Like how they try to make them look like heros that saved Poland,But they were supporting communism and the directors left out the Naliboki massacre in which russians and the Bielski brothers went on a rampage on a town killing Armia Krajowa members,women,teenagers,chlidren as young as 10,they burnt down the church, school, fire station and post office and looted the whole town.
The movie Defiance is a big lie (heroes that saved Poland suppored communism)
Many Polonians are disgruntled over the film. Some see it as a deliberate attempt to distort history and glamourise Jewish anti-Polonism. Haven't seen the film so I'm only relaying some of the remarks that have come my way. Sad to say, there were acts of anti-Semitism and instances of Polish collaboration with the Nazis, because war is hell and survival is the sole aim of most everyone. But there was also widespread anti-Polish Jewish collabroation with the Soivets which led to the jailing, killing and exiling of hundreds of thosduands of Poels. Also direct acts of perfidy such as self-styled Jewish red militias shooting Polish soldiers in the back. That aspect of the war has been conveniently hushed up or glossed over.
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11974
5 Jan 2009 / #3
Poland can make his own movies, you know...
Crnogorac7 - | 12
5 Jan 2009 / #4
Well it's a film, PolskaMan, classical Hollywood black-white-good guys-bad guys film.
As if the cinema audience in Oklahoma or Arizona are going to bother with facts, let the good guys trample over the bad guys, we shall pour over that a Coca Cola and stuff ourselves with popcorn, so that we're going home.
Production of cheap entertainment with unbelievable earnings.
"Jews have always controlled the business... The motion picture influence of the United States and Canada... is exclusively under the control, moral and financial, of the Jewish manipulators of the public mind."
"Jewish Supremacy in the Theater and Cinema"
From Henry Ford's Book, The International Jew
As if the cinema audience in Oklahoma or Arizona are going to bother with facts, let the good guys trample over the bad guys, we shall pour over that a Coca Cola and stuff ourselves with popcorn, so that we're going home.
Production of cheap entertainment with unbelievable earnings.
Many Polonians are disgruntled over the film. Some see it as a deliberate attempt to distort history and glamourise Jewish anti-Polonism.
"Jews have always controlled the business... The motion picture influence of the United States and Canada... is exclusively under the control, moral and financial, of the Jewish manipulators of the public mind."
"Jewish Supremacy in the Theater and Cinema"
From Henry Ford's Book, The International Jew
war is hell and survival is the sole aim of most everyone
Thats very true i do not mean to offend any Jews but Poles had to worry about there own life to.
HatefulBunch397 - | 658
5 Jan 2009 / #6
"Jews have always controlled the business... The motion picture influence of the United States and Canada... is exclusively under the control, moral and financial, of the Jewish manipulators of the public mind."
I have to interject. This is misinformation. Yes, it's true, there are people in Hollywood who are jewish who act in films, direct and produce movies...but you have to keep in mind, there are people of all different ethnicities in Hollywood and elsewhere making movies. It's not just jews, believe me. You are trying to give everyone the impression that jews are the only ones in North America producing movies and that is a blatant lie. They do not control the minds. I don't know what year that book was published, but it's inaccurate.
Think of all the independent movie companies and movie makers. It's not just the big studios anymore.
I'll give you an example. A local college football player was recruited by the Seattle Seahawks and he made millions of dollars (cannot remember the exact dollar amount). He accidentally injured his leg playing football, the first game with the Seahawks, I think, and he could no longer play afterwards but he still had the millions of dollars from the Seahawks. So, what did he do? He went to Hollywood and started his own production company. He produced at least one movie, and starred in it too. However, he wasn't that popular and the movie (which I can't even remember the name of) he starred in and made didn't do too well at the box office so he didn't make any more movies. He wasn't jewish, just someone with a few million dollars to invest, no NFL career because of an injury, and plenty of time to devote. My point being, he isn't jewish. Anyone with the drive and the money can own a production company.
I've read some reviews for Defiance and it isn't critically acclaimed because of the inaccuracies.
6 Jan 2009 / #7
Jews control the studios , they control what gets made.. what gets the green light. Hey often, they do a really good job at it (with the help of a lot of goys I might add).. but Goldwyn, Mayer, Thalberg, Spielberg, Geffen, Harvey Weinstein, Les Moonves, Warner Bros, Eisner, .. they arent' Irish names, slick. They have or have had amazing sway on what the American publics views, think, the causes it champions.
