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Posts by ukinpoland  

Joined: 16 Jan 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 22 Jun 2007
Threads: Total: 5 / In This Archive: 5
Posts: Total: 338 / In This Archive: 314
From: Torun/Bydgoszcz
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: Learning more about Poland/FOOTBALL

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5 Jul 2007
History / How things change - Poland 1989 [17]

Actually, ive just read that the European Court of Justice have ordered Poland to stop cutting down the forests

You know this is typical of people. These campaigners that complained about the trees being cut down are probably the same people that moan about the Polish economy and the lack of money generated by a lack of tourists. So when there is a massive plan to help boost Polands economy and roads, what do they do? They complain and stop it from happening.

Its people like this in our world that confuse me.
5 Jul 2007
History / How things change - Poland 1989 [17]

What about the Via Baltica highway?

Ive just googled that as I havent heard anyone mention it before. It looks like there were many protests about it because of the fact that its planned to pass through many areas of great natural value. However the Polish environment minister has agrred to the proposed route.

Actually, ive just read that the European Court of Justice have ordered Poland to stop cutting down the forests which were in the way of the propsed route. So now I have no idea what they are going to do.
5 Jul 2007
History / How things change - Poland 1989 [17]

was in Bydgoszcz around about 1989

Improving? I was there over 3 years ago

Believe me, it could never really improve

If its so long since youve been there I dont think you can really comment on how it is here now. The same as I cant comment on Russia because I have not been there recently. Also, if Bydgoszcz was so bad then surely it can only improve yet you are saying in cant improve. Why is that?

dreadful roads

Roads are still a problem now because they are in the process of rebuilding the roads around the town. With 2 new entertainment centres to be built in the centre(one almost finished) they are going to need good roads so that it is easier for people to travel to these places.

Also the international schooling is very good in Bydgoszcz. There is of course an International house school with 20 native English speakers there.
There is also a bi-lingual school that is the best in the Kujawsko-Pomorskie region and is also the only one to run the highest qualification course in this area (dont ask me the name because I really odnt remember lol). In this school all lessons are given in English(science,History<maths etc) and there are students from Brazil, America and Africa all attending. This means is a mix of nationalities around Bydgoszcz which I think is important for the country as it will begin to make people more tollerant of different cultures.
5 Jul 2007
Love / Foreigner's opinion about polish ladies [304]

nothing better than simple INTERPOLATION with Ukrainian and German women


They are cheap and that's why the market demand is increasing

Nothing cheap about Polish women
4 Jul 2007
Life / Polish Men and Fashion [90]

i was looking forward to meeting

me 2. I will definately try my hardest to get them up there. Would be nice to see another guy when they are here. All 3 of them are female my mates girlfriends. Great. lol
4 Jul 2007
Life / Polish Men and Fashion [90]

Yeah he did. He must have done it because you saw it. Anyway Im trying to talk these friends of mine into visiting sopot. She said that they are going on a tour of europe and want to be here for a while so Sopot is a place they should visit.

Anyway sorry for the short notice.
4 Jul 2007
Life / Polish Men and Fashion [90]

Bubba did u get my post about the room that i booked???
3 Jul 2007
UK, Ireland / Brit Youths Protest Anti-Gay Poland [114]

but they were being so provocative and i felt that march caused more damage to a very intolerant country

I think that is the case with quite a few of the gays(not allof them,I know). In one of my jobs there was a gay guy who used to sit at the lunch table and tell us all about gay sex acts that he liked to do with his boyfriend. It was sick, however when someone complained we were called homophobes. Another gay person in my previous job liked to kiss his boyfriend in the office when someone walked in and also liked to comment on males rears. I found this strange behaviour because if a male did this to a women they would probably lose their job.
3 Jul 2007
Food / wiejska sausage - do you cook it / peel it? [22]

am i surpose to cook it first?

I love cutting it into smalli pieces and frying it for a small amount of time with onions and then adding it to scrambled egg. Polish specialty im told. Best breakfast along with a bacon and egg sandwich(plus HP sauce, damn I miss that stuff,)
3 Jul 2007
Language / A Native American or a Native Pole: Who is better into which language? [116]

No, they are my words. For some people, investments, second homes ect can become an obsession. That is what I meant and that is what I said. Teraz, rozumiesz?

I know but in your original post you said' I agree'. I think L.I.R was curious who you are agreed with.
3 Jul 2007
UK, Ireland / Unemployed due to Polish who work in the UK [126]

When I do my shopping we do it in silence as we do not want to advertise our 'polishness

Michal. Thats a little sad. Shopping is fun with the person you love. When I went shopping with my Ex we talked and laughed and I didnt care who heard that she was from Poland. I loved her and that was that. Dont worry about what people think. As long as you love her isnt that the most important?
3 Jul 2007
Work / IT job market for none Polish speaker; planning to stay in Poland for 1 year. [13]

so are u saying its a bad idea to work in a support team if u dont speak polish? cuz ive been doing 1st and 2nd level support for the past 3 years and ive workd with the singapore government and also with one of the biggest multi-national company

Yes that is great support experience. Ask yourself though, how are you going to provide support when you cant explain anything in Polish? There are some companies about where you could still get work. For example in my town Torun, there is a Sharp office or production place. No idea about what they really do. Anyway there are about 100 chinese people working there who are staying in a hotel near me. I know they dont speak Polish because I heard them in the local shop. So its not impossible to find something but it will almost definately have to be with an English or American company.
3 Jul 2007
UK, Ireland / Heading to London.Whats there to see? [45]

Lady in red

You can quote peoples text by clicking with left mouse button and holiding it down then drag it across the text you want. Then click the qoute button in the top right hand corner of the post. Makes it easier for you :)

I second that opinion

Ok i'll follow the crowd.

I third that opinion.

The jury has decided that you are guilty.
2 Jul 2007
UK, Ireland / Unemployed due to Polish who work in the UK [126]

I can't explain why i'm doing it it just feels right. spookie stuff i know but i believe in fate and all that stuff.

You will be able to enjoy Poland and its culture(yes and frankfurters). Im sure you will do well over here.
2 Jul 2007
UK, Ireland / Housing problem in England [13]

With my amazing powers of persuasion and if they fail I will bribe them with Frankfurters.
2 Jul 2007
UK, Ireland / Housing problem in England [13]

Your sooooooooo funny pmsl :-D

Great. Im telling you my plan to win the next general election and you are laughing ;)

why Jersey why not the outer hebrerdies (i know thats spelt wrong but don't care)

Actually not Jersey. Germany is a better option.
2 Jul 2007
UK, Ireland / Housing problem in England [13]

These arent just drunk ramblings. It will work. Could work. Maybe. Maybe not. Oh well.
2 Jul 2007
UK, Ireland / Housing problem in England [13]

I some how don't think the people in Jersey would like that.

It could be done overnight. Or arange a massive festival and while they are all attending this , we could build some houses and ship the muslims in.
2 Jul 2007
UK, Ireland / Housing problem in England [13]

Problem is where do they build them?

For all the muslims who hate England build them houses in Jersey

Germans the same.

French the same. lol
2 Jul 2007
News / Polish girl burnt alive, please help me. [42]

Monica was a victim of terrorist attack

This is the definition of terrorism

the unlawful use of -- or threatened use of -- force or violence against individuals or property to coerce or intimidate governments or societies, often to achieve political, religious, or ideological objectives
2 Jul 2007
Life / Renewing my English passport in Poland [23]


So went to the embassy today and if you are applying for a UK passport outside of UK you must have someone sign it for you. Lucky I have a "friend" who lives very close to the consular office who was able to do it for me.