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What did Poland get out of the wars and struggles for others? [1108]
Britain should have invaded Germany!!!! That is the assistance. Anything short of ground invasion was inadequate. Being home to the government in exile simply wasn't enough.
As far as Gdańsk goes, it doesn't matter. Germans and Poles share land around the borders of the two countries. This is an example of past European confusion. Let's look at a place in the US, Texas. Let's say El Paso Texas is 95% Mexican. I don't know if it is but that's really close. It is so close to Mexico but it's in the US. Lots of Mexicans live there. Does that mean the US should give El Paso to Mexico??? Does the US owe Mexico El Paso just because lots of Mexicans chose to and choose to live there?
It's absurd!!! It's the same thing!!! EXACTLY THE SAME PRINCIPLE.
Okay, let's go a step further. Lots of Mexicans living in El Paso, Texas. Suddenly Mexico decides they want El Paso. The Mexican authority suddenly demands El Paso from the US on the basis that most who live there are Mexican. They might not even be citizens of Mexico, they just have their roots in Mexico. Their heritage is Mexican, and their language, get the idea. Do you really think the US is going to hand over El Paso to Mexico on such demands????
It's completely absurd.
Using the same argument Germany used in favor of aquiring Gdańsk, do you think Mexico would gain El Paso from the US with the same argument? Okay, let's say by some outrageous fluke it works and Mexico gets El Paso because it's mostly Mexican. They get Austin to listen, and Washington DC. Representatives listen to both sides and decide El Pasons wants to be Mexican and they can belong to Mexico.
Suddenly Mexico realizes all it has to do is make a big enough demand and they can aquire towns from the US. They decide to try for Del Rio, Langtry, etc. They get those using the same argument, mostly Mexican.
Where does it end? What if the US decided to move a bunch of Americans to London and then demand London belong to the US. Why not, it's mostly American. Does the US get London because of that??? It's lame. It's not a valid reason.