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Jews...and their Polish experience

Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
1 May 2007 /  #151
Jews are Jews, not Poles.
FISZ  24 | 2116  
1 May 2007 /  #152
Wait...don't you mean Israelis are Israelis not Poles?

Jewish is religion
witek  1 | 587  
1 May 2007 /  #153
Jewish is religion


Jews are members of the Jewish people, an ethnic group originating in the Israelites of the ancient Middle East and converts who joined their fold throughout the millennia by adopting their religion. The ethnicity and the religion of Judaism are strongly interrelated, and converts are both included and have been absorbed within the Jewish people.

don't you mean Israelis are Israelis not Poles?

Israelis are citizens of modern Israel and there are some Israeli Poles
According to Israel's Central Bureau of Statistics, as of May 2006, of Israel's 7 million people, 77% were Jews, 18.5% Arabs, and 4.3% others

Jews are Jews, not Poles.

Poland was a major spiritual and cultural center for Ashkenazi Jewry, and Polish Jews made major contributions to Polish cultural, economic, and political life. At the start of the Second World War, Poland had the largest Jewish population in the world , over 3 million.

here are some Polish-Jews

Julian Tuwim poet
Władysław Szpilman pianist
Aleksander Ford filmaker, Knights of the Teutonic Order (Krzyzacy, 1960)
Jerzy Hoffman, film director , Colonel Wolodyjowski (Pan Wołodyjowski, 1968 )
Stanisław Lem, science fiction writer
Samuel Goldwyn, hollywood film
Izrael Poznański, textile magnate in Lodz
Jack Tramiel, founder of the Commodore 64
Bogusław Bagsik, hochstapler, swindler
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
1 May 2007 /  #154
Jewish is religion

Jews are also a separate ethnic group.
jan 72  
1 May 2007 /  #155
Nationality is totally seperate to religion though.
Your passport says British, Polish or Israeli not Jewish surely.
1 May 2007 /  #156
back to square one
jan 72  
1 May 2007 /  #157
Just responding to the comment, "jews are jews, not Poles"

Just made me wonder, how long would I have to live in Poland before I would be accepted as being Polish (regardless of whether I was officially Polish and fluent in the language).
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
1 May 2007 /  #158
Your passport says British, Polish or Israeli not Jewish surely.

But obviosly (except countries like USA or Australia) there's a difference between citizenship and nationality/ethnicality. Polish person, who would get Israeli citizenship won't become a Jew, Pakistani or Polish, who get British citizenship is not becoming English or Scotish...

Just made me wonder, how long would I have to live in Poland before I would be accepted as being Polish

It's not about being accepted or not...
1 May 2007 /  #159
We welcome Jews in Poland. Please, do not do any provocations. The only jewish person who understand polish-jewish relation is mr. Edelman in Lodz.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
1 May 2007 /  #160
We welcome Jews in Poland.

Some welcome, some not.

Please, do not do any provocations.

You're talking to me ? I'm only stating obvious facts.
1 May 2007 /  #161
You're talking to me ?

I am talking to you too. Or maybe in vain?
europe awake  
1 May 2007 /  #162
"The Holocaust did not only kill 6 million Jews. It also annihilated many hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Poles also."

6 million jews is a blown up figure. Millions of poles did not "die" at the hands of germans. I should know my parents lived through it. Many members of my family say they would have rather lived under nazi occupation over Jewish Bolshevism . The USSR has more blood on it's leaders hands then hitler's regime has. The holocaust is a profiting business these days and nothing more. Zions hold it higher then judism. There are many topics and innacturacies of WW2. But leave the story book versions at home thanks.
TheKruk  3 | 308  
3 May 2007 /  #163
For moree info visit ww.davidduke.com

David Duke the former KKK and white pride leader, great man to be looking to for your enlightenment. This thread should be closed as any intelligent discourse stops when the name David Duke, starts. Kruk will be watching you Witek and your racist cronies.


for more on Grand Wizard Duke check out the link.

I may have called Witek something meant for The egyptian please forgive me so many posts I confused the two !! In any case David Duke is a racist former grand wizard of the KKK. If i misguided my reply Witek please forgive me, if not my comments stand
Paul T.  
3 May 2007 /  #164
"6 million jews is a blown up figure. Millions of poles did not "die" at the hands of germans. ...The holocaust is a profiting business these days and nothing more. Zions hold it higher then judism."

This is very dangerous territory. If you attempt to deny that many millions of Jews were exterminated, then you are denying history. The Germans kept very good records of the Jews they murdered - read Victor Klemperer's diaries if you don't understand this.

