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How Poland Created the 'Jewish/Khazar Problem'

joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
30 May 2009 /  #1
A little history from an article by E.Michael Jones from 'Culture Wars':


The brief history below was the cause of the Chmielnicki rebellion in the Ukraine, which led to the break up of the Polish-Lithuanian Federation, thereby turning both territory and a very large Khazar population over to Russia...The constant struggle between the Russians/Ukrainians and the Khazars finally brought about the Bolshevik revolution, and the reaction of National Socialism to this creation...


In 1633, the Sejm passed a law forbidding Poland's nobility from selling liquor or engaging in commercial activities. The Polish noble citizens-both the wealthy and the impoverished-, in other words, retained political control of the country, but lost economic control because they were forbidden to engage in commercial activity. Because the Polish magnates owned the land but were unable to engage in commerce, they were forced to hand over the job of income extraction to the nation's Jews, who would pay a set fee for a lease to raise the money the nobles needed. The system of pre-paid, short-term leases was known in Poland as "arenda." The connection between the arenda system of tax-farming and the Jews was so intimate that it eventually found expression in the Polish language. In legal contracts in the 17th and 18th century, the Polish word "arendarz" or tax-farmer and "Jew" are synonymous. According to Pogonowski, "15 percent of urban and 80 percent of rural Jewish heads of households were occupied within the arenda system."


In 1647, as one of the preconditions that prepared the way for a Polish crusade against the Ottoman empire,the Cossacks were promised full civil rights and enfranchisement over a period of time as Polish citizens. That meant that "the harsh exploitation by Jewish holders of short time leases was to be lessened by banning the collection of such payments as church fees for funerals, weddings, baptisms, etc."

When the bill came to a vote in 1648, the Seym, dominated by the alliance of huge landowners and their Jewish administrators, defeated the measure, providing a classic instance of how the concentration of wealth and power into a few hands can enable that group to pursue its own interests, with total disregard of the common good, over the brink of that self-interest into national disaster.

sjam  2 | 541  
8 Jun 2009 /  #2
A little bit about the publisher of Culture Wars:

"Author E. Michael Jones, publisher of Culture Wars, represents one of the foremost proponents of "religious" anti-Semitism in Catholic circles. Any normal Catholic, or conservative aware of the Church's invaluable moral leadership, will find such a connection obnoxious.

Jones has subtly disseminated his Jewish conspiracy-obsessed message to right-of-center Catholics since the late 1990s. An excellent discussion of this drift into extremism is detailed in an open letter by former Culture Wars editor John J. Reilly."
1jola  14 | 1875  
9 Jun 2009 /  #3

A little bit about the publisher of Culture Wars:

"Author E. Michael Jones, publisher of Culture Wars, represents one of the foremost proponents of "religious" anti-Semitism in Catholic circles. Any normal Catholic, or conservative aware of the Church's invaluable moral leadership, will find such a connection obnoxious.

You should give a source when quoting someone, unless it is not convenient for your discredit the witness falacy.
sjam  2 | 541  
9 Jun 2009 /  #4
ou should give a source when quoting someone,

No inconvenience at all .. but you could just as well have googled it ;-))


and in case you missed this link?

"Mike........ I really don't want to be involved with what is increasingly becoming a journal of psycho-sexual conspiracy theory."
1jola  14 | 1875  
9 Jun 2009 /  #5
Just as I thought. A paranoid Jew tracking anti-Semites. Good source.

BTW, he quotes Pogonowski there, and his excellent book Jews in Poland - A Documentary History can be downloaded here:


He is not an idiot. He is a revolutionist,

He is a leftist all right. Socialism is his creadence.. He has no concept what socialism meant in Poland.
Ironside  50 | 13053  
9 Jun 2009 /  #6
He is a leftist all right. Socialism is his creadence.. He has no concept what socialism meant in Poland.

