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Poland-Russia: never-ending story?

osiol  55 | 3921  
31 Oct 2007 /  #661
Both were of Jewish descent

So what?
Crnogorac  3 | 111  
31 Oct 2007 /  #662
Meaning that it isn't correct on the part of some posters here to attribute the symbol of communism to the Russian people. The policies of the Soviet Union were beyond their control, the creators of this shameful decadent ideology are entirely non-Russian.
osiol  55 | 3921  
31 Oct 2007 /  #663
If someone tells you something is a good idea, you don't neccesarily follow, do you?
I believe the communism of those who came after Marx and Engels twisted it into their own forms.
I am not saying that communism IS Russian, Jewish, Slavic.... I am not giving it any such attribute.
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
31 Oct 2007 /  #664
If someone tells you something is a good idea, you don't neccesarily follow, do you?
I believe the communism of those who came after Marx and Engels twisted it into their own forms.

Communism is just an utopia, and a vicious one at that. Marx not only despised proletariat but even weren't working class after all. Talking about hipocrisy. :)
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
2 Nov 2007 /  #665
So what?

exactly ...


I dont know how it looks in your country...

I just dont understand what you are trying to prove ? What is your point ?
Crow  154 | 9463  
4 Nov 2007 /  #667
Today on Sunday, in cathedral Orthodox Church of Baèka (Bachka) municipality in Voivodina, i prayed for freedom and progress of Slavs.

It is nice that Slavs are so diverse. Just that Slavs learn to see that as advantage. It is so interesting to be Slav. Thank you God for i am Slav
Polson  5 | 1767  
4 Nov 2007 /  #668
It is nice that Slavs are so diverse. Just that Slavs learn to see that as advantage. It is so interesting to be Slav

Humans are so diverse. So interesting to be a human... LoL
Crow  154 | 9463  
4 Nov 2007 /  #669

i would just add- if free Slavs could do so much for rest of humanity. Enslaved, humiliated, we are just anonimous numbers. Batter be free and walk with dignity, with historic mission among other humans
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
4 Nov 2007 /  #670
Today Russians have one of the most important events in year. They celebrate expeling of our troops in XVII century

todays pic (from celebration)
lesser  4 | 1311  
4 Nov 2007 /  #671
todays pic (from celebration)

This is from Gazeta Wyborcza, "objective" as usual. Probably some Russian rag also publish photos of NOP demonstration to show domestic public how Poles celebrate some of their holidays. Of course they would also put a pic of president somewhere in the middle and doesn't matter that he attended completely different event.
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
4 Nov 2007 /  #672
NOP demonstration

what was the bigest of tehir mainifestations 100 people ?

as to their celebration, have you read Putins speach ... nothing good is going to happen in nearest future ...

he attended completely different event.

It is form today demonstrations
Crow  154 | 9463  
5 Nov 2007 /  #673
Hey people, i found very interesting article on the Net which i warmly suggest for reading. Megatrends presented in the aricle could greately affect Polish-Russian relations. Same article can be interesting also from the angle of Polish-German, Polish-USA relations, etc.

Kosovo and the Westphalian Order

by Amb. James Bissett [The following is Ambassador Bissett's keynote address at the symposium on Kosovo held at the Capitol Hill Club in Washington, D.C., on October 23, 2007.]

Global Research, October 29, 2007


Jest few fragments with my short comments:

This fragment represent one of meny self-critical attitude on the so called West, in connection with events in former Yugoslavia...

From the beginning of the break up of Yugoslavia the policies followed by the United States and NATO countries have been marked by duplicity, double standards and cowardice. They have forgotten the role played by Serbia in two world wars and they have deliberately demonized Serbia and the Serbian people. They have falsely blamed Serbia for the breakup of Yugoslavia and for all of the atrocities committed in the wars that followed. They have set up that "travesty of justice"-The Hague Tribunal-to perpetuate these myths.

This is about illegal actions of USA and NATO when Serbia was bombed...

