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Are Germans going to pay for WW2?

Sadek  4 | 136  
11 Jun 2008 /  #91
we were 4th force fighting against Germans in this war (after SU USA and UK).

I am talking about (only) little bit fictional situation created on PF and your change in perception of WWII and Poles ... Soviet Union ;) pattern 1945.

,Polish forces were invited to parade but declined to ....


It has finally happened: the British Government has officially expressed regret for not inviting Polish Combatants for the famous V-Day parade in 1946.
Who convinced Tony Blair to make such a gesture? One man, motivated by desire to compensate the harm done to the generation of his parents. To achieve justice, he approached the British Government and wrote to Tony Blair. He replied. He very much regrets sounds the mea culpa of Downing Street.

celinski  31 | 1258  
11 Jun 2008 /  #92
How quickly we forget,Few important things from Polish history

isthatu2  4 | 2692  
11 Jun 2008 /  #93
we were 4th force fighting against Germans in this war (after SU USA and UK).

I shouldnt look into that too much mate or you will find out that this was a "paper strength" only at the end of the war.....ie lots of people maybe officialy signed up to one Polish army or other but in most cases no where near any front line because they were either unfit due to times as POWs or not entirely trusted due to service in German forces.
Sadek  4 | 136  
11 Jun 2008 /  #94
what about the parade ? have you changed your opinion about this event ?
celinski  31 | 1258  
11 Jun 2008 /  #95
[quote=isthatu2]lots of people maybe officialy signed up to one Polish army or other but in most cases no where near any front line because they were either unfit due to times as POWs or not entirely trusted due to service in German forces.[/quote

Here's your grand parade, remember Poland was still occupied?
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
14 Jun 2008 /  #96
Here's your grand parade, remember Poland was still occupied?

As usual Carol,not letting facts get in the way of your posts.......Stalin did not attend the parad in London,so,the clip Im not even bothering to watch will be either Berlin or Moscow,both supported by attendence of high US diplomates so,shut it with the righteous clap trap re the British govt.....
ajgraham  - | 121  
14 Jun 2008 /  #97
It is important to show what Germans have done, how much they have paid for Poles and how much for "others"

The picture you have given Luzasz are dead Germans from the Dresden Raid......Atleast us Brits managed to get something right!!....(Only joking).

Its good to read your posts again by-the-way.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
14 Jun 2008 /  #98
Okay we know that certain people in Germany did horrific things in WWII, but so did every nation, because the way I see it, murdering someone is wrong!

Carol and Lukasz seem to be on some mission to bring those responsible for these atrocities before a judge and jury to make them pay maybe they haven’t realised the Nuremburg trails ended some time ago.

Has she lived in the USA so long she hasn't realised that European countries live side by side without wanting to kill each other? Is so deluded? He obviously just hates life and silly me she lives in America and like a small proportion of second generation immigrants she feels the need to blame someone..if the Irish had your attitude the 1st 2nd 3rd generation growing up in England would hate the English for starving them of their land and forcing them into dire unthinkable situations…

But you know what Carol and Luke the Irish are resilient and today have nation to be proud of, and the 1st , 2nd , 3rd generation are proud of their heritage! I don’t hate, because I’m actually grateful that my family made it out of Ireland alive and made a good life here in England, I love my country but I know my history.

Carol and Lukasz seem to want to blame someone and I personally think they are no better than the terrorists we are threatened by in this day and age! People just love to keep hate alive for there own means, it breads and festers!
Crow  154 | 9535  
14 Jun 2008 /  #99
Okay we know that certain people in Germany did horrific things in WWII, but so did every nation, because the way I see it, murdering someone is wrong!

i will tell the way how i see things

i clearly see how your kind (Germanics- if that could be appropriate term) constantly murdering, manipulate, assimilate and exploit my kind (Slavs). Bottom line is that you even don`t give a sh** if Slavs are Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant or atheists. For you only good Slavs are former Slavs.

Will you please, do whatever you personaly can, to move things in right dirrection so, that your kind just f*** off from interference in bussines of Slavic world. Somethings telling me, that if you stop to `helping` us we have chance to survive (in any sense).

So, once again. Please, just f*** off. I wish you all the best Shell-girl
14 Jun 2008 /  #100
just f*** off from interference in bussines of Slavic world.

