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Polonius3  980 | 12275  
23 Aug 2009 /  #1
Polish news portals reporting Russian TV marking the 70th anniversary of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact by accusing Poland of signing a secret anti-Soviet protocol with Hitler in 1934. Such output appears to be laying the groundwork for Comrade KGB Putin's 1st Sept. visit to Westerplatte.

Russian state television Vesti information presented documentary " Secrets of the secret protocols" , in which it alleged that Poland allying himself with Adolf Hitler against the USSR . That is - according to the author Vadim Gasanov image - was one of the reasons for the conclusion by Joseph Stalin non-aggression agreement with Germany , called the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact .

On Sunday, the 70th anniversary of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact , under which the Stalinist Soviet Union and Nazi Germany divided Eastern and Central Europe to its sphere of influence , including cutting made ​​Polish .

1jola  14 | 1875  
23 Aug 2009 /  #2
First of all, the pact should be called for what it was - the Stalin-Hitler Pact. Today's Russian propaganda doesn't differ much from Soviet propaganda. Not much here to discuss.

Putin once said that there are no ex-KGB officers. I believe him.
lesser  4 | 1311  
23 Aug 2009 /  #3
Less prosperous times and thus more demagogy in state owned media. This is sad to watch how Russian leadership wasting an opportunity to move this state in proper direction. They copy western socialist solutions instead to overcome them with liberal minded policy. Extra negative addiction is this pathetic historic policy aimed to turn attention of public opinion from their everyday problems. They had such a great opportunity to underline that Russian Federation have little in common with The Soviet Union. Even playing nationalist tune they should not show Soviet state in good light in any sense.

Such policy just give pretext to such demagogues like Kaczynski or Michnik to talk their usual BS. Of course from wider non-Polish perspective this is factor of little important what they say but people in Poland must prepare to watch a lot of populist politicians talking about history.
Trevek  25 | 1699  
23 Aug 2009 /  #4
Considering Poland and Germany were the two countries most likely to suffer a conflict with USSR, it is not surprising such a pact was signed.

Russia now claims that the Mol/Rib pact was just a way of buying time to allow themselves to build up forces to resist the nazi onslaught... funny how they can say that but accuse Poland of doing something else.

Russia also threatens to break diplomatic ties with countries which continue to say they were "occupied" rather than "liberated".

I wonder how long they will continue to "liberate" Koenigsberg/Krolewiec.
Ryszard  - | 89  
23 Aug 2009 /  #5
I wonder how long they will continue to "liberate" Koenigsberg/Krolewiec.

You better ask when they start to demand exterritorial corridor through Poland and/or Lithuania...
...oops, they already did that.
1jola  14 | 1875  
24 Aug 2009 /  #6
I just wonder if Tusk will have enough balls to confront Putins lies on Sept 1 in Westerplatte? I say no, but let's wait.

If he does, there will be an outcry from EU lefties(majority) how Poland is so difficult in dealings with the Soviets, I mean Russia.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
24 Aug 2009 /  #7
Balls are not a Tusk strongpoint, but - pożyjemy, zobaczymy (we'll wait and see)!
Trevek  25 | 1699  
25 Aug 2009 /  #8
Interesting article. Apparently Stalin was hoping war between Germany, France and Britain would allow Soviet Union to push global communism. Apparently he didn't think a Nazi attack on USSR was likely or possible... sucker!!!


Kind of blows the argument that Mol-Rib pact was buying time.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
25 Aug 2009 /  #9
Well...and the West thought a strong Nazi-Germany would slug it out with the red hordes in the East, therefore save them from Stalins ambitions...they too wished for a mud fest were both kill each other.
lesser  4 | 1311  
25 Aug 2009 /  #10
I just wonder if Tusk will have enough balls to confront Putins lies on Sept 1 in Westerplatte? I say no, but let's wait.

