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Poland-Russia: never-ending story?

Crow  154 | 9463  
13 Feb 2008 /  #1171
Dublinjohn wrote:
I don't know about all you but I am glad Constantinek doesn't have his finger on the button

Are you sure?

hionestly, who knows :) :) :) [don`t be nervous man, he just kidding] :) :) :)

i know who am i and look at me here. So, no wonder if you have `long` fingers. Obviously Polishforums.com pride of democracy is popular

Then, few days ago some guy responded (in one thread) and thanks to me that i used his link. I found that guy is familiar with politics very well
ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
14 Feb 2008 /  #1172
ConstantineK wrote:
You? Ha.....ha-ha......ha-ha-ha-ha....Are you joking?

I have to admit that they helped us, but the latest replies say, that they didnt... So I supose we did it on our own.

Halleluiah!!!! There is an additional member in the row of European's "liberators" - US, GB, now PL, who will be next? Brazil?
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
14 Feb 2008 /  #1173
article in Polish

as to Russian embargo on Polish food.

Russians have problems, food prices increase rapidly, Russians think about limiting food !!! Prices are so high that people are not able to buy enought food. Russian government think about regulating food prices by law ! Making limits on amouts of food one person can buy (old communist method they want to give special cards with monthly limits on food for family/person) or about opening market on food from foreign countries.

Russians started to repeal ban on Polish meat, I think it is time for other Polish food products.
matthias  3 | 429  
14 Feb 2008 /  #1174
lmao, good they deserve it for electing a retard to the post of President..... its clear theirs is a roll back in democracy and the free market system...

side note not that putin is a stupid man, just retarded in the sense of his childish ideology.
ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
14 Feb 2008 /  #1175
Russians started to repeal ban on Polish meat, I think it is time for other Polish food products.

BUGA-GA-GA! Masterpiece of nonsese!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help ! Help ! We are starving!!!!
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
14 Feb 2008 /  #1176
Honestly we don't need your market. Food prices are increasing in all over the world. More and more land is used for producing bio-ethanol and food prices will increase much stronger.

You don't need you don't buy.

honestly I think Financial Times has proved how advanced country you are and you can pretend what you want. Now you pretend you have enought food, we know you don't have.

We are open on talks with you and we wait, if you are not ready it is your problem. We are able to solve problems.
ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
14 Feb 2008 /  #1177
Honestly we don't need your market. Food prices are increasing in all over the world. More and more land is used for producing bio-ethanol and food prices will increase much stronger.

Honestly, we don't need your market at all, both agricultural and thechnological, PL have nothing to offer us, but we have. You feel this, feel your inanity and are trying to fill this emptyness with such laughable absurd, trying to conceal your incapacity!
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
14 Feb 2008 /  #1178
You have to understand one thing, we are member of EU, and you can't make embargo on Poland and buy food form UK :) now we have support of whole EU (Germans as well) speaches of Putin helped us ;)

You would like to have agreement between EU-Russia but you would like to make embargo on Poland. It is not possible. You are dictature country, where people are killed because they want say what they think, Euorpe opened their eyes. Now we are not trouble makers (like some time ago) Now you are horrible dictature.

We are able for discussion we are open for dialogue, we want to solve problems. We proved it.

You have to accept one thing we are not part of Soviet Union.

Read internatinal press about your country. German British French press, what do you think you are. You think you can tell Poland do what we want or we will kill 30% of Polish people like in WWII, and later tell us it was joke.
ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
14 Feb 2008 /  #1179
We are able for discussion we are open for dialogue, we want to solve problems.

First of all solve your own problems inside your society. The questions and complexes of failed superpower...failed on every side...You are incaple to form any forms of unions. I bet that in corse of 10 years you will quarrel with all european countries, trying to pose yourself as an offended magesty.

You have to understand one thing, we are member of EU, and you can't make embargo on Poland and buy food form UK :) now we have support of whole EU (Germans as well) speaches of Putin helped us ;)

You are saying it with such pride if God himself is your protector!!! Ha! What is EU? Just a pile of small states, well may be the are rich, but sure they are totally reduced in their strengh...