Yes.. Slavs have a right to be left alone. These things about the past are not merely rantings.. It's good to hear these grievances in the forum.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
15 Jun 2008 /  #101
BDW, i am more for Slavic Alliance and not for Union neceserely

You guys couldn't keep one small country intact. Dream on.

Nonsense. What are you trying to say,Poland won the war for everyone so "we" all became embaresed and tried to hush it up?

The quote you referred to does not say that. But it is correct when it says that Poles were banned from the victory parade. Only after protests of some MPs and British population did the government allow Polish pilots ONLY. They refused to participate without all Poles who fought with the Allies.
15 Jun 2008 /  #102
attendence of high US diplomates

Well sure, of course, the Russians were our allies and they broke the Nazis back in a lot of ways. I don't sit around and hate Russia all day long. This isn't the 80's any more. Watch "Enemy At The Gate" ; you won't either.
Michal  - | 1865  
15 Jun 2008 /  #103
Excuse me, but is Poland going to pay Germany for World War 2. The Poles stole from Germany Szczecin and they have paid not one penny or offered it back. If I was Prime Minister of Great Britain, I would invite Germany back into Poland and promise them a 'blind eye' at the same time. Poland has always got a thing about other people's debts to them and never the other way round. A strange lot all together. Still, on Thursday, I will find out as I have to try and brave three whole days in their God forsaken country. Will my life ever be the same again?
z_darius  14 | 3960  
15 Jun 2008 /  #104
The Poles stole from Germany Szczecin and they have paid not one penny or offered it back.

Wrong. Szczecin was stolen from Germans by your beloved russkies. They did that having stolen from Poland a lot of lands in the East.

I will find out as I have to try and brave three whole days in their God forsaken country.

I hope you open your mouth while there and that someone shoves a big hard fist in it.
Crow  154 | 9535  
15 Jun 2008 /  #105
You guys couldn't keep one small country intact. Dream on.

nor Serbians, nor all Yugoslavs (even that we didn`t have any internal antagonism), couldn`t be capable to save Yugoslavia, considering that USA, Germany, France, Britain, etc coutries of so called west (plus Arabs and Turks) decided to kill Yuga

Only if rest of Slavic world was strong enough economically and powerfull (in any sense), we could manage to solve our internal problems and resist to foreign pressure.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
15 Jun 2008 /  #106
Only if rest of Slavic world was strong enough economically and powerfull (in any sense), we could manage to solve our internal problems and resist to foreign pressure.

To me, and to millions of Poles, Czechs, Slovaks and Bulgarians Russians were the foreign pressure. To Czechs and Ukrainians Poles were foreign pressure too. No more. No slavdoms, no slavic dreams for me. Why not put the flag, weathered from constant waving at any occasion, and get to work for a change. You can't feed people flag's fabric and flag poles. Patriotic songs don't contain all that many nutrients either.

In the end what counts is your immediate family. The country comes second. Unless you're a nazi or a commie, of course.
Crow  154 | 9535  
15 Jun 2008 /  #107
this i call- BLA BLA comment. Say something claver and spare me from BLA BLA comments
osiol  55 | 3921  
15 Jun 2008 /  #108
that USA, Germany, France, Britain, etc coutries of so called west (plus Arabs and Turks) decided to kill Yuga

If it hadn't been for all the sh!t that happened, I can't see why anyone would have wanted to break up Yugoslavia. It's not as though it was powerful enough to be a threat to anyone. Other than its own diverse population.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
15 Jun 2008 /  #109
Crow, your If's and WHEN's and your constant dreaming of another world totally unrealistic and far away from facts and realities is what I call "blah, blah"....of no value whatsoever!

Caring for one's family is a real good advise instead!
z_darius  14 | 3960  
15 Jun 2008 /  #110
Say something claver and spare me from BLA BLA comments

I read many of your posts and I wonder... how would you be able to tell a difference between "claver" and "BLA BLA"?
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
15 Jun 2008 /  #111
i clearly see how your kind (Germanics- if that could be appropriate term) constantly murdering, manipulate, assimilate and exploit my kind (Slavs).

Shut up nut job,your serbian "heros" the cetniks fought alongside the nazis in the war and murdered plenty of slavs ,the last people to murder slavs were the feking serbs....see the point we try to make? your a hypocrite.

They refused to participate without all Poles who fought with the Allies.

Bugger me, talk about cutting off noses to spite faces....its not as though everyone who fought the gerries were there or even invited yet,you guys think your a special case...sheesh.

