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Joined: 17 May 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 Jul 2012
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30 May 2007
History / What has Poland contributed to the Western civilisation? [69]

I have noticed that americans like it.You have to be american.

And Bratwurst boy was funny.When he said that Lederhosen are popular in Germany but eating a man is not so common.Sometimes Germans rock.
30 May 2007
History / What has Poland contributed to the Western civilisation? [69]

I guess the Particle Physicists are getting excited these days with the Hadron Collider coming on stream in Cern. Now that is a scary subject and way beyond me. My brother in law is big time into particles and loses me before the first course has finished. And to think I used to teach him maths.

There is always this difference between mathematicians who prefer abstract analysis and empirical physicians who are based on experiment results.Now most experiments are conducted in Europe.Americans seem to have dropped the funds.

But Poles are rather good in abstract models.

I would say that the greatest contribution of Germany to civilization is the Bratwurst boy.
30 May 2007
Love / Polish attitude towards sex [194]

Do you agree unicornes with the refered information?
30 May 2007
News / Why are foreigners coming to Poland and from which countries? [119]

haha. . i was about to start quarelin with u, but i checked thta site about IQ researches. .. . so it s true!! blacks are less inteligent:P that s why i didnt fit with my nigerian bf . . . . (nigeria-67, poland-99. hahh;D:D:D: )

There is some truth in that.Relationships between people of similar educational level are more likely to be stable.
30 May 2007
News / Why are foreigners coming to Poland and from which countries? [119]

prof has much more freedom when it comes to the curriculum of a particular subject, 2 profs teaching the same subject can teach it differently.
At my university people usually go for the professor moreso that for the subject, since some of them are better and more interesting than others, so there is a lot of flexibility, which I didn't find in Poland at all.

This is the same as in USA.Is student-professor relation more loose or formal?I mean can the students meet their prof. outside classroom etc?Can they ask questions interrupting the lecture?

Exams are based on multiple choice system or on memorization of pages?is there one book to be examed or are there multiple books and you choose?

In Canada universities are state owned,not true?
30 May 2007
News / Why are foreigners coming to Poland and from which countries? [119]

Precisly. Every country has its own struggle with minorieties and their fair treatment. Next time specify what country you are talking about and there will be less misunderstanding on my part.

I do not know the educational system in Canada.Is it closer to french or to english model?French are considered to be a minority?I have read it is closer to european educational system than the american,I do not know.
30 May 2007
News / Why are foreigners coming to Poland and from which countries? [119]

prove it.

I already proved it.The 30% of blacks having IQ above polish people is fake.He made it up making bad use of standard deviation.
Also what he wrote about chances of highly educated in Poland is contrived but I will write about that maybe later.

I can say the same about your post.

My post is not manipulative cause I used statistical,scientific data.He used fallacies.Totally different way to prove sth.

Oh, OK then, therefore mY IQ is lower than yours then, accoding to your ideology.

Wrong.It is not my ideology.Americans have already measured all this.What I say is that you have not been taught statistics which americans in university learn and I am surprised how good they use them.
30 May 2007
News / Why are foreigners coming to Poland and from which countries? [119]

As for the admittion process - I don't recall that "race" has even been a part of the appliction process. Admittion is usually done on paper or online, so there is hardly any room for discrimination.
PS. nobody gets a break because of their race of luck of language skills. There is no mercy - everybody has to perform according to university standards. It is a very fair system in my opinion.

I do not know the situation in Canada,if there is a fair percentage of black population.
I talk mainly about USA.What we discuss here is also hot pedagogic topic there.Americans take statistics very much into consideration and that is why they avoid problems like the ones France(with lower minority percentages) faced.

Maybe I will enter the discussion about educational systems and their evaluation but this is not the topic here.

why would yu say that? Statistics is quite easy to understand. My point is that statistics doesn't explain everything.

The opposite.Statistics are quite difficult to understand.Especially high level statistics.It has been proved that understanding of statistics correlates linear with a person's IQ.

It is mainly stuff of the latest century and needs maths to grasp it.
From your answers it seems you do not have a concept of simple statistics items like sample size.

exactly - I found it refreshing and to the point. I very much enjoyed it.

What was refreshing?This guy tried to manipulate numbers and mathematical methods.
You call this right?Right to manipulation?
30 May 2007
News / Why are foreigners coming to Poland and from which countries? [119]

well, I have been studying with them and I haven't noticed any differance at all. You have been talking a lot of rubbish,

I don't think it is, nothing else has been invented yet. I am counting on southern here.