The bombing of Serbia established an ominous precedent. It meant the United States and the NATO countries could intervene wherever and whenever they wished. The use of force or the threat of it would be used whether within the law or not and having set the precedent with the bombing of Serbia the decision to invade Iraq was easy.

The American insistence on giving the Albanians independence and unilaterally handing over 15% of Serbian territory to the criminal leaders of Kosovois simply a further example of the willingness of the United States to use naked power to achieve its policy objectives.

This is especial part where author of article becoming aware that world greatly changed (and will be changed).

I clearly see bright future of Polish-Russian relations, no matter problems in current relations which have to be solved. I wish all the best to my Polish and Russian, Slavic brothers.

When dust fall down and things become clear, people of Slavic world, Europe and entire world just would see how great are consequences of new German `Drang nach Osten`, how great shame is that USA, Britain, France, etc supported this and, that Yugoslavia/Serbia and Serbs were just first target.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
5 Nov 2007 /  #674
is AP objective enough?
lesser  4 | 1311  
5 Nov 2007 /  #675
I'm almost ashamed that I need to explain it to you again... I don't deny that nationalists demonstrated. The only photos that "GW" published from Russian holidays is from nationalist demonstration! Plus one photo from communist demonstration (woman who keeps Stalin portrait) and one photo of Putin in CLOSE RANGE in the MIDDLE from DIFFERENT meeting. This is pure manipulation as usual in "GW". How you people can buy this BS so easily?

Of course Kremlin controlled media use the same kind of tricks. This only means that "GW" keeps Russian standards o journalism.

I could post films or photos from such nationalist demonstrations from almost every other country during its holidays. So lets keep at least minimum of objectivity.
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
6 Nov 2007 /  #676
is AP objective enough? URL

The fact is that they celebrate this event as it was yesterday, Putin gives nationalistic speaches, neo naizsts taking opportunity to use "freedom of speach" war against Poland in XVII century is one of the most importants events LOL

First Russian super production movie ... of course about war against Poland ...

What is noticable, Russians on this forum trying to prove that Poland is nothing that they are world player bla bla bla ... (Truhley was ok, but unfortumately he is gone ...)

The fact is that we sit in their psyche more than we think ...
ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
7 Nov 2007 /  #677
B**l sh**t !!! Exactly it is a piece of sh**t You show us, Lukasz, usual partial approach!
As usially you piled up all facts concerning russia, a call it - the distortion of the facts!!! All this photos have an abselutely different roots. More over, remembering our conversation, I desided to count how many times the words about Poland would be mentioned. So, the result was - only 5 times. I think, it is not too many...

Quoting: lesser
he attended completely different event.

It is form today demonstrations


Quoting: lesser
This is from Gazeta Wyborcza, "objective" as usual.

is AP objective enough? URL

Oh my God!!! Russia has enough freedom, so nationalist have the same abilities to demonstrate all what they suppose to need

Putin gives nationalistic speaches

it is totally ludicrous!!! Could you cite some of his "nationalistic" speaches?
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
7 Nov 2007 /  #678
it is totally ludicrous!!! Could you cite some of his "nationalistic" speaches?

oh yes ... Putins speaches like: Russia is surrounded by enemies ... we have to defend our state ... bla bla bla ...

I know one fact, you started to celebrate this anniversary in 2005 it is one of the most important events in your country. Since 2005 you have been black mailing us, making embargo on our products ... You have hostile policy towards us and that is whole true.

I think you have problem because all countries who could relive form you deal better with reality than you, even you have oli and gas, and I think you have psyche problem with this facts ... live your own Russian

Quoting: lesserhe attended completely different event. It is form today demonstrations nonsense!

this pic were made on Russian aniversary and they celebrating end of war against Poles in XVII century ....
ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
7 Nov 2007 /  #679
Russia is surrounded by enemies

I saw his speach among youths on the Red Sq. but i donot remember such words, though i think that it is only fiction!!!