There was much anti-semitism in the UK before the War. There was undoubtedly anti-semitism in Poland too. if you read Norman Davies's books you will learn more; for JEwish youth in the 30s, communism was very fashionable, and thus many Poles, who detested the Russians for their expansionist plans, resented that Polish Jews were allied with the Russians. Hence, there has been anti-semitism. But, as pointed out earlier, no collaboration - as there was, for example, in Vichy France. Poland has nothing to apologise for.
anielka  2 | 84  
3 May 2007 /  #165
Frank, you have posed a difficult question, I don't think it can be answered concisely in a few words- and to be P.C. From the people I have spoken to eg of my parents generation, from 1920-1939, the Jews had set up a state- their own eg businesses,shops, employing Jews, they were heavily involved in banking, monopolising Polish economy, they had own religion- did not recognise Roman Catholicism- within another state-Poland. Around a third of Warsaw's population was Jewish. On my father's visit to Warsaw he noticed the Jews made a point of not touching Poles. Note Topol's disowning of his third daughter when she marries a Russian in Fiddler on the Roof- yet Marek states this is not a true portrayal of a Jewish family. A well known saying in this period was "Wasze ulice, nasze kamienice", in other words,"your streets, our houses"- this hardly led to conducive relations.

On a personal note, my Grandfather had Jewish business acquantainces, who were entertained in his home. One of them had a son, he came to my Grandfather, who lent money to him, since the money was not repaid, my Grandfather went to the acquantaince to explain the situation. 24 hours later the money arrived via a messenger.
europe awake  
3 May 2007 /  #166
"David Duke the former KKK and white pride leader, great man to be looking to for your enlightenment. This thread should be closed as any intelligent discourse stops when the name David Duke, starts. Kruk will be watching you Witek and your racist cronies"

Please be quiet. This man has made mistakes in the past and has done a wonderful job at zeroing in on zionist's. Nelson mandella is a former murderer ,terrorist and commie. Yet he is a considered a world hero? David duke also has one of the best selling books in the world and has PHd. Go look at the CNN flick where he throws wolf blitzlers words right in the trash on national telivison.


If what david duke is saying in that article is untrue ,well why don't you explain what is untrue about it? Rather then making up excuses about a persons past to try to reduce their credibility to zero.

"This is very dangerous territory. If you attempt to deny that many millions of Jews were exterminated, then you are denying history"

Are you jewish? If it is denying history and they are so sure THAT many died why are there people sitting in jail for simply expressing their view on the holocaust? I am aware that places in europe have laws against it. But if they have nothing to hide it should not be a problem. A good majority of jews (not all) create their own anti-semitism through zionism. The IRAN confrence months back was about free speech and having said that free speech is limited and the holocaust was a example. There is no hard evidence about many things is WW2.

These are the main arguments used by what the media likes to call "holocaust deniers".

"PART I - The Holocaust is useful postwar propaganda that started as a systematic, insidious campaign during World War II as one of the tactics employed by moneyed interests to rally the troops and engage the world, specifically America, in what turned out to be, essentially, a fratricidal war.

PART II - There is no proof that the Holocaust, as depicted by the Holocaust Promotion Lobby and the highly politicized Hollywood industry, actually occurred.

PART III - The numbers of "Holocaust" victims are irresponsibly exaggerated.

PART IV - Official state policy towards the Jews in the Third Reich was emigration, not extermination.

PART V - Not a single document has been found with Hitler's signature ordering the extermination of the Jews.

PART VI - Zyklon B was a fumigant. It wasn't a practical agent for mass murder.

PART VII - Zyklon B was highly toxic. This being so, it would have been foolish and counterproductive to endanger Third Reich personnel engaged in allegedly pulling bodies from the execution chambers shortly after they were "gassed."

PART VIII - American execution expert, Fred Leuchter, delivered a scientific break-through in proving that the so-called gas chambers at Auschwitz could not have been used for their alleged purpose."
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
3 May 2007 /  #167
It wasn't a practical agent for mass murder.

Zyklon B was highly toxic

dont these 2 sort of contradict each other?
Hueg  - | 319  
3 May 2007 /  #168
Don't let the facts get in the way of a good story. Everyone worth his camels knows that. Bubba, i'm shocked at you, I really am! :)
europe awake  
3 May 2007 /  #169
"dont these 2 sort of contradict each other"

No clue I suppose so. However I did not write the list nor do I agree with all of it. I was simply posting what common things "deniers" use for arguments. I simply think the numbers are exagerated. Much of the anti-german rubbish is the fault of the soviets. A jewish-communist controlled country at the time.

I would like to add if you disagree with the arguments posted. The debunk the deabte with valid arguments. If not then don't bother posting.
Casimir  2 | 45  
3 May 2007 /  #170
Europe awake, seriously, make an account.

the so-called gas chambers at Auschwitz could not have been used for their alleged purpose

What were the gas chambers used for then

I should know my parents lived through it. Many members of my family say they would have rather lived under nazi occupation over Jewish Bolshevism . The USSR has more blood on it's leaders hands then hitler's regime has.

That's what all my realtives who lived through it said also.
It's not that they have a deep hatred of jews, it's just that jewish people owned a disproportional amount of polish, german, and czechoslavakian land before WWII. It pissed a lot of people off...including germans who were still reeling from the hardships of getting their asses kicked in WWI. Hitler provided a promise of economic stability, which he kept after taking power. He publicly introduced his racist policies after gaining power.