Miranda you have no idea about statistics.Yes colleges and universities know them very well and take them into account on admission policies.Have you any idea what would happen if people would be accpepted based on their performance on tests without taking gender into account?Now over 60% of university graduates would be women.

So the college administrators looking at society expectations accept men with lower scores and do not admit females with higher scores.This is equality policy.

Did you see what happened in France?After the violent riots,Shiraq passed legislation that members of minortity arabs will be admitted to Grand Ecoles without adequate scores,that is society puts a lot of pressure to diminish the curve created by IQ.If society did not intervene,you would be surprised.Heavy conflicts would arise.

doubt there are hundred of such studies all with differing results. Key question is whether you accept IQ as a fair test of intelligence or not.

The research you mentioned does not in fact disagree with the numbers I gave.It simply puts every country's population IQ 5 points lower.Look at african states.By this research the average has an IQ of 75 which means 50% of population are borderline retarded.I gave a more favourable average IQ to african states.

Your objection has no point.I was based on the recent research by a british university teacher who attributed success of GB in 100 year war to the 5 points difference in IQ between english and french.He found that Germans have the highest IQ and Poles are the third in rank.

The black guy played with the numbers and the statistics thinking that nobody would understand what he did to oppose him.Unfortunately for him,there are people in the forum familiar with this kind of stuff.
30 May 2007
News / Why are foreigners coming to Poland and from which countries? [119]

and there are members of all races at all points in the curve. Even if you assume a low IQ of one SD for blacks that still means that at least 30 percent of Blacks are more intelligent than the average white person. The irony is that those who fail to understand this basic fact are more likely than not to mentally deficient

Nonsense.Blacks have an average IQ of 80 or even lower.Poles stand at 106.
This means that only about 10% of blacks have a higher IQ than 106,that is the average Pole.
It also means that the average black has borderline IQ.About 25% of them have IQ below 69,which is the limit for mental retardation.
What you write is true if you happen to belong to the elite,the 5% of blacks with the highest IQ,that would be above 120,which guarantees access to high ranking universities.

However the polish who have this IQ(over 120) represent probably a 20% of the polish population,since their average stands at 106.
What are you trying to prove?That blacks are highly selected and blacks in european countries represent the top 5% of all blacks in terms of IQ?

Every comparison between blacks and whites in IQ is in favour of the latter.
If Poles and blacks competed for the same places in university,the Poles would gain about 90% while the blacks only 10%.
If Poles competed with english(who have an average IQ of 103),they would gain 55-60% of positions while the english the rest 40-45%.And in high rank universities the percentage of Poles would be higher.

Only some asian races have higher IQ than europeans and that is why the british complain that asian students take the best places in university(due to their better grades) and want the english state to protect them(eg raising the base of entrance for Asians).

On the opposite side,some colleges and universities accept blacks despite their lower scores because of equality policy.
29 May 2007
News / Tinky Winky from tellytubbies outed in Poland [145]

The word "want" implies choice of the mind or spirit if you will has nothing to do with biology [/quote]

Actually it has to do with genes.Twins have a likelyhood of over 50% to become homosexual if their brother is homosexual.Even if raised by different families and never meet each other.
29 May 2007
History / Jews...and their Polish experience [520]

I hope you read my conflicts with adilski the last two days.How is it possible to be the same person?Unless I create the conflicts with myself.Then Kruk is probably me again.
29 May 2007
History / Jews...and their Polish experience [520]

[quote=TheKruk] and how does being anti-semetic help anyone?

Exactly.Supporting Israel is not the only possible european policy as many might think.
European interest and Israel interest are not tight bound.
29 May 2007
History / Jews...and their Polish experience [520]

Eurola why do you isolate a part of what I wrote?There is a context there,if you subtract the context the meaning becomes different.

I just wrote a common popular stereotype among Germans in the twenties and thirties.It does not mean I adopt the same stereotype.
29 May 2007
News / Tinky Winky from tellytubbies outed in Poland [145]

[quote=TheKruk] How does one "turn" gay? do you wake up and say hmm I think I'll be gay today!

Kruk have you been in bars with english men for example?If sb comes to you and starts talking to you in a special way,you will understand what I mean.Gays are aggresive Kruk.They do not confine themselves to smiling,neither ask sb if he is gay or not.

