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Should Pope John Paul II Be Know as "The Great"

matthias  3 | 429  
30 Mar 2008 /  #1
It's clear that John Paul II (born in Poland) should be considered the Great.... He had done a lot for the world, he improved Muslim-Christian relations, Jewish-Christian relations, Orthodox-Christian relations and not to mention him being instrumental in helping destroy communism.... I think that qualifies IMO as him being considered "the Great."

isthatu  3 | 1164  
30 Mar 2008 /  #2
Yep,you know me matty but JP was certainly up there with the good guys.
OP matthias  3 | 429  
30 Mar 2008 /  #3
Yep,you know me matty

lol, naw your alright.....

JP was certainly up there with the good guys.

yeah, he was.......
Ranj  21 | 947  
30 Mar 2008 /  #4
JP was certainly up there with the good guys.

I brought my sister a keychain w/JP II's picture on it and something inscribed in Polish, from Poland last summer.....she absolutely loved it (she's a devout Catholic) which I knew she would;)
EbonyandBathory  5 | 249  
30 Mar 2008 /  #5
I've a got a bottle opener that a friend got me from Italy that was bless by John Paul. It has a picture of the Vatican on one side and of JP on the other. I call it the "Popener." He certainly was a great man and a brilliant Pope and I would certainly be behind any movement to canonize him, but I don't see any need to make him John Paul II the Great or anything like that. To my estimation his life was a 80 year mission to one day be renamed "Great." I don't think he did the things he did for that purpose. I know the point would be to honor him and I'm all for that, people know he was great. Adding "The Great" to Pope's names seems like a throwback to a more corrupt and self-fulfilling time. Maybe I'm just being a stick in the mud though...
OP matthias  3 | 429  
30 Mar 2008 /  #6


but I don't see any need to make him John Paul II the Great or anything like that. To my estimation his life was a 80 year mission to one day be renamed "Great." I don't think he did the things he did for that purpose. I know the point would be to honor him and I'm all for that, people know he was great. Adding "The Great" to Pope's names seems like a throwback to a more corrupt and self-fulfilling time.

Like you said he didn't do it for recognition... However I don't see any reason not to honor him for that... Yes people know he's great, however the personal intimate knowledge we have of the Pope today won't be around 200 years from now.....
ShaneConrad  1 | 11  
1 Apr 2008 /  #7
however the personal intimate knowledge we have of the Pope today won't be around 200 years from now.....

I think the knowldge will be with us for very long time. I agree with E&B; he was a pope and although he may deserve the title more than some that have it, it doesn't go well with a his persona. A lot of christian priests grow their career in church, I don't think he did that so giving him this title would go kinda against it. Bottom line he deserves the "title", but really, it would be out of place and he doesn't need it :)
Crow  155 | 9736  
1 Apr 2008 /  #8
It's clear that John Paul should be considered the Great.... He had done a lot for the world, he improved Muslim-Christian relations, Jewish-Christian relations, Orthodox-Christian relations and not to mention him being instrumental in helping destroy communism.... I think that qualifies IMO as him being considered "the Great"

i am ready to sign this statement as great truth about officialy first Slavic Pope

just to add

In Serbian history would stay remembered fact that Pope John Paul II was double crossed by Croatian Catholics, German leadership and then complete NATO and governments of so called west. Only Paul’s mistake in his brilliant career as Pope was when he allowed that Vatican joins to Germany in recognition of Croatian separation from Yugoslavia before political process was finished.

Pope John Paul was double crossed. South Slavs pushed in bloody Civil War. Catholic and some Orthodox Serbs given in hands of Croatian nation. Majority of Orthodox Serbs offered to mujaheedine beasts.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
1 Apr 2008 /  #9
He bridged many gaps between different peoples for sure. Criticising JPII is just asking for trouble so I'll keep my limited criticism to myself
OP matthias  3 | 429  
1 Apr 2008 /  #10
[quote]Pope John Paul II, the first non-Italian to hold the position since the 16th century


A little background about JPII....... probably unnessary since most people know his story.....
Keithjr  - | 19  
2 Apr 2008 /  #11
I've a got a bottle opener that a friend got me from Italy that was bless by John Paul. It has a picture of the Vatican on one side and of JP on the other. I call it the "Popener."

The man is Great though he was a religious leader.Great has a syndrome of meanings anyway but when it stands for eminency or distinguished he deserves to the title.
EbonyandBathory  5 | 249  
2 Apr 2008 /  #12
I'm in no way saying he's not deserving of the title "Great." I'm just saying that the man's accomplishments and deeds speak to his greatness more than a tacked on, posthumous title would.

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