USA, Canada /
do polish girls like the canadians when they visit? [34]
it's like it but not quite it. north america is severely lacking in the culture department and canada seems to head that one. maybe the ladies that are "wanting" to talk with you are either a) being polite or b) just wanting to practice their english (or test yours)
just a thought
Lacking in the culture department? Sure it doesn't have it's own culture, rather it's a cosmopolitan of hundreds of cultures. Besides nobody cares about this, people just come here for a better life.
a) They were not just being polite, they really wanted to talk and get me interested in them. I was not looking to establish any relationship beyond friendship with any of these girls, just wanted to spend some time with my cousins.
b) I speak fairly good polish so no these girls were not trying to practice their english. I was actually practicing my polish:)
I'm not the type of guy you think i am. I am a quite guy, not a pimp. But i do go out often with friends and i know very well when a girl is really interested.
Polish girls are quite easy going and curios of the world, thats why arent afraid of showing their interest in guys from different countries. Also they consider Canada exotic and rich country because that is common perception of Canada (shaped by media).
Nice theory, however its only true for a small percentage of polish women. Polish women are great (all about education & family life) but they also want to secure a comfortable life (Well, all women do - it's how their biology works). Many women are not happy with life in poland - yes they've admitted this to me. So when a foreigner shows up they focus on him. My (male) cousins have always complained about polish women showing more interest in foreign students/men. If you were polish, you would know this by now.
That is the reason you have guys like this one here,
he comes from a country where he got his ass kicked by the girls lots of time, where he doesn't get much action.
Coming to Europe, especially Eastern Europe is for him a Paradise.
Haha, I don't get my "ass kicked" here - i have a gf and never had problems with women. It's just a bit more difficult. In canada men go to the women, in poland the women go to the (foreign) men. I'm not saying polish women are promiscuous/desperate, they're (as stated above) just looking for a better life. Nothing wrong here.
Canadian guys have it really bad with Canadian girls. They are rather on egocentric and egoistic side, they often call them "b.i.t.c.h.e.s". I must say that there is a huge difference in attitudes of Polish and Canadian girls.
Polish girls value family and education. Of course there is also gold diggers. But in general in Poland you will meet much more girls that aren't materialistic than in Canada. Its seems to me that to the most of Canadian girls money is the priority.
Canadian girl is going to be pretty straightforward about it, often nasty, thats why guys call them the way they do and very often are quite bitter about it.
I fully agree with you here.