Life /
Black people in Poland [357]
Just because I was visited by the Lord makes me no better than anyone else. Maati do not be afraid to meet the Lord. The Lord may give you a notion to want to seek him. The greatest thing that can happen to a person is that God reveals himself to that person. Someday you may be in trouble and then you will seek him with all your heart soul and mind .
Riff, do you know what Christianese is? It's a language that all Christians speak that makes sense to them but not to others. They talk about being visited by Jesus, or hearing a word from Jesus or Jesus revealing himself to them and so on.
And they use scripture to make their point like "seek him with all your heart soul and mind" and "Jesus restores your soul" and "seek first the Kingdom of God". Those are all clearly Bible verses. Have you ever considered just speaking in a way that makes sense to people who don't like or understand Christianese?