Hateful, you're a pugnacious, bright kid and I respect that. However this is a European board, they don't know anything about the Seattle Seahawks. 70% of the time they resent America especially Hollywood .. We are the enemy now - Yes, even to Poles and my own Slovakians. They hate us. Yes ... really. Our best bet is to close ourselves off until it blows over.
Incidentially, this movie "Definace" is getting panned in the US. It's not getting good reviews at all. It's luke warm for Valkyrie. See
Hateful, you're a pugnacious, bright kid and I respect that. However this is a European board, they don't know anything about the Seattle Seahawks. 70% of the time they resent America especially Hollywood .. We are the enemy now - Yes, even to Poles and my own Slovakians. They hate us. Yes ... really. Our best bet is to close ourselves off until it blows over.
Incidentially, this movie "Definace" is getting panned in the US. It's not getting good reviews at all. It's luke warm for Valkyrie. See
HatefulBunch397 - | 658
6 Jan 2009 / #8
Incidentially, this movie "Definace" is getting panned in the US. It's not getting good reviews at all.
That's my point. The movie isn't even getting good reviews. Now, if the jews were controlling all our minds and everything we think, wouldn't that movie be getting nothing but praise?
If I wasn't posting there would be no dissent against all the misinformation.
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11974
6 Jan 2009 / #9
They hate us. Yes ... really. Our best bet is to close ourselves off until it blows over.
No...THEY don't hate YOU!
Lot's of american flags were waved as Obama made his speech in Berlin...haters look different! :)
Now, if the jews were controlling all our minds and everything we think
Nobody would go so far I think!
But who controls the media controls alot of opinion, won't you agree?
And alot of US media is owned by Jews, again unproportional to their overall numbers.
"Today, seven Jewish Americans run the vast majority of US television networks, the printed press, the Hollywood movie industry, the book publishing industry, and the recording industry. Most of these industries are bundled into huge media conglomerates run by the following seven individuals:
Don't try to tell me they are impartial to the fate and future of their jewish brethren...
Actually I think that is also the reason for the still strong support of Israel, which is quite unique in the world.
Only a stupid wouldn't make the connection between jewish media control in the US and unwavering/selfdestructing US support for Israel which has nothing to do with US interests in this region but everything with keeping this artificial entity alive...
According to a US poll conducted on Thursday, Israel was considered one of the five most loved nations in the world by US citizens.
Israel, Iran top 'negative list'
A majority of people believe that Israel and Iran have a mainly negative influence in the world, a poll for the BBC World Service suggests.
It shows that the two countries are closely followed by the United States and North Korea.
The poll asked 28,000 people in 27 countries to rate a dozen countries...
A majority of people believe that Israel and Iran have a mainly negative influence in the world, a poll for the BBC World Service suggests.
It shows that the two countries are closely followed by the United States and North Korea.
The poll asked 28,000 people in 27 countries to rate a dozen countries...
And only one of these countries has an overwhelming jewish dominated media landscape - coincidence???
PS: There is a reason why Israel forbids independent journalists their work in Gaza...they know about the power of the media!
PPS: "Valkyrie" is still a 7,5 with over 6000 voters now...not bad at all!
HatefulBunch397 - | 658
6 Jan 2009 / #10
You forgot to add Rupert Murdoch to that list, lol. Seriously, what does it matter if they do?(which I don't think they do entirely. There are a lot of grey areas here, not just black and white issue. There are a lot of people who are not jewish involved in the media making decisions, etc). What harm are they causing? They aren't the boogyman, you know? Sheesh, what paranoia!!!
What you are labeling "Israeli" is common proceedure throughout the world. During military actions the media is suspended.
That is a common tactic everywhere. All I ask is less jewishcentricity in posts and to think about things some. The world is not owned by jews, not controlled by jews, jews do not control everyone's mind and are not this evil force in the world.
There is a reason why Israel forbids independent journalists their work in Gaza...they know about the power of the media!
What you are labeling "Israeli" is common proceedure throughout the world. During military actions the media is suspended.
