them.
2 Mar 2008
History / Poland-Russia: never-ending story? [1341]

Yes, big mother Poland is trying to take care of business in a preemptive sort of way. I am thankful that there will be a place for Poland's families and friends to visit for centuries to come!
2 Mar 2008
News / What do Polish friends think of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton? [226]

Catch phrases are what I do for a living - that is why I don't fall for Obama's stupid campaign slogan, lol.

I look at what people have done. I like Hillary, because she does things - rather than just occupy a seat in the Senate, like Obama.
2 Mar 2008
Genealogy / Races of white people... [99]

I like the graph - shows thousands of years nicely.
2 Mar 2008
Genealogy / Races of white people... [99]

Well, as far as I can tell, EU is a giant melting pot, and most of us were blended before our great-great grandparents opened their eyes.
2 Mar 2008
History / Poland-Russia: never-ending story? [1341]

I know, but it's also the most appropriate word for the situation, after our mother Poland was bent over rather hard over the past century...ergo, Dupa!

Poland is making sure that she and her children aren't going to suffer like in the past, ever again!
1 Mar 2008
Genealogy / strange Polish mixes [116]

I'm going to pretend I didn't read that last part.
1 Mar 2008
Life / School for 6 year olds an obligation in Poland soon? [19]

I began kindergarten a month after I turned 5 years old, and first grade at 6. My half sister home schooled all three of her children, and they have all graduated from college now.
1 Mar 2008
Life / Postal Customs in Poland [17]

Sounds about right. We have this issue, believe it or not, between Canada and America! All so silly.
1 Mar 2008
Life / You know you're Polish when... ? [111]

roflol. I can't drink, but I used to always drink on the weekends, vodka straight up! Or add some nice orange juice... ;>
29 Feb 2008
Life / What kind of antiques are popular in Poland? [49]

I used to have lots of Polish Christmas Ornaments, but I think decades of kids shattered them all finally. I have grandma's rosary, and lots of antiques I just don't know where they are from. From what I've gathered, they are either Polish, or surrounding countries.
29 Feb 2008
Work / Six-figure USD income doing business in Poland... Possible? [44]

Oh, drat...then I'd have to put a little magnet of her on the side of the car!

Yes, the Health channel can make anyone paranoid. I personally don't like driving my car, except when there's no traffic on the freeways. Then it is much more fun. Driving near the ocean, parking in the lot. Then you can watch the waves, or walk on the sand barefoot. I may just have to do that next week!