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Slavic mythology

Anna_  1 | 6  
1 Jun 2008 /  #1
Old Slavic tradition,gods and faith

Mitologia Słowiańska // Slavic Mythology
Slavic Mythology

Родноверие(Slavic pagan)

Piorun - Władyka Podniebnych Burz
Crow  154 | 9463  
1 Jun 2008 /  #3
Thank you very much Anna
Franek  8 | 271  
1 Jun 2008 /  #4
Is BABA JAGA a Polish or Slavic Myth?
Polson  5 | 1767  
1 Jun 2008 /  #5
I guess it is, yeah...
1 Jun 2008 /  #6
Is BABA JAGA a Polish or Slavic Myth?

Slavic folklore en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baba_Yaga
Crow  154 | 9463  
1 Jun 2008 /  #7
Is BABA JAGA a Polish or Slavic Myth?

definitely Slavic in general, not only Polish
southern  73 | 7059  
1 Jun 2008 /  #8
Is BABA JAGA a Polish or Slavic Myth?

Slavic.It exists even in Greece as BABOULA.

I noticed many slavic singers use patterns of slavic mythology.For example Tina Carol,Russlana have commonly the appearance of slavic godesses in video clips.
shopgirl  6 | 928  
1 Jun 2008 /  #9
I thought "baboula" was a Ukraine word for "crazy girl"?

Is there a connection?
OP Anna_  1 | 6  
1 Jun 2008 /  #10

definitely Slavic in general, not only Polish


Nature & Slavic Paganism

southern  73 | 7059  
1 Jun 2008 /  #11
Yes,the slavic spirit is alive.
OP Anna_  1 | 6  
1 Jun 2008 /  #12
Slavic history and mythology
Crow  154 | 9463  
1 Jun 2008 /  #13
Slavic civilization is very old

Interdisciplinary and linguistic evidence for Palaeolithic continuity of Indo-European, Uralic and Altaic populations in Eurasia, with an excursus on Slavic ethnogenesis by Mario Alinei

Sasha  2 | 1083  
1 Jun 2008 /  #14
I thought "baboula" was a Ukraine word for "crazy girl"?

Actually "babulia" is just a tender form of word "babushka" which is just "grandma".

Ethimology I guess is pretty simple. As we all know Baba Jaga flies in the mortar ("stupa" - rus.), so that in a way she serves for mortar as a pestle ("pest" - modern rus.) The ancient Slavic word for "pestle" is "Jaga". Slogan "Baba Jaga - kostinaja noga" (Baba Jaga is a bone leg) only backs this theory up.
Sadek  4 | 136  
1 Jun 2008 /  #15
Stara Baśń - Arkona - Po Syroi Zemle

SlavicWarrior  - | 6  
5 Jun 2008 /  #16
Slavs are of the Indo-European branch, so we share a lot in common with all people of Europe. The Hellenic god of thunder/war is ZEUS, in Germanic it is THOR, and in Slavic it is PERUN. This clearly demonstrates or mutual pagan ancestry. We are all decendants of the Indo-European Aryan branch.
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
6 Jun 2008 /  #17
I find slavic mithology very interesting thanx for posts.
ST_HIMMLER  - | 7  
7 Jun 2008 /  #18
I do not like Slavic neo-paganism, as much as I do not like some catholic fanaticism. But definately like most neo-pagans in alot of countries, alot of them in Poland are nationalists aand Church-burners , cross breakers .

I dont like the idea and I do not like the word Slavic , I do not think in such ******** that slavs throught could unite to form one big , great slavic nation .

But yes, definately, between the Slavic Countries, there isnt much differences in architectyre, culture, street culture like for examplee ; drinkin alcohol . annd maybe not in all but in some the only thing i Like is hangin a Carpet on a wall ; that is a cool tradition thingey .

got to love it.

I really prefer the slavs that have a cross in their hangin in their hallway above the door.

I collect pictures of Holy mary.

so yes; slavic gods, that religion ad people associated are evil , devil worshippers and should be burnt alive !!!

lesser  4 | 1311  
7 Jun 2008 /  #19
I dont like the idea and I do not like the word Slavic

Himmler have spoken! Too funny :))
OP Anna_  1 | 6  
9 Jun 2008 /  #20
Modern slavic pagan feast
Crow ? Where is Crow ;)
OP Anna_  1 | 6  
9 Jun 2008 /  #22
Now something for Slavic Warriors ;)
Crow  154 | 9463  
10 Jun 2008 /  #23
do you people know that Japanese word `Samurai` (sworn and sacred warriors, especialy trained, noble warriors) originally means `to serve`? But, not to serve in pejorative sense but `to serve with honor`

some time ago i heard for that meaning of word `samurai`. Immediately i reminded myself that i also heard and even sow article on Net that Buddha was Scythian by origin. And, we know that Scythians were kin ethos to Sarmatians, or to say branch of Sarmatians.