I know one fact, you started to celebrate this anniversary in 2005 it is one of the most important events in your country

Yes, we celebrate this holyday, and what? why you can celebrade the date of Warshav uprising, but we caanot to do the same, concerning analogous fact from our history?

relive form you deal better with reality than you

Oh sure, i forgot the best friend of polish democracy, Mihail Saaakashvilli!!! georgia is flourished, sure!

Quoting: ConstantineK
Quoting: lesserhe attended completely different event. It is form today demonstrations nonsense!

this pic were made on Russian aniversary and they celebrating end of war against Poles in XVII century ....

And what? I can make alot of pix of idiots in Poland too...
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
7 Nov 2007 /  #680
I saw his speach among youths on the Red Sq. but i donot remember such words, though i think that it is only fiction!!!

... it isnt fiction, just Putins rethoric

Ok maybe I will try to change way we discusse, I will try to forget about your speaches about lazy western world and Russians as Modern mongolians ;)

How do you see (ConstatnineK) our relationships in future ?
ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
7 Nov 2007 /  #681
Well, which? Personally, your and mine? Sorry me for my offending.....offcourse russians are not the same as Mongols....
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
7 Nov 2007 /  #682
Well, which? Personally, your and mine?

PL - RUS relationships ..

offcourse russians are not the same as Mongols....

in this case you have changed your mind
lesser  4 | 1311  
7 Nov 2007 /  #683
Quoting: ConstantineK
it is totally ludicrous!!! Could you cite some of his "nationalistic" speaches?

oh yes ... Putins speaches like: Russia is surrounded by enemies ... we have to defend our state ... bla bla bla ...

If you analyze this carefully then indeed it is not nationalistic. (I did not read original version) First and foremost nationalist speech should verbally target ethnic minorities. We know very well that Russia is multi-ethnic state and playground for nationalisms is very wide. But from what you write Putin did not went this way. Nationalists always fight internal enemies first.

Also if Putin referring to the state of Russia (that is surrounded by enemies) then as I have write before this is multi-ethnic state.

So this is not nationalist speech. This is different problem, he does use old trick of different rulers/governments to concentrate attention of public opinion on external problems which rather have no impact on their everyday reality. Then they wont think about weaknesses of their leaders, about wrongs of their policy which they must deal constantly. For example Kremlin banned food import from few countries and now Russians must buy more expensive food. This is clearly fault of Putin's policy.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
7 Nov 2007 /  #684
Sorry me for my offending.....offcourse russians are not the same as Mongols....

Why ? What's wrong with Mongols ?
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
7 Nov 2007 /  #685

This is clearly fault of Putin's policy.

yes it is one of elements of typical regime ...
ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
8 Nov 2007 /  #686
What's wrong with Mongols ?

Do you provoke me? No, nothing special in Mongols, they are perfect people.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
8 Nov 2007 /  #687
Do you provoke me?

No, I'm serious.
ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
8 Nov 2007 /  #688
weaknesses of their leaders

Putin has no any weaknesses!

For example Kremlin banned food import from few countries and now Russians must buy more expensive food. This is clearly fault of Putin's policy.

And what? We have alot of our own fermers, so we have some oughts before them, it just a protection of domestic market.

Quoting: ConstantineK
Do you provoke me?

No, I'm serious.

There is nothing wrong with them, Mongols is a very kind people, they use Kyrillic ABC, and almost all knew Russian.

yes it is one of elements of typical regime ...

The typical regime in now in Georgig, as I remember you praised their lider... Now Michail sowed us that he is a pure democrate!

Quoting: ConstantineK
Well, which? Personally, your and mine?

PL - RUS relationships ..

Hemm, I think that Poland may sleep calmly about 150 - 200 years. Now Russia has a more significant task, to digest all national diversity inside it, and it may take a time.
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
8 Nov 2007 /  #689
what do you think ConstantineK we are going to buy it ?

Hemm, I think that Poland may sleep calmly about 150 - 200 years

so Georgia first ... Ukraine next ...
ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
8 Nov 2007 /  #690
Stop, you contend that russian troops invaded in Georgia or in Ukraine< Is it a joke? Hemm if so, may be it's time to me to prepare for mobilisation?

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