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Polish Jews - they changed their Jewish surnames to Polish

Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
29 Nov 2007 /  #481
I guess sarcasm doesn’t transfer over the internet very well.

isthatu  3 | 1164  
29 Nov 2007 /  #482
Funny(well,not really but...) that mad up account of the jebwane massacre reads more like a factual account of Israeli behaviour in the Levant/lebanon in the 1980s,except they did it to 2 villages not just one.........
szmata  - | 23  
29 Nov 2007 /  #483
Polish Jews Were Ecstatic When Russians Occupied Poland
Jews committed acts of revolt against the Polish state, taking over towns and setting up revolutionary committees there, arresting and shooting representatives of the Polish state authorities, attacking smaller or even fairly large units of the Polish Army (as in Grodno). . It was armed collaboration, taking the side of the enemy, betrayal in the days of defeat

Why did this happen? What were the roots of this terrible hatred toward Poland and the cruel revenge on Poles? "It is true,"

"Jews who had put up an archway greeted the Red Army. They changed the old town government and proposed a new one drawn from the local population (Jews and communists). They arrested the police, the teachers . . . They led the NKVD to apartments and houses and denounced Polish patriots."

For example, one night a group of Poles was arrested by local Jews overseen by the NKVD. The victims were then examined and investigated using "light torture" methods such as hitting on the head, while it was covered with cardboard, with the spine of a book or a heavy book or a rubber club.

A Jewish mob set upon and beat a Polish woman as she left church and screamed at her: '... Your time is over; ours is just beginning. Stop praying here'.

A few days later, at night, a group of masked Poles met up with the Jewish hoodlums in some dark alleys and gave them a good thrashing. Jewish harassment subsided somewhat after that.

God bless victims and punish to the killers!
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
29 Nov 2007 /  #484
Why did this happen?

That's because vast majority of them weren't assimilated. It'a a bit like Muslims in western Europe now.

BTW Successful but unnecessary provocation...
Ozi Dan  26 | 566  
29 Nov 2007 /  #485
BTW Successful but unnecessary provocation...

Mate, I think its a wind up. Look at her avatar (*glug* glug*).
szmata  - | 23  
29 Nov 2007 /  #486

Jews run POLAND G*d bless :)
isthatu  3 | 1164  
30 Nov 2007 /  #487
Mate, I think its a wind up. Look at her avatar

As ugly as the stories may be they are not a wind up,just the other side of the coin to the more succesfully publisized accounts of anti jewish behaviour. Though if these accounts are meant to be some form of justification for any reprisal attacks against inocent people that says more about the poster than the accounts.
Polson  5 | 1767  
30 Nov 2007 /  #488
Jewish is a religion not a race ;) There are Jews in many countries, and there was a large community in Poland before the WW2.
2 Dec 2007 /  #489
Very informative....were did you get such insight into the problem?

By the way Judaism is the religion, and Jewish(ness) is the race.
osiol  55 | 3921  
2 Dec 2007 /  #490
If we're being informative, here's a reminder that those 'Jewish names' as they are called in the title of the thread are Yiddish (Germanic) names. Jewish (of or pertaining to Jews) names could be Yiddish, English, Polish, etc.

Many people who move to another country, another culture, change their surnames to fit in.
isthatu  3 | 1164  
2 Dec 2007 /  #491
and Jewish(ness) is the race.

really, so the etheopian jews are the same race as the spanish jews are they.Or more plainly if you like, Sammy Davis JNR wa the same race as Golda Meyer?
2 Dec 2007 /  #492
Apologies....I stand corrected...Jewish(ness) is not a race. I guess what i should have said is that Jewish(ness) is a trait or characteristic of most of the people of that religion:

i.e. when someone calls you a 'jew' when you are acting stingy, or when you are overcharge for something.

I must add that my experience is that Jews originating from Israel, Iraq, Iran, that I have met (who are the minority) are very warm hearted and kind people. The negative Jewish traits apppear only to have manifersted themselves in the descendents of the Khazarian Jews, but unfortunatley they now represent 80-90% of all Jewry.
isthatu  3 | 1164  
3 Dec 2007 /  #493
.e. when someone calls you a 'jew' when you are acting stingy, or when you are overcharge for something.

maybe they do that in your village but the rest of the world dropped that sort of crap years ago......What is the Polish for RedNeck?
szmata  - | 23  
3 Dec 2007 /  #494
world dropped that sort of crap years ago

the new one is
just jew it
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
3 Dec 2007 /  #495

Jews material status gives you forgivness even you supported commies (we discusse XIX and first half of XX century)

(BTW it is joke)
celinski  31 | 1258  
3 Dec 2007 /  #496
Jews run POLAND G*d bless :)

People run Poland.

It is this mindset that hurts relationships. I am Roman Catholic and am not better or running Jewish, just as Jewish do not run Poland. My family also went through a holocaust but due to not being included with Jewish they are now (due to being free) being able to have their place in the history books. In eastern Poland, Kresy, it was the Jewish that told the Russian where the Polish Army reserve family's lived. The Jewish in 1943 were right there with the SS Ukraine burning houses and killing neighbors. No Jewish do not run any nation and when in Isral they said this was their birth right land. In Poland Jewish set up their own army and segregate themselves as special, the chosen. No, I shall be equal to Jewish and the sooner they understand this mindset the better for all.

Note: Hitlers plan was for all Polish people, not just the Jewish he started with.