Now, considering that modern science, on the base of old data and newest genetic foundings, concluded that Sarmatians were in fact Proto Slavs. Speaking about Budha, it means that he was Slav by origin.

You people know for Aryan invasion on territories arround and behind Ind River. Well, story about Aryans is Sarmatian story and all that is part of Proto Slavic (Slavic) heritage.

let me return now to japanese word `samurai`. It wouldn’t be so interesting if just word samurai in its original means `to serve`.

We know that word slave coming from the ethnic name of Slavs, considering that Slavs as ethos were conquered and enslaved.

Then, word `servant` and `serf` also coming from one other ethnic Slavic name, from Serbian name- Serb, to say from Sarmatian name. As linguistic science propose Serbian name is form of Sarmatian name.

`Servant` and `serf` are older terms then slaves, BDV. It is because first and original ethnic Slavic designation (universal for all Slavs) was Sarmatians. That telling to us that Slavs were conquered (or known as people of the fields- form `serf`) in time when they still used Sarmatian name for their universal ethnic designation.

Now, it is also said that English word Ser (referring on nobleman) coming from Sarmatian name. We know for Sarmatian role (King Arthur’s origin) in British history and it shouldn’t surprise us. It seams that before were conquored Sarmatians (Slavs) were in history remembered as noblemans, as people of high culture and dignity. It again, remind us on path of Aryans who were bearers of knowladge of argiculture. Old Slavic story which suggest long continuity of existance.

To conclude this little elaboration, I would say that it is (by analogy of flow of Sarmatian name throughout time and space) possible that Japan also got rapports of Aryan invasion on India or maybe even itself was objects of hyperborean invasion in ancient past (ancient China chronicles preserved data about invasion of hyperboreans/Aryans/Sarmatians!) In any case Japan heard for Buddha, we know that. And, Buddha was White and Scythian, hyperborean, representativ of advanced culture among people of India (far East/Asia in general), nobleman by origin, true Sarmatian.

So, it is quite possible that word `Samurai` stays in correlation with word `Sarmatian`, no matter how that fact sound to us now.

My deepest respect for honorable Slavic contribution to mankind and global civilization. Slavic culture is amazing, i must conclude again.
osiol  55 | 3921  
10 Jun 2008 /  #24
There are slaves in a siimilar way to the way there are vandals, thugs, villains... oh, and romance!

Vandal - Germanic tribe, or people who smash up bus shelters and frighten old ladies.
Thugs - Rather dodgy sect of Hindus, violent meatheads generally.
Villain - Serf, usually allowed to own property (this may be villa, or it may be that they were tied to their master's villa. Not sure.)

Serf < Latin: servus - slave (related to servire - to serve, to be a slave). I have found no record of this word having anything to do with Serbs.

Surely Buddha was too fat to be Slavic.
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
10 Jun 2008 /  #25
Osiol are you suggestin something ....


as to the Serbs

Two genetically distant groups of Slavic populations were revealed: One encompassing all Western-Slavic, Eastern-Slavic, and two Southern - Slavic populations (Croats, Slovenes), and one encompassing all remaining Southern Slavs. According to the authors most Slavic populations have similar Y chromosome pools - R1a, and this similarity can be traced to an origin in middle Dnieper basin of the Ukraine from Ukrainian LGM refuge 15 kya.

However, some southern Slavic populations such as Serbians, Macedonians, Bulgarians, and Bosnians are clearly separated from the tight DNA cluster of the rest of Slavic populations. According to the authors this phenomenon is explained by "...contribution to the Y chromosomes of peoples who settled in the Balkan region before the Slavic expansion to the genetic heritage of Southern Slavs..."

and yes Serbs were conquered and had to serve ... and they were tradable good.
osiol  55 | 3921  
10 Jun 2008 /  #26
Osiol are you suggestin something

What? Like you should put up a couple of quotes from Wikipedia?

Interesting, but I still don't see the etymological link between Serb and serf. I'm not saying there isn't one, just that I haven't found anyone else suggesting it.

they were tradable good

Do you mean "They were tradable goods" or "They were terribly good"?
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
10 Jun 2008 /  #27
I asked you question. If you are trying to suggest something ?

IMO yes you are trying to do it. It isn't sophisticated method.

I wanted to suggest (again) something for Crow ...
osiol  55 | 3921  
10 Jun 2008 /  #28
If you are trying to suggest something ?

