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Posts by outintheyard  

Joined: 7 Jan 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 8 Aug 2009
Threads: Total: 27 / In This Archive: 25
Posts: Total: 517 / In This Archive: 391
From: Indianapolis, Indiana USA
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: Organic Agriculture

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22 Sep 2008
Travel / BIKING in POLAND [75]

Biking on the weekend.

Good to read of your adventure. It sounds as you have a a very enjoyable time. The scenery sounds very nice as well I may have to put it oon my list . Is this the best time of year there for biking?
22 Sep 2008
Travel / BIKING in POLAND [75]

the best biking routes are within 15-30 minutes distance

Good planning! How is the auto traffic? DO they have bike access lanes? When I was in college I biked year arround. Yes, I did go down occasionally, however, I dressed for the occasion and back packs do work well as cushions on ice.
22 Sep 2008
Travel / BIKING in POLAND [75]

The winter here is just to cold and too windy for that in my opinion

Yes i would imagine so. I no longer bike in the winter either. I use the trainer inside. DO you plan on living there for awhile longer?
22 Sep 2008
Travel / BIKING in POLAND [75]

Are you planning to visit Toronto in the future

I have been to Toronto. It is currently not on my list unless I have a reason. I asked you for the simple reason that being you are in school, you probably will not stay there long unless you really enjoy it. What are your thoughts on your next place of possible residence and biking pleasure?
22 Sep 2008
Travel / BIKING in POLAND [75]

I still have some time for making plans

I hope you get the opportunity to travel many places and live other places as well. I have just begun to think about travel Poland is one place
22 Sep 2008
Travel / BIKING in POLAND [75]

I already have but thank you for your wishes

Have you been to the USA? There are 50 states! I would like to walk the Great wall some day I would also like to bike Europe. Have you biked much there?
22 Sep 2008
Travel / BIKING in POLAND [75]

if I would bike or hike

Now there is a new topic of discussion I hope to have a partner some day who would enjoy some European back pack adventure maybe for a whole year or so and I would think some biking too would be part of it. I would like to just take off a year from every concern and holiday so to speak.
22 Sep 2008
Travel / BIKING in POLAND [75]

I need to do some work now. see yah

Me too! So nice to have normal chat. I met a 70 yr old lady once who past me hikining up MT Sandia. Very fit. There are no hiking clubs here. They are all out West My area sucks for this kind of recreation. Maybe I need to look at a world club of some kind. Any way Soon....
22 Sep 2008
News / New Polish Euro Coins [65]

I am not from Poland and my opinion would be to keep the countries currency as its own and stay away from the Euro. Poland will become stronger in the long run and a force to be reckoned with. Might as well change the name of the country to Eurupole? The world needs countries with individuality That is what makes culture and diversity.
22 Sep 2008
Life / Are Polish traditions dissapearing [93]

None of my brother or sisters follow any of the polish holiday traditions alike my parents did when I was younger.
22 Sep 2008
Life / Are Polish traditions dissapearing [93]

In my opinion Polish nation is slowly being homogenised into Europe.

I would hope the Polish people would do anything to stop that. The West has no culture.
22 Sep 2008
Life / Are Polish traditions dissapearing [93]

I am so tired of hearing those words . Who came up with that and why do so many follow the crowd?
22 Sep 2008
Travel / BIKING in POLAND [75]

I hope you and Miranda can both get there again as well as I for the first time
23 Sep 2008
Life / Are Polish traditions dissapearing [93]

That's why most traditions in Poland are in fact religious

You must agree most of all culture is relgious based in some way or another. I think new traditions will evolve as OSiol haas written. Switezianka, do you follow any of these or are you another with less and less time? Myself I only celebrate a few the relgious holidays and Dyngus day as well as mushroom hunting.
23 Sep 2008
News / New Polish Euro Coins [65]

There will always be a battle here . History goes back to Rome. They though there cuurency would dominate the world too.
23 Sep 2008
Life / Are Polish traditions dissapearing [93]

Wow ! you are the exact opposite of me . We would make a good couple. lol
Poland is mostly catholic. Are you in Poland? If you are, do you find it difficult sometimes.
23 Sep 2008
News / New Polish Euro Coins [65]

I agree the Euro will out live us. I do not like the reaction to The US dollar. Another reason for Poland Independance
23 Sep 2008
Life / Are Polish traditions dissapearing [93]

join our Polish and Lemko colleagues there for a weekend foray.

I would join you for this most assuredly. Life does not have to be so complicated.

try inform other atheists about the possibility to leave this organization

Most peolple have too much else to think about . I would think this is not a very high priority.
23 Sep 2008
Travel / BIKING in POLAND [75]

I would like some information on this guest house if you care to inform me Thank you! Home made bread . The arroma one never forgets.
23 Sep 2008
Life / Are Polish traditions dissapearing [93]

Church tax? DO they not realize this could actually draw people away from the church? I myself would not care to pay such tax. I would rather pay the USA government so it can save the world of all problems.
23 Sep 2008
UK, Ireland / Polish women drunkedness in England [10]

I just had a friend come back from Poland and England and he states that many Polish women have left Poland because they do not like the drunken Polish men. However< he says they come to England and are worse drunks than the men. I s this true??
23 Sep 2008
UK, Ireland / Polish women drunkedness in England [10]

Thanks Miranda He had me worried . Especialy since the BBC announced this morning most of parliament is mostly always drunk as well as the rest of the British.
23 Sep 2008
Life / Are Polish traditions dissapearing [93]

adapted them slightly, gave them a new name and voila....

MAde for less war and made life more appealing.
23 Sep 2008
Travel / BIKING in POLAND [75]

She bakes bread only for relatives, not for the guests

How can I get relative status? lol Thanks for the info!
23 Sep 2008
UK, Ireland / Polish women drunkedness in England [10]

That is what my friend Adrian was saying. His new Polish wife has friends there who cater . This is interesting not much different than the US though. ANd here drugs come in to play also.