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Posts by isthatu  

Joined: 8 Jun 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 1 Apr 2008
Threads: Total: 3 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 1164 / In This Archive: 984
From: oop north
Speaks Polish?: troche
Interests: People places history life

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1 Apr 2008
Life / Whippet dogs in Poland? [18]

As an honorery Yorkshireman,may I remind one n all that ,eeh bah gum,tha needs a flat cap ifn thee's going to get a whippet,its t'law tha knows....
1 Apr 2008
News / March of Tolerance in Krakow [478]

Do you see straight people having their parade.....

Yes,everyday you see public face sucking in the street......
1 Apr 2008
Life / When to greet strangers in Poland or not.. [30]

I just throw dozens of Czesc 's around all day,some give you funny looks others appreciate the gesture.I rather Imagine its the same the world over.
1 Apr 2008
News / March of Tolerance in Krakow [478]

The vagina and penis are matched pairs, one meant for the other

I doubt it in your case,the vagina is probably far to large for you.....

Humanity can survive without flying but it cannot survive without heterosexual relations. That's what's unnatural in homosexuality. It is against the basic principle of life - perpetuation of the species.

You have flawed logic.I suppose Catholic priests should also be outlawed and sent for mental health care because they dont(publicaly) reproduce......
1 Apr 2008
History / Jewish love towards Poles [389]

I personally have no bolsjevik plan to conquer the world and rule it ferociously and I am still a Jew :)

Well thats what you say in public,I rather imagine in your secret bunker plans are afoot,between bouts of raping catholic virgins and counting all your ill gotten gains....;)
31 Mar 2008
History / Poland Around 1883 [30]

Lukasz,NO ONE is disputing that Poles call it Poznan,no one. What Im simply pointing out is that in any contempory refernce to the town in 1883 it will be listed as Posen,thats all,no nasty motive ,just fact. Mr Smith seems blinded by nationalism ,dont join his club lukasz.
31 Mar 2008
History / Poland Around 1883 [30]

lol,you are a big baby arnt you ,ah well,blah blah blah,"for Poles it will always be Poznan" how very rational you are....

OOh,you think Im gay? Ouch,that really hurts,please stop,I may cry.......
31 Mar 2008
History / Poland Around 1883 [30]

Oh kowalski kowalski,why the chip on your shoulder boy? I dont think there will have been any where outside nasty germany that refered to warsaw as warschua...really,get a grip on yourself and see how silly you look.

The guy came on here hoping to carry out some historical research,in which case it will help him to know exactly what the place he is looking into was called back then.......not what you would like it to have been called,afraid if you cant see this and think this is some sort of national pride contest you just display a real imaturity and a poor grasp of history.

As for posting stuff about nelson,me thinks you have me mixed up with someone else fella.....but,well,your crying and bleating sorta shows that you dont let facts get in the way of a post do you....

Analogy,he comes on here looking into Zimbabwe in the 1950s...he isnt going to find it,it was Rhodesia,some zim' nutter insists its called Zimbabwe and hey presto ,the guys gonna have a hard time in the research files isnt he?
31 Mar 2008
History / Poland Around 1883 [30]

That's debatable. Why not Polish city inder German administration.

In other words a GERMAN city......it will not apear on any records out side ickle wee Polish ones as Posen so why lead the guy up the wrong path just because some of your nationalistic pride has been pricked?
30 Mar 2008
Love / Polish-Islam Relationship Union [450]

Im not talking about the theoretical "us" mat. Just look at any of cromagnon or crows posts,dont tell me they dont see it as a war against another religion,ie a holy war.
30 Mar 2008
History / Poland Around 1883 [30]

Tomato tomayto mate. Fact is,it was at that time the german city of Posen. A frenchman in London may call it Londres but its still London.
30 Mar 2008
Love / Polish-Islam Relationship Union [450]

Good reply,no,its 6 of one half dozen of the other in lots of cases.

Point is Christianity outgrew holy wars while Islam has not....

Not really mate,its just muslims seem to talk about it more openly.
30 Mar 2008
News / Earth Hour - possible in Poland? [62]

You can spray on stuff from a can .......its called HEET, but I kinda doubt if that's really good for the environment,

sorry,not picking on ya,but,eh? whats wrong with warm water? works fine,and hardly enviromentaly destructive.....
30 Mar 2008
History / Poland Around 1883 [30]

Thanks for the correction...my apologies.

nope,hes wrong,it was Posen at that time......
30 Mar 2008
News / What do Polish friends think of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton? [226]

During the election campaign Hillary Clinton exposed lying about coming under Serbian sniper fire during her trip to Bosnia!

Oh,had you taken the day off then? Got a tired trigger finger from shooting little old ladies trying to get water or kids looking for bread?
30 Mar 2008
Love / Polish-Islam Relationship Union [450]

Also would like to know where was this muslim outrage when Saddam was slaughtering his own people by the thousands.....

Sorry,but your maybe a bit younger than some of us,cant remember,but,look up some facts on the first Gulf war and see just how many Islamic nations were in that Coalition against saddam.

Some one else said that Muslim sociaties dont accept other faiths,well,granted the wahhibies (sp?) in Saudi are of that ilk but,well look into history and see for a fact that while the christians were going around slaughtering each other the Caliphate in Southern spain was pretty much a libereal paradise on earth for Muslims,Christians and Jews.It was only AFTER the Catholics dominated the Iberian peninsula that the jews were expeled and the inquisitions started.
29 Mar 2008
History / Jewish love towards Poles [389]

lol,nope,in Yorkshire atleast there is enough evidence to demonstrate that as fact :)
29 Mar 2008
History / Jewish love towards Poles [389]

I share a tad distrust of DNA tests...after all,there is some barmy notion that something like 1 in 10 europeans are direct disendants of Ghengis Khan.......
29 Mar 2008
Life / The strangest things in Poland [468]

would thongs mean Flip flops here? If not Im gettin a rather nasty Borat visual.......
29 Mar 2008
Genealogy / Polish Silesians? [25]

hhmmm,interesting thread,answered a lot of those "silly little questions you never get round to asking" sort of thing.. Thanks all:)

I can't understand people from Warsaw - no joke and no offense but they speak SO FAST!

lol,I found exactly the same on my first visit after previously spending time down south ...I got by in Krakow/Gliwice etc then spent a week in Warsaw going " huh?"

Also,I did chuckle a couple of years ago when I played a tape of some Gorale singers and some Polish lads from Maz' were adamant that it wasnt Polish..

We are jealous to hear that in GB you can tell somemodys birthplace when you hear him speaking

Again,answered a question,so ,you dont really have strong regional accents as such....shame.
29 Mar 2008
History / Jewish love towards Poles [389]

thanks,and I managed it without calling anyone a tosser or a muppet!!!!
29 Mar 2008
History / Jewish love towards Poles [389]

where's Nazareth 2nite?

with the black sabbath (hey,have I stumbled onto another jewish conspiricy?,ya know,the one to take over the world via 70s rock bands....)
29 Mar 2008
UK, Ireland / Are the Poles in England hated? [450]

well,the reason I am uncharectoristicly fence sitting on this one is I just dont know the facts. What I will say is,if child benafit is being paid to non resident children it should,at the very least,be at the rate it would be in Poland,not Britain. I cant imagine there is much parity if say a Brit claimed Polish child benafit to send home to the UK...if you get my drift.
29 Mar 2008
History / Jewish love towards Poles [389]

Thanks for the link J'
Very interesting,though I do fear now this will just fan the flames as you "evil nasty jews"(sic) will be acused of all sorts of nasty missdeeds with non jewish women :)