That is a common tactic everywhere. All I ask is less jewishcentricity in posts and to think about things some. The world is not owned by jews, not controlled by jews, jews do not control everyone's mind and are not this evil force in the world.
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11974
6 Jan 2009 / #11
You forgot to add Rupert Murdoch to that list, lol
I didn't made this list and I think Murdoch is somewhere mentioned....
What you are labeling "Israeli" is common proceedure throughout the world. isn't! Even the US had journalists between their troops invading Iraq.
Only countries with whom Israel surely doesn't want to be counted together use media censorship!
The world is not owned by jews, not controlled by jews, jews do not control everyone's mind and are not this evil force in the world.
I don't know why you are so obsessed with mind control, media control is surely sufficient, don't you think so too?
Jews are much to influential in the whole US media market...who owns the media makes opinions makes isn't so hard to follow that logic, now isn't it.
It surely wouldn't matter if the USA were some third world backyard country but they aren' they HAVE power!
HatefulBunch397 - | 658
6 Jan 2009 / #12 isn't! Even the US had journalists between their troops invading Iraq.
The US limited media in Iraq and said it was "supporting the troops". That is why the military limits media during an operation. They do not want to demoralize the troops. Over here there's still controversy about Vietnam and freedom of the press and the impact that had. You won't see freedom of press like that during a war anymore.
Naliboki massacre in which russians and the Bielski brothers
Not according to Wikipedia.....
The usual anti-semitc tripe bring repeated over and over......oh....and the conspiracy theorists......
Most films are full of lies..............but this one makes a good story......not seen it yet though.
HatefulBunch397 - | 658
6 Jan 2009 / #14
who owns the media makes opinions makes policy...
If we tried really hard we could all be on the same side. For instance, if Germany was invaded the US, Britain, France, Australia, Canada, would all be right there for Germany. Where, exactly, is the enemy? It's not us. So, why all this mistrust?
VaFunkoolo 6 | 654
9 Jan 2009 / #15
Many Polonians are disgruntled over the film. Some see it as a deliberate attempt to distort history and glamourise Jewish anti-Polonism.
The film does nothing of the sort. This just confirms that 'many Polonians' will take offence at anything preceived in the slightest way polonophobic. Which the film isn't
Why not just see it for what it is - a good film produced in Hollywood
HatefulBunch397 - | 658
18 Jan 2009 / #16
I saw the film Defiance today and, for the record THE MOVIE HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH POLAND. I am talking about the movie. This film was about BeloRussia, the Soviet Red Army, the Germans and a jewish partisan group in BeloRussia, plus, refugees from ghettos living in the forests.
Not according to Wikipedia.....
The usual anti-semitc tripe bring repeated over and over......oh....and the conspiracy theorists......
The usual anti-semitc tripe bring repeated over and over......oh....and the conspiracy theorists......
Yeah because Wikipedia is just the absolute truth on earth that exists to enlighten us without bias from the writer.
The usual Jewish victim card that has been overplayed....
boz? lol
Hateful why don't you actually look into the history behind the movie? The movie itself has a lot of mistakes like how does the main character speak Russian if hes a eastern pole?Why is Russian spoken throughout but everything written is polish?Geography lesson, a good bit of Belorussia was part of Poland at the time, look up some maps on Google. The partisans never did anything heroic, their portrayed like robin hood in Sherwood forest when that was the farthest thing from the truth. They were a bunch of criminals that stole from,raped and killed Polish villagers and white Russians. Was saving as many Jews as they did heroic? Yes but they like hushing up facts like the one i just mentioned than wonder why Poles and Jews have lots of tension to this day.
The movie is a distortion of history and that's what pisses people off, If Jews were shown in the media nowadays as human as the rest of us instead of like angels than people wouldn't talk of things like Jewish controlled media. I don't understand how Germans can make films like Downfall were they show themselves in a bad but true light and have no problems about it while Jews during 1939 to 1945 were saints that never did anything wrong. If their worried about people overlooking their suffering than they are stupid because the general thought from anyone in North America is that they were the victims of world war two. That's why they should quit with this white and black bullshit view on world war 2 and start taking a more gray glance.