Politicians should not talk about history, thus Tusk should ignore such provocations. (Anyway, did Putin himself made any remarks?) If Russian spin-doctors decided to spread such bizarre interpretations of historic events it means that they want to provoke Polish side (and most likely some others as well). This would be very unwise to play their game and do what they wish to see. Polish side should simply ignore it, spoil their plans.
Borrka  37 | 592  
25 Aug 2009 /  #11
Polish side should simply ignore it, spoil their plans.

100% true.
Trevek  25 | 1699  
25 Aug 2009 /  #12
Stalin suppressed this when they signed the M/R (funny, couldn't have been made without his OK)
celinski  31 | 1258  
26 Aug 2009 /  #13
I just wonder if Tusk will have enough balls to confront Putins lies on Sept 1 in Westerplatte? I say no, but let's wait.

Sounds like it shall be interesting.

Tusk: There Will Be No Doubt Who Was the Victim and Who the Perpetrator

'During the ceremonies on Westerplatte myself and president Kaczyński will present the Polish point of view, whether someone likes it or not.

OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
31 Aug 2009 /  #14
Aug 31, 09, 11:51 - Thread attached on merging:

In the run-up to Putin's planned visit to Poland on 1st September, Moscow is stepping up its propaganda barrage against Poland, hurling about the most far-fetched of allegations. Not only did Poland help start the war by refusing Hitler's moderate demands to annex Gdadńsk and build an extraterritorial road and rail line link across Polish territory. It turns out Poland also conspired with Hitler to attack the Soviet Union and that Józef Beck was a German agent adn Stanisław Mikołajczyk -- a British spy. Poland also condemned Soviet POWs after the 1920 war to death by starvation and created the protoype of fututre concentration camps.

What do you make of all this?
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
31 Aug 2009 /  #15
What do you make of all this?

It makes me think that Russia are trying to re-write history to make themselves look like the liberators of Poland after the second world war.

To make it look like the commies were on the good side.
I partially blame it on the Nazis being demonetised but not the Soviets.
Have you a link or something so we can read about it, please Polonius3?
PolskaMan  2 | 147  
31 Aug 2009 /  #17
1920 war to death by starvation and created the protoype of fututre concentration camps.

Poland just became a country and USSR expected then to have 5 star luxery POW camps?
Sasha  2 | 1083  
31 Aug 2009 /  #18
After the years of lull (I mean quite indifferent attitude towards Poland in Russian media) they (Russian Government) seem to start using your own weapon against you (the Polish media in its turn has never stopped doing antirussian injections into folk's body). That's all merely sad...

Btw, Polonius didn't you already create similar thread, did you?
1jola  14 | 1875  
31 Aug 2009 /  #19
Russian Government) seem to start using your own weapon against you (the Polish media in its turn has never stopped doing antirussian injections into folk's body).

Have Polish papers been printing government dictated, blatant lies about Russia, Sasha? I think not.

Reverting to Soviet propaganda makes Russia look like a desperate failed democracy, farther and farther away from the western world. They have plenty of useful idiots in the west though.

That's all merely sad...

scrappleton  - | 829  
31 Aug 2009 /  #20
To make it look like the commies were on the good side.

???.. Of course, they more or less were. They didn't give up, did they? Your own country couldn't be bothered with the Nazis. You think Ireland would have been given some kind of free pass had the Nazis won??

hurling about the most far-fetched of allegations

How do you know they're far fetched? People on here that favor the illustration of Poland as some little white dove in forest are comical at best. Nobody is that innocent. Give it a damn rest for once.
Sasha  2 | 1083  
31 Aug 2009 /  #21
Have Polish papers been printing government dictated, blatant lies about Russia, Sasha? I think not.

Have you heard of Wiktor Bater story? This Polish journalist being quite antirussian in his articles decided to step away from his usual sentiments in Russia-Georgian conflict. He instantly paid for his self-dependence: was given a sack.

By the way I would love to know how this story is painted in Poland... as I can't take it all on faith from the only Russian source.

