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Posts by Frank  

Joined: 14 Aug 2006 / Male ♂
Last Post: 22 Nov 2016
Threads: Total: 23 / In This Archive: 19
Posts: Total: 1,183 / In This Archive: 978
From: Ireland
Interests: Travel, cars, gr8 food!

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13 Apr 2007
Love / how do i get rid of a girl? [90]

Tell her you are only interested in a menage a trois....and does she mind if your first date is a threesome?....:)


13 Apr 2007
Love / Are all Polish girls skinny? [85]

troubles attaching pictures on this forum..

Yes.....she isnt thin...she has a psychiatric problem.......not responsible for her regards/food/dieting.

Deffo.....Anglophone nations need to smarten up as regards food, alcohol and adopt centuries old Franco/Italian attitudes to same....but I doubt it will happen...pity...:(
13 Apr 2007
Life / Polish denial of reality - is it a national trade? [117]

I agree with hullo. Thay come here, steal our land saying to us :"You will get better". Thats the highest hypority Ive ever seen, GO HOME ENGLISH we dont want you here.

Is there and echo in this forum.........

echo in this forum........


12 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823] confuse ME with the statement...questions/answers.....I don't necessarily hold these views.........just repeating...."facts".....points of history...trying yet again to get reasoned, rational answers/replies......even debate...!
12 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

it's better to die stranding erect than living on your knees

Is this a porno novel you're writing Puzzler...innocent question?

I love you guys. Good night

Daffy you're right...he is a pseudo
12 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

P......yes I know...but I have to know are your attitudes rational...based on the positives or purely all the negatives....yes and your nightmarish history... I wish all Poles and Poland well.........ask Daffy.......
12 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823] my name being taken in vain........I thought it was a compliment......seeing as I am intellectually you've spoilt it Daffy.....
12 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

Puzzler...we love you too...but not in that way............

be sure to mention in the novel...:)....your two imaginary Irish neo-nazis you met on the board P.........
12 Apr 2007
UK, Ireland / Foreigners: Please buy the Irish Land! [49]

Oh your the bastard who sends the hate-mail huh??? Well you're gonna come home and 2 tons of dead fish will be spread all over the place! HAHAHAHA

Just 2 tons...?.....already had that.....needs to be 20 make any

The Japanese...had 70 yr mortgages for last 30 yrs.....
12 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

...oh...dear......think all Daffy was doing was objecting to your not interested in national identities........they are dangerous........done Poland no good...nor Germany..nor Russia......only led to 50 million deaths.....or do I have to give a reference for that too?

If I'm not mistaken, Ireland remained 'neutral' during WWII, right? And just before his death in 1939, an Irish (but writing in English) poet Yeates wrote a letter to Hitler in which he praised him highly, right?

I believe Irelands attitude at the time was "any enemy of the Englands was a friend of ours" German....without perhaps fully understanding what that actually implied..........we were occupied for 800yrs.....sorta..........apologies for that one irish miscreant......
12 Apr 2007
UK, Ireland / Foreigners: Please buy the Irish Land! [49]

You mean your mother hasn't dis-owned you at this she Mother Tersea?

Only saw your post and my name on it...soz!

Emmmm...newbies are foreigners!!!
12 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

Gud one Artur.....glad theres someone whose rational on this board....:)

Apart from the pseudo

Have the English bought ALL of Poland.....but sure they own ALL of I fussed.....?
12 Apr 2007
UK, Ireland / Foreigners: Please buy the Irish Land! [49]

Sh! leavin' that to all the newbies in our anally rich country! long time property owner not out to make a killing of any type!
12 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823] shocked and surprised at you.............well no I'm not actually........

So 50000 Poles didn't join Napolaeons army to take on the Russians..........?...

I must delete the 5 references to that fact then!
12 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823] pleasure........bin on the board a little longer than you...or maybe you've had several re-incarnations?

Again insulting people just makes any debate pointless...oh, BTW why do the debate (SIC!) thingy..........its only used when a word has been missused or spelt wronlgy(sic)

And putting words in peoples mouths...won't work either....its tough out there P...don't make it any harder for yourself!

Comment all you like........hide all you like behind your historical denials...doesn't bother me...but it bothers you.....:)
12 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

Puzzler, you've been found wanting in your "Germany seeks world war II reparations" thread too...shuda looked at that thread, before I bothered replying to your endless denials and attempt to deflect any blame from poland for anything ever.

I know its tough, when any little argument you thought had was nothing but smoke and mirrors, glad my fellow country man Daffy saw through you as well!!!

Anyways sleep tight and don't let the bugs bite or do want me to answer 40 irrelevant questions about that too?

12 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

P...its on my

Are you ok P, apols if I have upset you.....

PS Got something against Germans?

hateful, ignorant, anti-factual, 'nightmarish' vision of Polish history that Frank has expounded here.

Pardon.........afraid of debate, being honest....hhhmmmm...pity
12 Apr 2007
Love / Are all Polish girls skinny? [85] point is that its not scientfcially proven........the whole flush the kidneys, remove toxins etc.........dunno about speeding up your metabolism...thought only exercise etc could really do that!
12 Apr 2007
Love / Are all Polish girls skinny? [85]

Emm...I think you'll find, if you are thristy you drink full has EVER done a scientific study on much water to drink per day......

Sorry...its gobbledegook......

Don't bother patronising me Jeska.........thanks

Too much water can also kill you.......Fisz..and not talking drowning either!
12 Apr 2007
Love / Are all Polish girls skinny? [85]

Yes...but "fat" seems to be a four letter word to girls in UK/Ireland.......and a huge issue, I notice it in my home town....young women carrying way too much around the hips.......but not so in Poland.
12 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823] calling again...pity.....

All I was doing was quoting her posts...for several pages...if you disagree....say so I won't bite or call you names Puzzler..its ok, honest...:)


Wasn't it spelt incorrectly originally...though...means a lover of all things Polish.....
12 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

What country gives life to the likes of you?


We don't have such an arrogant and insensitive outlook as you've got towards us.

And don't scribble

None of these are positive comments -are denigrating, disparaging, negative...less than pleasant...Puzzler

So 50000 Poles werent in napoleons army...remember how long the motherlands memory is about for ever

A weak Poland was in the interests of Germany/Russia......fact

Giving someone like Hitler a reason to destroy your country wasn't exactly great......even though inadvertant...........

Poland never invaded/displaced another European country/population?

None of the above events occurred ??....which is what you are saying!!!!
12 Apr 2007
Love / Are all Polish girls skinny? [85]

Water cleanses and replenshes us from the inside out making you look and feel ultimately better than if you only drink when you're thirsty (and by that time you're already dehydrated).

Jeska...can you please reference this "fact"?
12 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

Back on as much Polish land as you can guys...Ola the troll with 380 plus posts...thinks

PS Pity you have to blame a fellow Pole
12 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

You make the personal judgements...not make the personal calling...etc...sorta looses any argument in my book..... you quote from some one you agree with....only?.......aaaaawwwwwwww
12 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

A few more guys......just trying to understand....Poland........its people, its angst, where its been...perhaps where its going.....

Puzzler...have gotten up posters noses on this topic.......just looking for an insight, so all these posters quoted are correct etc..........all history I have quoted wrong,....none of it happened........head in sand again.....:(