You would like to have agreement between EU-Russia but you would like to make embargo on Poland. It is not possible. You are dictature country, where people are killed because they want say what they think, Euorpe opened their eyes. Now we are not trouble makers (like some time ago) Now you are horrible dictature.

It's just only your point of view, but 90% of Russians have another
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
14 Feb 2008 /  #1180
we don't have problems. We want to develop our country, we are member of EU. EU has one trade policy. We can't make embargo on Russia, EU makes decissions in this case, when you make embargo on one country it is problem of EU not only Poland. Firstly your speaches about our certificates were taken serious now all EU know it was BS. And we have support of EU on veto on YOU, WE CAN HOLD IT AS LONG AS WE WANT. and we will do it to moment when you will end WHOLE emargo on Poland not only part of it because it is our right.

The questions and complexes of failed superpower..

I have heard that alcoholicks see in everybody alcoholicks, Thugs think everybody is thug. YOU HAVE PROBLEM WITH YOUR POSSITION after colapse of Soviet Union.
ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
14 Feb 2008 /  #1181
Well lets continue it after my returning home.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
14 Feb 2008 /  #1182
You are incaple to form any forms of unions.

thats funny, then how come Russia thinks they should have the say so in what
poland builds on their lands?

I think Russia trys to manipulate and sway their leaders so they can have the
control over them like they do in their own country. if they cant have their way
they threaten.. especially poland.. and where the US is concerned,, the bitterness
Russia has is evident, any talks spark media feuds..

with Poland in the middle.. theres a need for something with poland.. thats for sure.
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
14 Feb 2008 /  #1183
We had one problem, old EU thought we were dramatising, they thought that Russia will be democratic and there is bright future.

Now they know it is not true, now more and more EU politicians say "Poland was right" Putin isn't true democrat, he is dictator, he use Gazprom as political tool. He threat other countries he is not going to change Russia in normal country it will be in smaller and poorer Soviet Union.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
14 Feb 2008 /  #1184
Putin isn't true domocrat, he is dicator,

yes, thats very evident. Poland can move forward. make their own decisions
without the threats.. there was never a time in history when the U.S. ever
threatened or tried to take over Poland for any reasons.. weve always been there.

And we made mistakes in the past.. but weve came thru with flying colors..
Russia is jealous of the relationship we have with Poland.. even if right now
our reputation isnt so great with the war..

it be nice to see a better relationship between all three countries..
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
14 Feb 2008 /  #1185
I think we have more tools in creating EU policy than USA policy towards Russia. I have to admit that when Russia becomed true dictature shield is not problem for EU ;)
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
14 Feb 2008 /  #1186
When Europe thought that Russia is going to be democratic, shield was problem for EU now it isn't.

Well this is sorta like the Yalta conference.. ( not about war) but that they
think they are trustworthy and democratic and all of the sudden things changed..

it happened some 60 plus years ago with Stalin, its happening now with putin.
matthias  3 | 429  
14 Feb 2008 /  #1187
Quote from Putin:

international vote monitors should "teach their wives to make cabbage soup" rather than teach Russia how to behave.

lmao, yes the vote moniters should not try to help democracy in Russia, instead they should teach their wives how to make soup.

To think Russians actually buy this cr*p. russian intelligence = monkey intelligence, and that's being generous to the Russians and insulting to the monkeys..
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
14 Feb 2008 /  #1188
To think Russians actually buy this cr*p. russian intelligence = monkey intelligence, and that's being generous to the Russians and insulting to the monkeys..

I am not racist.

I think Putin and his friends are very inteligent members of dictatorship. They don't think about good future of their nation only about their interest.

We all know it would be much better for Russia to be democratic, they would gain they would be good partners of EU ... there is one problem Putin and his friends could lost control on enourmous money comming form gas... of course in elections.

it happened some 60 plus years ago with Stalin, its happening now with putin.

he is not Stalin, he is not Sadam, he is more advanced dictator ;)
celinski  31 | 1258  
14 Feb 2008 /  #1189
he is more advanced dictator

Yes but this time Poland is going to be covered.
NormalRussian  - | 16  
14 Feb 2008 /  #1190
matthias is American.