I don't know whether it's government or anybody-else-dictated I only know that I don't believe in independent media in 21st century.
Paulie  1 | 43  
31 Aug 2009 /  #22
The Molotov-Ribbentrop (Non-agression pact) signed on the 24 August 1939 was the green light for both Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union to start the War.

Both had very similar expansionist motives. For the USSR it was expanding the communist regime westwards into Europe. For Nazi Germany it was about expanding the 3rd Reich eastwards. Without the signing of this pact, I doubt that the Soviet Union would have invaded Polish territory on 17 Sept 1939.

So the way I see it, both the USSR and Germany were equally complicit in starting WW2.
Crow  154 | 9535  
31 Aug 2009 /  #23

to put cross on myself
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
31 Aug 2009 /  #24
Polish news portals reporting Russian TV marking the 70th anniversary of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact by accusing Poland of signing a secret anti-Soviet protocol with Hitler in 1934. Such output appears to be laying the groundwork for Comrade KGB Putin's 1st Sept. visit to Westerplatte.

One question: Who owns this Rosyjska TV & radio?...This is where the program aired?
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
31 Aug 2009 /  #25
???.. Of course, they more or less were.

So you think Russia liberated Poland?
As for your efforts to squawk about Ireland, you know nothing.

the Polish media in its turn has never stopped doing antirussian injections into folk's body

I would call it anti Soviet or communist but not anti Russian.
There seems to be a huge difference that people see between the Russian people/culture (thumbs up) and the communist C.C.C.P. (thumbs down).

Of course I am only an observer and I do not speak for the Polish people.

*Edit, But why are the Russians doing this?
What is thought in schools in Russia about communist times? are they seen as good?
Sasha  2 | 1083  
1 Sep 2009 /  #26
So you think Russia liberated Poland?

Do you know how many Soviets actually died defending Warsaw? The other question though what was on their mind at the time... you can't count now how many of them died for communist ideology and how many had the version of fraternal people liberation from the fascist occupation.

I would call it anti Soviet or communist but not anti Russian.
There seems to be a huge difference that people see between the Russian people/culture (thumbs up) and the communist C.C.C.P. (thumbs down).
Of course I am only an observer and I do not speak for the Polish people.

Soviet times is another story. Those times are over. I meant that every single Russian (not Soviet) move often being painted black only with no alternative view.

But why are the Russians doing this?

The government? It's a politics. Tit for tat, zub za zub.
Borrka  37 | 592  
1 Sep 2009 /  #27
Do you know how many Soviets actually died defending Warsaw?

Soviets defending Warsaw ?
Quite new to me.

Or ... do you mean Red Army capturing the empty ruins of it January 1945 ?
After Germans and "white" Russians destroyed the city and murdered about 1/5 of its population...
southern  73 | 7059  
1 Sep 2009 /  #28
The Molotov-Ribbentrop (Non-agression pact) signed on the 24 August 1939 was the green light

What do you have to say about Munich treaty in 1938?Maybe this was the green light for Nazis to move?(to the East as the West hoped).
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
1 Sep 2009 /  #29
Do you know how many Soviets actually died defending Warsaw?

I know that an absolutely ridiculous amount of Soviets died in WWII but nobody says anything about defending Warsaw.
It is seen as an attack, as the Red army stopped before Warsaw.
The Warsaw uprising was in progress and the Red army waited for it to be finished, not liberating it.

I meant that every single Russian (not Soviet) move often being painted black only with no alternative view.

I have not heard them be blamed for starting the second world war, that is a bit too far.

When I was growing up there was the iron curtain and cold war.
Now, with the end of the hard core cold war, fall of communism and the advent of the internet,
relations must be changing between Russia and other countries?
The young generation have a different out look at your country and visa versa, no?

The government? It's a politics. Tit for tat, zub za zub.

They are always getting all of us in trouble.
southern  73 | 7059  
1 Sep 2009 /  #30
Munich agreement.


Hitler:''Now enemies are little worms.I saw them in Munich...Poland is in the position I wanted...''

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