My great aunt told me stories about how she saved a family of jews by hiding them in their barn. They ended up saving the jews and keeping in touch with them until they reached America. My great aunt died and not one member of the jewish family sent a person to it offering condolences dispite her saving their lives. That pissed everyone in my family off.

History does naturally favor the allies, I mean, after all they got to write the history books.
TheKruk  3 | 308  
3 May 2007 /  #171
You are an extremely sick person with nothing but hate or misguided nationalism in your heart. I live in Poland my name is Kruk my mothers Nowicki. Tell my dead ancestors they were not murdered by the Nazi's. tell my grandmother she did not see Nazi stormtroopers murder her friends at the train station in her home town. You are a misguided fool to believe anything David Duke says or anyone who preaches this "Holocaust never happened" or jews want to take over the world nonesense.

The only way for humanity to move forward is together regardless of nation or religion but this is a concept, sadly, man has never learned. So preach your hate White Power is over done a last fart of Hitlers legacy. Besides you'll all probably kill each other at a football match. But as long as you keep raising your ignorance and might I say abject ignorance, How can you debunk lies, how or why debate with someone so misguided and so lost in hate its pointless Europe Awake you are only spreading hate full stop.
anielka  2 | 84  
3 May 2007 /  #172
they would have rather lived under nazi occupation over Jewish Bolshevism . The USSR has more blood on it's leaders hands then hitler's regime has.

Mine too- and not just mine, there is a general consensus- we have not begun to uncover the atrocities committed by the Russians, the problem is -no records, or they still won't release them. Of course Leon Uris doesn't help, spreading supposed anti Semitism by Poles- people forget it's fiction.
Casimir  2 | 45  
3 May 2007 /  #173
So preach your hate White Power is over done a last fart of Hitlers legacy

Not to be a party pooper, but "White Power" was around for much longer than Hitler's regime. Nazi Germany was just the first nation to make these ideals national policy.
Paul T.  
4 May 2007 /  #174
"Are you jewish? "
No. One doesn't have to be to find your arguments pathetic. You must have spent a lot of time avoiding all the works that document the Holocaust. Try reading some of the serious works on Albert Speer, or read Klemperer's diaries, or practically anything that isn't created by weirdos who lurk on the internet.
TheKruk  3 | 308  
4 May 2007 /  #175
Not to be a party pooper, but "White Power" was around for much longer than Hitler's regime. Nazi Germany was just the first nation to make these ideals national policy.

You missed the point Cas
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
4 May 2007 /  #176
So called Holocaust did happen, but It's true that some people use It to make money, get special rights etc.
TheKruk  3 | 308  
4 May 2007 /  #177
Please be quiet. This man has made mistakes in the past

(speaking about David Duke) I would say being elected Grand Wizard of the most notorious hate group in the USA slightly more than a "mistake"

A mistake is a drunk driving citation or not paying a parking ticket.
europe awake  
4 May 2007 /  #178
"You must have spent a lot of time avoiding all the works that document the Holocaust. Try reading some of the serious works on Albert Speer, or read Klemperer's diaries, or practically anything that isn't created by weirdos who lurk on the internet."

Why don't you attempt to debunk the comments above. Do you really think any information that some how shows evidence of the holocaust numbers being smaller would have made it to the mainstream? Give your head a check.

"document the Holocaust"

People from Iran have also documented the holocaust yet their opinion does not count correct?....

"I would say being elected Grand Wizard of the most notorious hate group in the USA slightly more than a "mistake"

Let's not get into hate groups because jews run many of them. Your people are responsible for much blood shed in this world so do not come here crying like you have had it so rough and are so hard done by. Your people created anti-semitism and nobody else.

Oh and by the way your people also killed jesus.
espana  17 | 951  
4 May 2007 /  #179
The Edict went public during the week of April 29, 1492. The charter declared that no Jews were permitted to remain within the Spanish kingdom, and Jew who wished to convert was welcome to stay. The power of wealthy Spanish Jewry was inconsequential.

Whether a Jew was rich or or poor did not matter, they all still had to convert or leave. Ferdinand's plans for Spain, as distorted by the Christian racism prevalent in late 15th Century Spain, did not include the one group that had done so much to serve the state.
TheKruk  3 | 308  
4 May 2007 /  #180
Oh and by the way your people also killed jesus.

The Poles killed Jesus ? If you meant that comment for me as I am Polish-American and raised Protestant.

Your people created anti-semitism and nobody else.

Then why do you follow anti semitism if Jews created it? then your a jew too by that logic. So Shalom

Let's not get into hate groups

ahh You brought David Duke into this by adding a link to his website and you admit he was Grand Wizard of the KKK and I believe nobody can deny the Ku Klux Klan is a hate group. So really whats your deal whats your agenda White Pride or what be a man or woman admit who you are most other people here have I call you out homey what the heck is in your misguided hate-filled young mind, did your girlfriend run off with an intelligent jewish guy and that lead you over to the dark side? Its not to late open your heart and your mind and life will be better I promise

People from Iran have also documented the holocaust yet their opinion does not count correct?....

And how many Iranians were there with eyewitness accounts?

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