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Poland-Russia: never-ending story?

Lukasz  49 | 1746  
25 Sep 2007 /  #421
I don't think that occures only because they were Polish.

I dont mean they were Polish(most Poles form there lives now in western Poland mainly Wrocław/Breslau) , but that they know democracy and other life. And idependent Ukraina is our natural ally, dependent Ukraina is problem ...
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
25 Sep 2007 /  #422
Ex Polish territories were Juszenko voters. That is the West Ukraine. It is Greek Catholic in its majority. They are a separated ethnic group. I don't think that occures only because they were Polish.


so we earn about 1076 $ per mounth

Brutto. Netto less than $800 and prices in Russia are lower, so It's the same crap. Both countries are poor.
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
25 Sep 2007 /  #424
Why in this case the reputation of Poles is so different in 16-17 centuries and in 19-21?Formerly Poles were enemies for many its neighbours but highly respected enemies. Nobody told about Polish-Lithuanian szlachta anything common with today opinion in Germany for example.

Look on the map in one of my privious posts, they were our fief than. They had to be polite. They were protestant (Germans from Prussia) (they were beging our King on the knees for permition to become protestant), pope asked us to smash them. But we were tolerant ... and we gave them live in way they wanted ... The bigest mistake in our history ...
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
25 Sep 2007 /  #425
WTF ? You think that they pay our wages ?
truhlei  10 | 332  
25 Sep 2007 /  #426
They had to be polite. They were protestant (Germans from Prussia) (they were beging our King on the knees for permition to become protestant), pope asked us to smash them. But we were tolerant ... and we gave them live in way they wanted ... The bigest mistake in our history ...

Lukasz you have started admiring by freedom. Now you are for opression of protestants. Even in the perioud when religious minorities weren't persecuted in different states (even in Russia if we discuss German protestants).

Clear your ideas please.

Besides that we are talking about Polish-Lithuanian reputation in Europe. Reputation can't be imposed by force. That is the question of respect.
I wrote Poles and Lithuanians had a higher reputation in Moscow state in 15-18 centuries. Despite the loss of force.
I wrote you that reputation existed still before 1830 in ruling circles and Polish-Lithuanian little szlachta had a high reputation among Russian middle-classers unrill 20 century.
Shall you oppose to these facts? You have a different information about Russia?
I only supposed that it is a common rule. I only supposed that Germans< Austrians and Brits were of the same respect even if they weren't opressed (or not opressed) protestants. Even if they were away from RP and independent.

I only supposed that because I don't have enough information.
I noticed that Poland today doesn't have equal reputation as it had before. That was my idea

Brutto. Netto less than $800 and prices in Russia are lower, so It's the same crap. Both countries are poor.


There is a dispute between me and Lukasz. I think the improvement of economic situation is possible not only by the increase of buying capacity. I wrote the way to reduce the cost of production of some goods is of the same importance. I wrote that it is technologically possible to build cottages for 17000 USD, to produce cars of 2500 USD and laptops less than for 100 USD.

I wrote that such low-cost helped the social development of Western states some 60 years ago (Levittown, Citroen 2 CV etc.) but nothing of the sort is possible for the rest of the world today.

I also stated that today a great research in this spheres is required and that it can take billions of USD. I told that answering the question of Lukasz what can EU do in order to improve the situation in the world and relations with Russia (as only part of this global process). I also stated that Poles are clever enough to add such idea of EU low-cost monitoring Buerau (for start) to its common proposals.

That was my opinion. It is clear that is not a present to the rest of the world. Donations from all developping states are required but only EU seems to be the international body able to coordinate the process.

In my opinion it is also in the interests of such states as Poland because there are many old people here who need a cheap car, and many Poles will never go to work abroad if cottage for 17000 is possible.

I think Lukasz is laughing at my idea.

Lukasz, a great snobery exists in former communist states: in Russia, Ukraine, Hungary, Polans etc. No low-cost, no goods available to all, no goods we can gain working days and nights abroad. You reject unexpensive cottages we can get without paying for them the resy of our life. You reject cars we can buy for our salary of 4 mounths.

