Quoting: Crow
I call you Russians to be aware of historic momentum and stop to behave like that other Slavs depend on you. We have feed-back, we are first line and Russia also depend on rest of Slavic world. Russia is stong only because Russia has Slavs on western and southern borders! ... and, we bleed and you make jokes just to prove how `grandioso` you are!
Oh I would be very glad if you give me some historic examples when Poland supported us....Could you?
In fact, Poland did a lot of for Russia and that Russia even never (as, if) nicely (!) asked for help. Poland exist on her ground and Russia is aware of Polish position and profits on that. That is ugly and complete Slavic world knows that. Russia is not biggest Polish problem but, biggest wound for sure.
Poles are Slavs and all invaders on Russia thru history from western side needed to count on that fact. It was never comfortable to invaders to try to reach Russia marching thru Slavic Polish land, because no matter all, always existed Poles which couldn`t accept that somebody march via Poland to exterminate Slavic children in Russia. And, you Russian know that and count on that!!!
Poland, Czeska, before them Lusatian Serbs, Kashubians, Pomerans, Prussians, Bavarians... (before germanization)- all were first line on western borders of Slavdom and were greately scatered.
Same was/is with South Slavs. One would hardly examine who suffered/suffer more and was more scatered, Western or Southern Slavs. Saying that, I in the same time don`t denied fact that Eastern Slavs also were greately scatered. We all have our share in great historical sufferings of our kind.
We must be aware of fact that Slavdom, on western side, retreated approximately (!) from territories of todays France, Swiss, greater part of Germany, Belgia, Baltic (in general). South Slavs retreated from territories of todays Northern Italy, Austria (there existed border line between Western and South Slavs), Northern Albania, Anatolia. Eastern Slavs retreated from Romania, Hungary (there existed border line between South and East Slavs) and also from parts of Anatolia. If we speak particulary about Serbs, from Baltic to Balkan, level of sufferings and scaterings is abnormal, behind worse dark imagination.
You see, Constantin
Enormous pressure on Western and Southern Slavs exist for minimum 2500 years. Eastern Slavs and especialy Russia also had problems but, had much more comfort if we speak about safety. True (!), Russia (or to say Russians!) often tried to help to their brothers on South and West but, also sometimes profits in deal with Slavic foes or faild to help or just couldn`t help.
I think that minimum what Russia can do now, is to stop to blackmail other Slavs with energy (for example). Let`s start from that little step and sign of good-will from Russian side. Then, maybe, possibilities for new agriements occure