USA, Canada /
My personal (Polish) view on USA. [105]
the illegal immigrants work much harder than Americans this is why they can afford to buy a new car and houses for cash.
Witek...You always seem to state false facts about America. Anyone who works for cash doesn't get taxes taken out and ends up with a higher weekly pay. I've done this and I still do and I'm not an illegal. Many people do work on the side for extra spend money. Like I said, you can't tell people about America without living here..and 2 years doesn't count.
He used his Police salary to buy and renovate a home which he then flipped for a $200,000 profit in a year's time.
This is a good way to make $ and honest. He's being a smart :)
The ones who can afford new cars and toys are the illegal immigrants who come to this country, work and don't pay taxes
No, they send the $$ home. I never see mexicans in 6 figure cars. They pimp out their bicycles and lowriders :)
disposable income
Did you just make this word up? What is disposable income? Any smart people save money and work hard. You can't say most of us live pay check to pay check. Some of us do get paid more than others you know :)
I do agree with the CC abuse. Too many Americans fall for these stupid CC companies that have 20% APR and end up not being able to pay more than the minimum and end up going deep into debt. It's sad but you can't say this about most people. It depends on where you are in's a huge country Witek :)