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English vs. Polish hostility [323]
Ranj, you wrote: 'The US I think falls under the category of "everywhere"' - Does it follow you admit there's prejudice towards Poles in the US?
Yes, I'm actually serious when I'm asking why you regard as 'ridiculous' my statement that Polonophobia in the US is thousandfold worse than in UK. So are you able to answer this?
re: Where in the statement that I made do I say that predjudice does not exist?
- Where do I say you said that 'prejudice does not exist'? Aren't you twisting my statement? - In my statement I used the expression 'the prejudice,' meaning the prejudice against Poles in the US. I didn't mention prejudice in the vague general sense that you seem to mean. So does the prejudice against Poles exist in the US, or not, Ranj?
re: "PROVE IT" [that Latinos have incomparably more rights, respect and prominence in US than the Poles - P.]
- Oh boy. For example, they are incomparably more numerous and prominent in American politics than Poles. American voters seem to be more willing to choose a Latino as their representative than a Pole. They and their countries of origin are represented incomparably more postively in the American media than Poles and Poland. Their history, culture and surnames aren't ridiculed, e.g. in 'ethnic' slurs. In numerous instances they, not the Poles, get certain (good) jobs. The attitude of an average American is thus far more respectful and positive towards a Latino than a Pole. I've had hundreds of experiences in this respect, in both US and Canada.
re: the US has more Mexicans coming here because of the location, just as the UK has more Polish people coming there
- That's the kind of 'thinking' that is typical of many Americans in regard to the issue. I've met (nasty) examples of it also on the internet, e.g. on the discussion site of The Scotsman, where participants from America compare - hatefully - Poles coming to work in UK to Mexicans sneaking into the US. Here you come - that's the category some (quite numerous) Americans classify us to. (I don't mean any disrespect to Mexicans here; I'm just talking about the American negative attitude towards them and us.) Did it ever occur to you and some of your compatriots, Ranj, that Poles coming to work in UK differ from Mexicans coming to US in that they don't sneak, but come legally...?
re: You said it yourself, you are a "victim".
- What is the 'it' I allegedly said myself? So am I a victim? Why?
re: Don't know if you realize it or not, but we are responsible for our own happiness in can choose to play the victim and complain, or you can do sth with your life and make yourself happy.....:)
- And that's also the kind of delusional, divorced from political-economic reality, self-complacent, arrogant (and mortally boring) 'thinking' often encountered in America and Canada. - And it appears to me, Ranj, that by preaching to me condescendingly, as above, for a delusional reason, you're making a great fool of yourself. :)
re: I said that most likely it was his issue and the people he had come across that had sth against HIM and not an entire race......
- Well, perhaps you've got some sound evidence enabling you to babble as above. Do you? If so, what's the evidence, Ranj?