The movie is a distortion of history and that's what pisses people off, If Jews were shown in the media nowadays as human as the rest of us instead of like angels than people wouldn't talk of things like Jewish controlled media. I don't understand how Germans can make films like Downfall were they show themselves in a bad but true light and have no problems about it while Jews during 1939 to 1945 were saints that never did anything wrong. If their worried about people overlooking their suffering than they are stupid because the general thought from anyone in North America is that they were the victims of world war two. That's why they should quit with this white and black bullshit view on world war 2 and start taking a more gray glance.
I liked the movie, and i don't believe it was anti-polish.
Please remember folks that this is just a movie. Aloot of jewish film makers are very ignorant and don't care to much about the historic accuracy. They just want to make money like everyone else.
Please remember folks that this is just a movie. Aloot of jewish film makers are very ignorant and don't care to much about the historic accuracy. They just want to make money like everyone else.
27 Jan 2009 / #21
Hateful why don't you actually look into the history behind the movie?
What a load of titfull rubbish, when I watch a film I don't go on a history lesson before I do so, it's just a Hollywood film, plain and simple. Even Katyn had a bit of artistic licence in it as with all so-called historical films of this period.
And I think that some Polish people are being a tad over sensitive here, 'Polish people were whiter than white', come on!
My wife's grandmother was sold out to the Germans in the second world war by a neighbour in order to get some medicine for her son and consequently spent years in Majdanek concentration camp.
It happens in a time of war, because people will do anything to survive. Bollocks to integrity, if I was in the same situation and it was a choice between my family or someone else's family I know which I would choose, and I dare say the rest of you would be the same.
Switezianka - | 463
27 Jan 2009 / #22
Ludzie, nie zaĆamujcie mnie!
Whenever I watch a Hollywood movie that deals with history, I do it for laughs 'cause there's always a lot of inaccuracies. Most American productions I've seen completely disregarded the facts and the realities. So, what's the big deal? Why treat some silly Hollywood movie serious. If you want to lear some history, you go to a library, not, the cinema, right? For me it's really ridiculous to make so much fuss around some stupid movie.
I study Jewish culture a bit, and there are two striking things about it: Jews value education much more that Christian societies, and they have a long tradition of organizing themselves and supporting one another. E.g. when most people in Europe were illiterate, they taught their kids to write and read. Thanks to their tradition, they're usually better educated, better organized and, as consequence, more successful. And that's all, you need no conspiracy if you're better educated and better organized.
So, instead of hating Jews for their achievements, learn from them! Apparently their methods work. Or maybe you're just too lazy?
(that was directed to the anti-semites, of course)
Whenever I watch a Hollywood movie that deals with history, I do it for laughs 'cause there's always a lot of inaccuracies. Most American productions I've seen completely disregarded the facts and the realities. So, what's the big deal? Why treat some silly Hollywood movie serious. If you want to lear some history, you go to a library, not, the cinema, right? For me it's really ridiculous to make so much fuss around some stupid movie.
I study Jewish culture a bit, and there are two striking things about it: Jews value education much more that Christian societies, and they have a long tradition of organizing themselves and supporting one another. E.g. when most people in Europe were illiterate, they taught their kids to write and read. Thanks to their tradition, they're usually better educated, better organized and, as consequence, more successful. And that's all, you need no conspiracy if you're better educated and better organized.
So, instead of hating Jews for their achievements, learn from them! Apparently their methods work. Or maybe you're just too lazy?
(that was directed to the anti-semites, of course)
Ok ill go make a movie about how the bombers of 911 were heroes, i am sure that would go well with the American public.
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11974
27 Jan 2009 / #24
Thanks to their tradition, they're usually better educated, better organized and, as consequence, more successful.
That sounds good but is not correct.
A country doesn't need only students but also farmers and miners or laborers or industrial workers etc..
The host countries provided that all so that the Jews could follow their nice "traditions".
You should give some credit not only to the jewish achievements but also to the gentiles hard toiling who made that possible!
That was also part of the reason for lacking integration and the antipathy Jews felt during all the centuries in all countries.
So, instead of hating Jews for their achievements, learn from them! Apparently their methods work. Or maybe you're just too lazy?
Or maybe Jews should take part more in the real work keeping their host countries up and running?
That is much harder...
I didn't read much of Jews toiling in factories....who is the lazy one here?
Or do you see the workers and farmers generally as stupid and lazy?
So, instead of hating Jews for their achievements, learn from them! Apparently their methods work.