Carol, USA
szmata  - | 23  
4 Dec 2007 /  #497
Happy Chanukah all of you chosen peoples
Aristoboulos  1 | 22  
4 Dec 2007 /  #498
Yes, the Temple has been purificated!

joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
7 Dec 2007 /  #499
What is the Polish for RedNeck?

Isthatu: you have an obsession with American so-called 'red necks'...the translation is:
czerwony szyja.
Crow  154 | 9557  
7 Dec 2007 /  #500
they changed their ... surnames to Polish

Is this usual when somebody coming for some bussines in Poland? i mean when one want to invest in something?
isthatu  3 | 1164  
7 Dec 2007 /  #501
Isthatu: you have an obsession with American so-called 'red necks'...the translation is:
czerwony szyja.

Thank you joe, yes,always been a soft spot for the old south here in Britain :) Shame bout the ole slavery thingy or Robert E may have had Redcoats as allies :)

Quoting: isthatu
they changed their ... surnames to Polish

Is this usual when somebody coming for some bussines in Poland? i mean when one want to invest in something?

Eh, what you on about? ?????? why is this question directed at me,and why the thread title as my Quotation????? Your just baffling me now my Serbian friend.
Crow  154 | 9557  
9 Dec 2007 /  #502
sorry man, it wasn`t addressed on you. I wanted to give quote to you but then changed my mind and didn`t erase your name after i added my comment
isthatu  3 | 1164  
9 Dec 2007 /  #503
No worries Crow. anyway,I enjoy these little barnys we have,i hope you dont take them personaly, Im sure we could share a bottle or two quite happily in belgrade or london :)
Crow  154 | 9557  
9 Dec 2007 /  #504
sure, I am aware that you are victim of Tony Blair and BBC same way that i am. Well, maybe just a little bit different kind of victim :)
isthatu  3 | 1164  
9 Dec 2007 /  #505
Well, maybe just a little bit different kind of victim :)

Crow, you really should have seen the BBC during the 90s, I dont get where your coming from,everyones missdeeds were reported in the news,and there was certainly no love of the green headbanded savages either. If a Bosniac or a Croat came on here and spouted one sided nonsence I would challange them just as much. Like I say, my "knowladge" of those dark times dioes not come from the BBC (or tony frikkin bLIAR.) bu from friends and family who served in the various UN forces,Im afraid,they saw predominantly Serb militia and special police attrocities.Im sure had they witnessed the Croat counter strike they would have stories of "ustache" thugs,instead they tell of heavily bearded men in "Tito" hats......
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
10 Dec 2007 /  #506
Jews run POLAND G*d bless :)

Can you elaborate on this list a bit?...Is this a list of influential Polish Jews currently in positions of influence?...I can read some Polish, but I need some help here.
KONSKIEpelta  1 | 2  
1 Jan 2008 /  #507
Grzegorz, please share with us why you hate Jews. i am a Jew and very pround of it. my family is from Kinsk (Konskie). and since you are not a coward, share your real name
El Gamal  1 | 27  
1 Jan 2008 /  #508
Grzegorz, please share with us why you hate Jews.

I hope you don't mind me answering. Your (Jews') problem is, that you can't understand, that bad fillings towards you are not necessarily caused by irrational anti-Semitic biases. You are not a special nation, ant some of youare just scums, like in other nations.

You were living in Poland for centuries with good luck, and now you are spreading anti-Polish propaganda trough the world, saying that Poles are anti-Semitic and always have been. So why were you escaping to Poland when you were abused in other European countries, if Poland was so anti-Semitic country?

Another thing - WW2. Germans had killed 6 millions of Poland's citizens, half Polish Jews, half _ethnic_ Poles. You are saying, that Poles were killing you. Is this a reason we should like you for? Poland was the fourth (AFAIR) military force in anti-German-Nazi Coalition, and despite that, you are now telling, that we were colaborating with nazis. Oh well, should we love you fot that? Poles were those, who informed West about Jewish Holocaust (see Jan Karski). Karski talked to American Jews, asked them for help. They DIDN'T CARE!! When French or Hungarians were killing Jews together with Germans, in Poland people were rescuing them (Zegota, The Righteous Among the Nations whwre Poles were mostly awarded). Some pangs of conscience with blaming Poles for Holocaust?

In Polish Eastern Kresy (now Ukraine) Jesw were colaborating with communists, including killing patriotic Poles. After the war in communist Poland's Urzad Bezpieczenstwa/Sluzba Bezpieczenstwa (which repreddes Polish partriots) Jews were surprisingly more present than Poles. Oh well...

Now your youths from Israel are leaving human excrements in hotels in Krakow while visiting Poland, to show they hate and scorn Poles (I saw same thing your soldierd do in Palestine to show they scorn Arabs). They are teached at SCHOOL, that Poles are their enemies. Read article in Przekroj "Młodzi Izraelczycy rozrabiają w Polsce". I read an interview with Jewish professor who said, that for young Israelis poles are people of THE SECOND CATEGORY!!

So maybe let's start talking more about Jewish anti-Polonism?
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
1 Jan 2008 /  #509
Grzegorz, please share with us why you hate Jews.

KONSKIE, please share with us why you hate Goys.

and since you are not a coward, share your real name

I'm doing It all the time...
Wroclaw Boy  
1 Jan 2008 /  #510
Grzegorz, please share with us why you hate Jews.

Because hes a racist

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