Wait in Poland and you will see.
29 May 2007
History / Jews...and their Polish experience [520]

nd not all jews are rich and powerful. Someone said jews run America did they steal it? and who helped form Israel ONLY JEWS no. Many troops who fought to form Israel

Of course they are not.There are three branches of Jews,one european,one arabic and one african.The european branch(the ashkenazi) has actually the power.Jewish lobby is powerful in USA because the Jews get very good grades and finish top ranking universities becoming lwayers,doctors etc.In this way they gain a lot of power.

Germans had understood the way Jews come to power and how they avoided labor work.They thought the jewish bankers stole what the hard working german workers produced.

Well I do agree you shouldn't be imprisoned for research no matter how idiotic.

David Irwing is one of the most famous historians in world level.He has written excellent books and conducts thorough research.That is why the Jews are after him.
29 May 2007
News / Tinky Winky from tellytubbies outed in Poland [145]

You call it homophobia as if it were America, Homophobia is a misnomer, you have people who hate gays, and people who tolerate them, as well as those who could care less what you do, but (no pun intended), to label people as homophobes is just a way to detract the real issues, most people do not hate gays , just do not agree with the lifestyle!! Phobia would be for someone afraid, people are not afraid, just fed up with the gay zelots trying to get normal average people to accept something they do not agree with it is not phobia, or fear, its reality.

It is fear indeed.It is that gays try to mix in society in order to find lovers.So instead of visiting for example gay clubs to find other gays,they go to straight clubs where they try to turn straight men into gays.They admit that their goal is to raise the number of sexual partners for them.

They also have high positions in some branches like media and show biz,which they use for their benefit,that is they create there a gay environment hiring and promoting other gays.Through their poerful position in media they can influence the public opinion to be positive towards gay issues.

As a result while in the seventies the homosexuals were treated with behaviorism methods to become straight,now after pressure of the gay community they are regarded absolutely normal,a normal variation.
29 May 2007
History / Jews...and their Polish experience [520]

So your message is kill everybody who is different? Or since these nations killed or expelled them hey its ok we have precedent. I have long hair no other man at my work does so I should be sacked.
Elvis didn't assimilate he was white and sang black music, kill him.
Maybe its time to evolve mankind has used this way of thinking since Cain offed Abel maybe its time to try something new like another guy who didn't integrate so well during his time who preached "love thy brother" now what was his name again?

I do not tell that.I say that the Holocaust is used as a tool by Israeli policy.It is the constant alibi for everything they do in Middle East.European historians who tried to doubt the Holocaust like the british David Irwing were persecuted and are now in prison because they made research!By law of many states everyone who doubts holocaust is an unwanted person and has to leave the country.Irwing was expelled from England and Germany and was prisoned in Austria.Others like the french Roge Garontee were heavily attacked and avoided imprisonment due to their fame,connections and some protection of the church.

Is it right a historian being hindered to do research?How will people learn the truth if they listen only to the one side?
29 May 2007
History / Jews...and their Polish experience [520]

reason is that they thought they were the chosen people... integration is very important, at the same time people should maintain their culture and identity.. but discrimination is not good and it shouldnt be promoted.. souther u sure know ur history..! a good source of knowledge cheers

If you read the Bible you will understand why Jews were hated so much.Read what the God told them,how to treat their enemies,why everybody is against them,how to gain power,jew mentality is all over.They simply never wanted to integrate.They refused mixed marriages and kept distinct from every folk they lived with.This led gradually to an accumulation of hatred towards them.Also their greed for power.
29 May 2007
History / Jews...and their Polish experience [520]

The roots of holocaust was the antisemitism.However there would be no antisemitism if there were no semitism.Jews failed to integrate and be accepted in almost every european country.They were expelled in the past from a whole lot of cities of many countries,for example 3 times from Prague between 1700 and 1850.

The Greeks eliminated them in Alexandria,the Romans destroyed them completely,the Egyptians threw them out and hunt them to death,the Babylonians exiled them and tried to extinguish them.There has to be some reason for this behaviour.
29 May 2007
History / Jews...and their Polish experience [520]

How long will people have to apologize for the Holocaust?The whole Israel policy is still based on that.What about the Poles experience from the Jews presence?
29 May 2007
UK, Ireland / Polish Sperm donors needed in London [19]

true. especially if either the donor or child commits crime in future

Police will be ready before you commit a crime.