Well sure, of course, the Russians were our allies and they broke the Nazis back in a lot of ways. I don't sit around and hate Russia all day long. This isn't the 80's any more. Watch "Enemy At The Gate" ; you won't either.

eh? wtf? who do you think your lecturing tovarish? The point I was making was carol boo hissing the british government for doing exactly the same as her own US government....and,btw, enema at the gates is about as far from a good history lesson as you can get,if thats where you get your info from over the pond then god help us all......

nor Serbians, nor all Yugoslavs (even that we didn`t have any internal antagonism), couldn`t be capable to save Yugoslavia, considering that USA, Germany, France, Britain, etc coutries of so called west (plus Arabs and Turks) decided to kill Yuga

ha ha ha you feking nutjob....me thinks you over estimate the importance of your p iss ant little country :) Is it the voices in your head telling you all these things?
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
15 Jun 2008 /  #112

here is a suggestion...

lets take the most factual part of each thread about the WWII and make it sticky
and at the top of the thread say:

this thread is only intended for educational purposes only, as it stands
WWII ended a long time ago and those responsible brought to justice..
we must remember to blame those responsible during that horrible time.
European nations have since come together and live side by side with
peaceful govts working towards a better future for Europe..

then, if someone is a scolar/teacher with some vital information about it
it can be sent to the admin ( with their permission of course) to evaluate
and place in the thread as part of the *FACTS* about the war and this
would certainly cut back on all the arguments and anger going on every time
this topic comes up..

or do it the simple way and just close the thread so that no one is name
calling :)

some have stronger feelings then others...what other suggestions does anyone
have ?

Caring for one's family is a real good advise instead!

this is very solid advice.. good thoughts BB :)
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
15 Jun 2008 /  #113
How about everybody stops moaning and complaining!!!! we all know what happened in the war, we all know who committed the crimes, we all know how bad they were. Some want an apology which they probably won't get, so shall we just call this topic a day and close it before people start setting about one another!!!!
Seanus  15 | 19666  
15 Jun 2008 /  #114
Well said Tornado!! Why should the Germans pay? Hitler was a nut-job, he made the mess and modern Germany has very little to do with it. Drop the nonsense!!
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
15 Jun 2008 /  #115
Hitler was a nut-job, he made the mess and modern Germany has very little to do with it. Drop the nonsense!!

exactly he lead Germany, the people underneath Hitler didn't really have much of a choice and even if they did speak up they would probably either lose their jobs or even their lives!!!! Let's not forget Adolf was Actually Austrian so the debt is their's is it not??? lol
Seanus  15 | 19666  
15 Jun 2008 /  #116
Well said again!! Hitler was not a German and manipulated his way into power. He practically forced his predecessor out. I forget his name, H sth or other. Sth berg. He staged the Reichstag fire, a bit like 9/11 but let's not go there.

Ur arguments would hold up in court I think Tornado, good on ya lad
15 Jun 2008 /  #117
me thinks you over estimate the importance of your p iss ant little country :)

Pitching rocks in your glass house with that one, limey. Run along now, little bull dog, your breath was always worse than your bite.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
15 Jun 2008 /  #118
How about everybody stops moaning and complaining!!!!

*tears well up as she clutches her teddy bear*

you dont like my suggestion? * sniff Sniff*

Hitler was not a German and manipulated his way into power.

yep.. and people who need some closure can have it by actually writing
about it.. its better then bashing each other. which we all know this topic
keeps coming up.. and its not like people dont have remorse.. they do.

The ones who keep bringing it up have either lost family during this time or
still have family feeling the effects of it - its hard and no one can ever truly

but on the flip side.. people who have moved on, appalled by the whole being
of the war , want to live for today, we have so many things going on in this
day and age dwelling on the past only keeps you held back in your own world.

both sides have valid points.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
15 Jun 2008 /  #119
Bugger me, talk about cutting off noses to spite faces....its not as though everyone who fought the gerries were there or even invited yet,you guys think your a special case...sheesh.

Dress it up however you want.

Facts are facts and Sadek was correct. Some allies who provided significant input in the anti-nazi effort were forgotten. Poles were not initially invited at all, and only after protests from some Brits the invitation was sent out but restricted only some Polish pilots. No special cases, not special favors. It was however, a very special perfidy on the part of the British government.
cucko  - | 8  
16 Jun 2008 /  #120

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