While the Americans and Western Europeans actively discuss information about future Renault-Nissan car for 3000 USD. They are enthusiastic. We not.

Lukasz is snobery your game? Does it defend your interests or the interests of all your relatives?
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
26 Sep 2007 /  #427
Lukasz you have started admiring by freedom. Now you are for opression of protestants. Even in the perioud when religious minorities weren't persecuted in different states (even in Russia if we discuss German protestants).Clear your ideas please.

I haven't told that we should oppres protestants this time, because a lot of Poles were protestants this time ... All in all when there were religious wars in whole Europe, all refugees were coming to Poland because we had religious freedom. And we made good business on it. But especially Germans were refugees we will remember long time, firstly smilling hard working peaceful settlers, later ...



All in all muslim will do the same with them now ... what is really good

While the Americans and Western Europeans actively discuss information about future Renault-Nissan car for 3000 USD. They are enthusiastic

Im not going to discuss the case of low cost, and to be honest when somebody will invent somthing like that we will get it
truhlei  10 | 332  
26 Sep 2007 /  #428
All in all muslim will do the same with them now ... what is really good

Tatars are in Poland-Lithuania for 7 centuries without any trouble. Many of them became Christian and formed szlachta.
Muslims form some 10% of Russian population and most of them are quite soft. They didn' betray Russia during 500 years and had nearly a zero participation in revolution.

The problems West has with muslims are the result of its wrong policy today
ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
26 Sep 2007 /  #429
WTF ? You think that they pay our wages ?

No, but they dotate your economy...fortunately/unfortunately we have no such sponsorship ;-)))
truhlei  10 | 332  
26 Sep 2007 /  #430
Im not going to discuss the case of low cost, and to be honest when somebody will invent somthing like that we will get it

It is already invented by Ford 100 years ago.
Today not construction only but new materials are required as qell as new methods of production, digital codes for each detail, Internet registration of all details and their way to consumer etc. etc.

That all require billions of USD. The world has money for donations but a coordinator is required also.
Besides that a great force able to resist car manufacturers' interests in high cost is also necessary.
No problem to create optimum low cost. Problem to attract money, coordinate and superate resistance.
ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
26 Sep 2007 /  #431
They didn' betray Russia during 500 years and had nearly a zero participation in revolution.

It is not exactly right, they have tried to form an independent state but failed.
truhlei  10 | 332  
26 Sep 2007 /  #432
Following revolution only when central force became ilegal.
That's the case of Tatars. As to some Coucasus ethnic groups as Chechens, they aren't so numerous and their behaviour isn't common with all muslims in general.
ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
26 Sep 2007 /  #433
Hemm, we have some another difficulties with Chechens....

No I meant exactly Tatars, it's a famous Itil republic with Kazan as a potential center
truhlei  10 | 332  
26 Sep 2007 /  #434
No I meant exactly Tatars, it's a famous Itil republic with Kazan as a potential center

When did it take place? In the perioud between 1552-1917? I have doubts.
ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
26 Sep 2007 /  #435
This republic existed only during one year 1917-1918...exactly its name sounds as Idel-Ural State
truhlei  10 | 332  
26 Sep 2007 /  #436
Im not going to discuss the case of low cost, and to be honest when somebody will invent somthing like that we will get it

I see... What about Negroponte laptop for 200 USD now and some 75 USD in two years? Tell me about Polish participation in this project. Every Pole is going to buy a laptop to his child and if it is so does everybody want to pay an average salary for that if he has such 200 USD choice?

Do you know paper manuals and textbooks for schoolchildren are already out of date?
Polygraphy is expensive and manuals are heavy for children. Nogroponte invented a laptop that lookes like a tablet. It is not heavy and all manuals can be in electronic variant.

I repeate my question:
Was EU participation in this and similar projects adecuate?