Like what?
Crow  154 | 9463  
10 Jun 2008 /  #29
It is fact that genetics from one Slavic ethos (nation) to another giving variable results on the first place thanks to fact that Slavs are ethnic grupation positioned on vast geographical territory in different micro climatic environment. To say, Slavs are ethos positioned on the inter-continental level.

But also, there are traces in genes which suggest that Balkan represent oldest core of Slavic kind, from where Slavic (Proto Slavic) population dispersed following Danube River and further.

On the article/link (by Hindu Institute of Learning) we can read about genetic mutations which are affected by changes in environment (longer population is positioned in place, higher % of Eu7). Eu7 genetic mutation is of highes percent on Balkan. Other Slavic populations (West, East, North) has lower percent (in circles around Balkan) of Eu7 markers due to fact that later was positioned on their territory, coming from Balkan. But, even so those Slavic populations are autochthonous populations on their today's territories thanks to fact that their `journey` was finished some 10.000 BC (minimum) years ago, as genetic result suggest. That about direct conclusions from genetic results.

Indirectly, we can conclude that Serbians and Croats preserved their genetics, no matter fact that they were often conquered by non-Slavs, even non-Whites. In other words, a genetic samples taken particularly from Serbs doesn't show genetic traces (changes) as result of mixing with eventually later arriving conquerors/invaders.

According to the authors this phenomenon is explained by "...contribution to the Y chromosomes of peoples who settled in the Balkan region before the Slavic expansion to the genetic heritage of Southern Slavs..."

and yes Serbs were conquered and had to serve ... and they were tradable good.

Luk giving wrong interpretation of presented genetic results. There are no traces of changes in genes taken as samples from Serbian population, at least not in last 20.000-25.000 years, as genetis foundings suggest.

In Luk`s article of Wikipedia we only see proof that Western Balkan (today`s Serbia) represent oldest Slavic core.

But also, Wiki`s article say `before the Slavic expansion `. Here we must say that Slavic expansion didn`t happened late in 600-700 AD (Wiki`s article suggest that Slavs arrived late and assimilated older population) but much before BC. Slavs are that autohtonmous population of Balkan and article of Wikipedia trying to avoid to underline that and, Serbian/South Slavic genetic results are different from other Slavic genetic results on the first place in percent of Eu7 genetic markers, which are highest thanks to long and continual existance in same enviroment (Balkan), from where all Slavs dispersed.

Joseph Skulj, Jagdish C. Sharda, Snejina Sonina, Petr Jandacek
Hindu Institute of Learning

M170 Lineage-Distribution and Age:
Semino proposes that M170 originated in Europe in descendants of men that arrived from the Middle East 20,000 to 25,000 years ago,... After climatic improvement, this culture spread north and east (Semino et al. 2000).

Semino proposes that the polymorphism M170 from which haplotype Eu7 is derived represents another putative Paleolithic mutation whose age has been estimated to be ~22,000 years. The mutation is most frequent in central Eastern Europe, at 45 % in Croats and 49% in Yugoslavs (Rosser et al. 2000) and also occurs in the Basques that have accumulated a subsequent mutation (M26) that distinguishes Eu8 (Semino et al.2000). It is also present on the Indian sub-continent; Pathan and Sindhi in Pakistan show a frequency of 16% and 9% (Qamar et al. 2002).

NOTE: `Yugoslavs` represent population of Serbia (Human Genome experiment occurred when name of Yugoslavia officially still was in use but in that time republics of Yugoslavia were just Serbia and Montenegro. Genetic samples were taken in Serbia.)
southern  73 | 7059  
10 Jun 2008 /  #30
Semino proposes

Proposes.It is not sure.The subject with people who came from Middle East and brought agriculture is complex.Let's leave it for a momnet.We estimate how many they were,we do not even know their number and how much they influenced european DNA.

According to the authors most Slavic populations have similar Y chromosome pools - R1a, and this similarity can be traced to an origin in middle Dnieper basin of the Ukraine from Ukrainian LGM refuge 15 kya.

I also believe that central Ukraine is the source of Slavs.It comes natural if you see their distribution.

However, some southern Slavic populations such as Serbians, Macedonians, Bulgarians, and Bosnians are clearly separated from the tight DNA cluster of the rest of Slavic populations. According to the authors this phenomenon is explained by "...contribution to the Y chromosomes of peoples who settled in the Balkan region before the Slavic expansion to the genetic heritage of Southern Slavs..."

Very interesting theory.Tight R1a.I go for that.I believe that theory.It has to be like that.Some pieces remain to complete the puzzle.

Archives - 2005-2009 / History / Slavic mythologyArchived