No, he is not leftist in the classical sense ....he is revolutionary, he is not concern about workers wealth fare, he is working on their state of mind.

Fighting for "rights" of gays, blacks, single mothers etc.
You never encountered such people 1jola? Do you live in the ivory tower?
sjam  2 | 541  
10 Jun 2009 /  #7
Just as I thought. A paranoid Jew tracking anti-Semites. Good source.

Paranoid Jew eh?? LOL


Mr. Matthew Anger and Fringe Watch

Mr. Matthew Anger, a freelance journalist who has written articles for the prestigious Latin Mass Magazine as well as Seattle Catholic, has initiated a Catholic Blog dedicated toward exposing fringe groups on both ends of the political and religious spectrum.

Fringe Watch, its primary aim "a study on the Third Positionist neo-fascist infiltration of conservative/traditional Catholic circles,"

You seem to deliberately overlooked John J. Reilly who resigned as an editor on Culture Wars: Another "paranoid Jew" ?
OP joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
13 Jun 2009 /  #8
A little bit about the publisher of Culture Wars:

"Author E. Michael Jones, publisher of Culture Wars, represents one of the foremost proponents of "religious" anti-Semitism in Catholic circles. Any normal Catholic, or conservative aware of the Church's invaluable moral leadership, will find such a connection obnoxious.

Jones has subtly disseminated his Jewish conspiracy-obsessed message to right-of-center Catholics since the late 1990s. An excellent discussion of this drift into extremism is detailed in an open letter by former Culture Wars editor John J. Reilly.

I hope you read the whole article, which you probably did not...Jones used as historical reference primarily Jewish sources...As far as this 'anti-Semite' and 'right wing' crapola goes, it is nonsense, right in line with the EU censorship mentality, and the suppression of any honest discussion on Jewish affairs...If we cannot discuss history openly, any kind of history, then we are lost...By the way, I disagree with Jones on many issues because I don't think he goes far enough in his criticism and use of logic...In this case, I found the article quite well put together, although I was already familiar with the history he discussed, as would be most Polish historians...I don't claim to be a historian regarding Poland, merely a student trying to learn.

You should give a source when quoting someone, unless it is not convenient for your discredit the witness falacy.

People can criticize Jones all they like...But what we are talking about here is the truth in the article...I would say it is very much in line with historical reality...Our friend, Sjam, does not address any of the issues, rather he attacks the messenger...I think the article throws much light on how the modern 'Jewish Problem' arose in Europe, and also throws light on why there are historical tensions between Poles and Ukrainians...
sjam  2 | 541  
14 Jun 2009 /  #9
right in line with the EU censorship mentality, and the suppression of any honest discussion on Jewish affairs.

Joe/Frank You are living in a sad world of your own making; a paranoid delusional world dominated by Jewish conspracies and clandestine forces. I thank the Lord that I obviously do not inhabit the same world you live in :-)))
jonni  16 | 2475  
14 Jun 2009 /  #10
Amen. These people are paranoid.

Probably believe in aliens too.
OP joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
18 Jun 2009 /  #11
Joe/Frank You are living in a sad world of your own making; a paranoid delusional world dominated by Jewish conspracies and clandestine forces. I thank the Lord that I obviously do not inhabit the same world you live in :-)))

What are you talking about, conspiracies?...The article I posted addresses certain events in recorded Polish history, and is meant to illuminate certain history...I spea of no conspiracies, Jewish, Polish or otherwise, just post an interesting article of verified history...Jewish issues are quite popular on this forum, because of their importance in the history of 19th & 20th Century Europe (and perhaps because Polish current events are rather mundane)...I merely try to give perspective...And, my friend, again you do not address the topic, but attack the messenger...My world involves religious faith, music, trying to earn a living, good humour, and informed discussion...When any of these elements get out of 'whack', so to speak, then there are problems...When they are in proper balance, it is a great world...But this post was referring to an element of Polish history, not to me...

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