I think for better realtions we must wait to the end of decision process (shield) now we are going to see show.

Russia isn't democratic it is true, and probably it will never be. You must have relations with neighbour, now we will wait. I am sure relations will be OK.
ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
14 Feb 2008 /  #1191
C'mon, just take a look around, all european states have good relations with Russia and only PL behaves itsels like as it got an awl in as#. Bulgaria, Romania, Greece and especially Hungary, all have huge agricultural relationships and interests in Russia and they are trading with us without any difficulties with Russia.
matthias  3 | 429  
14 Feb 2008 /  #1192
Lukasz who said your a racist????

As for the intelligence comment, it was directed not at Putin but to the Russian public for not seeing or not caring that democracy is being rolled back...

on a side note, I am a racist..........., against stupidity......

actually normal, if I can call you normal...... im as much of an American as you are Polish..... btw if I wasn't a proud Pole, then I wouldn't mind being a proud American
Dice  15 | 452  
14 Feb 2008 /  #1193
I see everybody from the FSB is here today: Normal Russian, Constantine lol. For those who may not know, FSB is the new name for the KGB.

You guys, we should be proud of ourselves here in the PF, to bring such an international attention from the Russian intelligence agency...

PS. Matthias, I like the charity work you do for the single mothers (judging by your avatar).. I know it's tough, but someone has to do it. Keep up the good work, my friend.
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
14 Feb 2008 /  #1194
C'mon, just take a look around, all european states have good relations with Russia and only PL behaves itsels like as it got an awl in as#. Bulgaria, Romania, Greece and especially Hungary, all have huge agricultural relationships and interests in Russia and they are trading with us without any difficulties with Russia.



Europe's main election watchdog has said it will boycott Russia's presidential election on 2 March because of Moscow-imposed restrictions.

From article on previous page Financial Times

The west must again form a concerted policy: it must resist efforts to divide westerners against themselves; it must insure itself against over-dependence on Russian energy; and it must make the price of revanchism high for Russia itself. But it must also repeat a powerful truth: the west is no enemy of the Russian people. On the contrary, nothing would be more desirable than for a vibrant and self-confident Russian democracy to take its place in the world of western values. And, yes, that must include membership of Nato.

matthias  3 | 429  
14 Feb 2008 /  #1195
Dice wrote:

PS. Matthias, I like the charity work you do for the single mothers (judging by your avatar).. I know it's tough, but someone has to do it. Keep up the good work, my friend.

lmao : )...... thank you, it was either that or help democracy in Russia.... believe it or not the decision was not that difficult... : )
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
14 Feb 2008 /  #1196
I woud like to write what Poland wants.

Poland wants to be normal independent country, normal member of EU, normal member of NATO. That is all. Russia has problems with it.

Not only Poland has problems with you, all your neighbours have it, last time some other old EU countries.
ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
14 Feb 2008 /  #1197
heh, Lukas....PL never will be a normal country....Countries as people may have very different characters and PL represents hysterical type.
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
14 Feb 2008 /  #1198
We are traditionaly democratic society read Polands history, in our history we were firghting for freedom of other nations. We don't want war we want to live in peace. We don't threat other countries we don't force other countries to do what we want. We are normal you are not normal. Ok you can be normal, you don't know other reality. Putin and his friends will never let you know how normal world think and live.
matthias  3 | 429  
14 Feb 2008 /  #1199
What does Russia represent?????
Dice  15 | 452  
14 Feb 2008 /  #1200
Poland wants to be normal independent country, normal member of EU, normal member of NATO. That is all. Russia has problems with it.

Agree. Well put, Lukasz.

What does Russia represent?????

I know you guys may not like it very much, but what Russia is representing now is... the energy sources. Mainly oil, but also natural gas, which is even more valuable in the future. Natural gas is extremely valuable in the age of the Global Warming, because it has low CO2 emissions. So to not to be intimidated by Russia in the future requires for Poland to become independent from natural gas and oil and start building nuclear energy plants TODAY.

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