This republic existed only during one year 1917-1918...exactly its name sounds as Idel-Ural State

When legal head of state is out of throne separatism is inevitable
3 Oct 2007 /  #437
Oh,please you've no idea how many things the EU dotates in Russia. E.g. 3 Billion Euro from TACIS and Assistance for Kaliningrad in the last 10 years. Not to mention the fact that european investors are the most significant investors in Russia and european market is the main market for russian goods. All this contributed to the economic growth in Russia. The truth is that both EU and Russia depend on each other and Russia is no independent economic superpower.
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
3 Oct 2007 /  #438
Thruhlei look on Ukraine, they are closer to democracy than you and they dont have gas, petrol or "low cost cottages".

Olenka  - | 8  
3 Oct 2007 /  #439
I don't honestly think that Polish people hate Russians and Russians Poles. It is mainly a problem of politicians in both countries who look too much in the past. Putin misses the position of Russia from times of Soviet Union and Polish politicians behave as the Second World war happened yesterday.

I do like Russians, I've been to Russia few times, think it's an incredible country with very complicated history.
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
3 Oct 2007 /  #440
No, but they dotate your economy...fortunately/unfortunately we have no such sponsorship ;-)))

We don't have significant oil and gas resources, and..? Isn't it the outcome that counts?

I don't honestly think that Polish people hate Russians and Russians Poles. It is mainly a problem of politicians in both countries who look too much in the past. Putin misses the position of Russia from times of Soviet Union and Polish politicians behave as the Second World war happened yesterday.

Both Polish and Russian foreign politics and aspirations were always in conflict, and although, similarly to the dispute with Germans, a lot of historical arguments are being thrown in to the debate, it is all about the present and future position of both countries in modern world. People that claim otherwise are either naive or british. :) Ok, ok, sorry folks. I couldn't help myself. It should have been: either naive or ignorant of the political situation in eastern and central Europe. No hard feelings I hope. :)
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
3 Oct 2007 /  #441
and next Putins move

Crow  154 | 9463  
4 Oct 2007 /  #442
Poles, Russians - I am curious

When would Poland and Russia start to behave seriously and support Slavic interests on Balkan? Why at least on Serbian example Poland and Russia can`t cooperate. Its good chance
Polson  5 | 1767  
4 Oct 2007 /  #443
Why Poland and Russia can`t cooperate. Its good chance

Cooperation between Poland and Germany is a priority...more than with Russia, i think...
Crow  154 | 9463  
4 Oct 2007 /  #444
Quoting: Crow
Why Poland and Russia can`t cooperate. Its good chance

Cooperation between Poland and Germany is a priority...more than with Russia, i think...

Thanks for answering me but tell me...

You mean you suggest that or that is priority for current politicians?
Polson  5 | 1767  
4 Oct 2007 /  #445
I suggest ;) Polish super government loves Miss Angela Merkel and Germany but...erm...don't think their priority is making German/Polish relations better :p
Crow  154 | 9463  
4 Oct 2007 /  #446
Current Serbian president mr boris tadic loves germans even more. Before he say something `claver` he regularely ask german ambasador what he can say or can`t say. I undersdand him, he must beware that something doesn`t fall on his head as was case with Milosevic in 1999 (you know what I want to say)

Now, seriously

It is diusguisting to me to see that so called West propose to Slavic countries cooperation with non-Slavs as priority, when in the same time cooperation with other Slavs represent abomination (while they integrates, Slavs segment). They don`t like to see Slavs togather, that scary them and endanger their imperial plans. In other words (in our example) it mean, that if you like germans you are open and modern but, if you like your own Slavic kind you are beckwarded. Those are my friend Polson, double standards.

It is obvious to me that Slavs must learn to work togather if they want to survive in this world. Only that way we can profit from encounters with other civilizations. One can`t love other people, if one can`t love his own civilization.
Polson  5 | 1767  
4 Oct 2007 /  #447
Slavs must learn to work togather if they want to survive

We should all learn to work together, not only Slavs.
I was sarcastic when i said that "Polish super government" loves Germany...it's maybe more the contrary ;p
Crow  154 | 9463  
4 Oct 2007 /  #448
We should all learn to work together, not only Slavs.