Ha! What a great idea! Let people from PF takeover the world and rule him! (:
27 Jan 2009 / #26
Ok ill go make a movie about how the bombers of 911 were heroes, i am sure that would go well with the American public.
lol,that has to one of the most childish and stupefying answers I have seen on here....well apart from one or two of my own that is:)
Ok ill go make a movie about how the bombers of 911 were heroes
Thats my point....
Switezianka - | 463
28 Jan 2009 / #28
A country doesn't need only students but also farmers and miners or laborers or industrial workers etc...
The host countries provided that all so that the Jews could follow their nice "traditions".
You should give some credit not only to the jewish achievements but also to the gentiles hard toiling who made that possible!
The host countries provided that all so that the Jews could follow their nice "traditions".
You should give some credit not only to the jewish achievements but also to the gentiles hard toiling who made that possible!
If you've got an opportunity to become a lawyer, you will not go to a mine to work, right? A kid from neither Jewish nor gentile intelligentsia will go to a factory. The difference is that the 'intelligentsia' values are, in general, more prevailing in Jewish communities (at least in the diaspora).
Or maybe Jews should take part more in the real work keeping their host countries up and running?
That is much harder...
I didn't read much of Jews toiling in factories....who is the lazy one here?
That is much harder...
I didn't read much of Jews toiling in factories....who is the lazy one here?
Well, if instead of studying hard, you f*ck around because you don't want your mates to think you're a brain, when you grow up, you find yourself in need to toil in a factory. Then, you've got no choice. I today's realities, you don't go to a factory because you feel a vocation to support your country's industry. You go there because you haven't taken advantage of your educational opportunities.
That is why growing up in a community that values intelligence gives you more chances to achieve higher social position. Watching the products of Western pop-culture, I can see a lot of anti-intellectual attitudes promoted. You don't have it in Jewish culture - there, it's OK to be smart and witty, so more people work on developing their brains and end up as Hollywood producers, in the government or in other influential positions.
That is why growing up in a community that values intelligence gives you more chances to achieve higher social position. Watching the products of Western pop-culture, I can see a lot of anti-intellectual attitudes promoted. You don't have it in Jewish culture - there, it's OK to be smart and witty, so more people work on developing their brains and end up as Hollywood producers, in the government or in other influential positions.
Agreed. Some people however find it easier to believe in conspiracies as this explains their own failings and those of their compatriots relative to Jews.
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11974
28 Jan 2009 / #30
A functioning society doesn't consist of only "higher positions"!
Where do you live???
And that all Jews are so smart can't be the truth either or they wouldn't be suffer
the bad treatment of the "gentiles" for 1500 years now either, getting kicked out, pogromed, killed in the end. Not very smart!
Look where and how their achievements where made...give some credit to their host countries.
If the Jews themselves don't do it, okay.
But I personally don't believe they did it in a vacuum!
Germans (non-Jews) have the highest IQ in Europe, besides Dutch and Poles...without Jews, thank you very much!
Nobody would call us not smart!
1/4 of the US has german heritage...but they are not controlling the US media to make sure the official opinion stays German/Germany friendly.
Wonder why?
Are we to stupid to live parasitic and manipulative??? Maybe...
To busy with toiling in the farms and in the factories to build this country and to keep it stupid of us!
A functioning society doesn't consist of only "higher positions"!
Where do you live???
And that all Jews are so smart can't be the truth either or they wouldn't be suffer
the bad treatment of the "gentiles" for 1500 years now either, getting kicked out, pogromed, killed in the end. Not very smart!
Look where and how their achievements where made...give some credit to their host countries.
If the Jews themselves don't do it, okay.
But I personally don't believe they did it in a vacuum!
You don't have it in Jewish culture - there, it's OK to be smart and witty, so more people work on developing their brains and end up as Hollywood producers, in the government or in other influential positions.
Germans (non-Jews) have the highest IQ in Europe, besides Dutch and Poles...without Jews, thank you very much!
Nobody would call us not smart!
1/4 of the US has german heritage...but they are not controlling the US media to make sure the official opinion stays German/Germany friendly.
Wonder why?
Are we to stupid to live parasitic and manipulative??? Maybe...
To busy with toiling in the farms and in the factories to build this country and to keep it stupid of us!