Of, course but how can we be open on others if we aren`t open for our own kind? Why is that so strange that Slavs are priority for Slavs. That doesn`t need to exclude cooperation with others (on the contrary, that should boost our cooperation with others and in the same time we would be in much batter position).

Look, i only propose that Slavs must have united politics (approach) on foreign civilizations. It can be even some kind of cultural union. At least that and, i would be satisfy.

it's maybe more the contrary

well, then germany should learn not to speak about changing borders and give up to force germanization

If they want to impress me they should for example give independance to Lusatians. Not to mention their Balkan schemes. Yes, germany need to change a lot of things in its politics if they want to be taken seriously from Slavs
Polson  5 | 1767  
4 Oct 2007 /  #449
our own kind?

Except the fact of being Slavs (which is difficult to say in Poland, with mixes), what have "we" really in common ? Our language is a bit similar sometimes, but the religion is not always the same, the way we write (latin/cyrillic), our influences, etc. All that makes us quite different. We're all European at least, and that is the most important point for me, proud of being European ;p

germany should learn not to speak about changing borders and give up to force germanization

Old History, isn't it ?...

There are lyrics of a song of Muse i like particularly (in "Map of The Problematique")

-> "No one thinks they are to blame
Why can't we see
That when we bleed we bleed the same"

LoL ;)
Crow  154 | 9463  
4 Oct 2007 /  #450

Don’t take Slavs in general exclusively as ethnic/national formation which only can be capable (possible) for union based on some brotherhood. That is vulgarization. Slavs are more then that. It’s even more then Europe, we are for already thousands of years human kind stretched on intercontinental level.

Yes, same origin connects majority of Slavs but, thru time due to achievements (take knowledge of agriculture for example and religious system based on solstice in time BC) of our civilization, many people which encountered our ancestors simply joined them (to us). So, you see Slavdom is more then brotherhood and its not only about blood. Its way of life, free life, primordial knowledge’s which are universal and are fundament of any civilization, mentality, spirituality, culture, language, etc.

Slavdom is alternative way of life for people who understand that it is good that people are different, that it is good that Slavs experienced different religious approaches and that differences doesn’t need to lead in misunderstandings. On the contrary, Slavs need to prosper because they are spiritually rich and diverse, not to extinct.

This world needs Slavs, connection with nature, tolerance that is essential part of our beings.

You see, Slavs started as brothers and cousins but, they evolved in real cultural conglomerate. Are we capable to evolve?

Look what USA or Canada (for example) trying to do. They are young countries, not even nations but, they already have their intelligentsia (let’s say- intellectuals which are mutualy connected with common interests) and they trying to form nations. They explore their history seriously and Slavic history needs to be funny to us, object of laughing (there are many opened questions and controverses but serious nations/civilizations seek). But, why USA or Canada force (children of immigrants in schools first learn anthems of those countries) creation of American/Canadian nations if that isn’t important. Why great number of Slavs doesn’t know their own history? Many questions

Somebody would maybe say `we live in world of globalization, there are great multinational companies, nationality isn’t important`

But wait, then nationalism need to be replaced with coroprationism and when we become part of corporation, our nations need to extinct. But, why? Because some interest group say so and suggest that we via corporationism in fact become just part of some other nation which is suit to some magnates (interest groups) and, then again and again…

Isn’t it batter that Slavs preserve their civilization and evolve? Why would we accept that our children live as object of experiments and laughing? Why would we disregard efforts of some our ancestors which because of their own interests (you see, same as some magnates trying to do today) separates form some ancient tribe, choused Danube (or even some river before Danube), invented agriculture and started their historic journey?

Why would Slavs abandon their great heritage, in time when some other nations seek to preserve and explore their young histories?

Let’s evolve. Let’s survive!

But, to evolve, to survive we need to work togather

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