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Germans Exiles & Museum in Berlin in the eyes of Poles and UE nationals.

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
21 May 2009 /  #91
They respond to German arguments. That's different.

Well...not on this board!
I as the honorary PF member never start any b*itch fests...:)

Long after Poles :)

Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
21 May 2009 /  #92
but you engage in them!!

ha ha.. :)

its all good. we know you cool brat. :)
OP Ironside  50 | 12946  
21 May 2009 /  #94
Seems to me that most of the Poles and EU nationals don't care much about the issue.
I think that Germans can build and write history whatever and anyway they like, though they shouldn't be surprised if others do likewise.
It's essence of freedom which is limited by consequences.
In my opinion that action is motivated by the desire to get back land lost to Poland, so be it!

Get lost !
You crippled little bastard !
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
21 May 2009 /  #95
In my opinion that action is motivated by the desire to get back land lost to Poland, so be it!

Well...you are wrong!
OP Ironside  50 | 12946  
21 May 2009 /  #96
Maybe ....
PolishCowboy  1 | 48  
22 May 2009 /  #97
In my opinion that action is motivated by the desire to get back land lost to Poland, so be it!

Whatever it is, the fact remains that it was Germany that started the Second World War, they lost and surrendered UNCONDITIONALLY to the Allies.
Meaning that it could have and perhaps should have been, a free for all to divide and partition Germany to the point that a Germany did not even exist. Like Poland was for quite some time throughout history.

So Stienbach and her crypto-nazi friends can bit*h, complain, do puppet shows, and build whatever the hell they want. Reality is they are getting nothing back.

Does anyone take what she says seriously, (other than those who think like her) she wants to portray the Nazis and their acts in a positive light. Pretty soon they are going to want compensation for German soldiers killed in the Warsaw Uprising and the Blitzkrieg.


Get lost !
You crippled little bastard !

Come on Amigo, hes only a confused child.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
22 May 2009 /  #98
Pretty soon they are going to want compensation for German soldiers killed in the Warsaw Uprising and the Blitzkrieg.

Well...now that you mention it....cool idea!

(It WAS rude)
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126  
22 May 2009 /  #99
When I saw that I was thinking

1. Mental hospital
2. Maybe he actually was joking?
3. That WAS rude was ment as saying I am rude or oh sorry I was rude
4. Why am I thinking about this?

STFU! You and your sister bombed Narvik!
PolishCowboy  1 | 48  
22 May 2009 /  #100
Mr Grunwald

That's what he does on this forum, he's an antagonist, among other things. (him, Harry and a few others) He writes on a topic that gets people fired up and when they respond to him with emotion he gets his jollies. Just ignore him it's the best thing.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
22 May 2009 /  #101
When I saw that I was thinking

That happens when a German tries humour!

But #4 would be interesting also....and what do you know about my sister???

That's what he does on this forum, he's an antagonist

Well...can't leave you on your little dream world, can't I! :)
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126  
22 May 2009 /  #102
Well sorry I was humoristic also xD

You do have a sister? Interessssting...
Do you like to make planes made out of paper?
Do you know how to make china-putts? Or what ever it's name is
Do you like modelling? (paiting air-planes etc)

And the most important question!
Do you hate goat cheese?
22 May 2009 /  #103
Get lost !
You crippled little bastard !

Such superb debating skills!

Reality is they are getting nothing back.

Reality is that they will buy it back.
Salomon  2 | 436  
22 May 2009 /  #104
Reality is that they will buy it back.

Harry is very racist person ... but I've got small surprise : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Löcknitz

Since Poland joined the Schengen Agreement, the population of Löcknitz is growing, as rates and costs of land acquisition are lower than in Poland. Many commuters from Szczecin are living in Löcknitz [2] and the first economical investments are made in Löcknitz by Polish enterprises

Both countries have demographic problems so it is just curiosity.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
22 May 2009 /  #105
Reality is that they will buy it back.

Nothing that doesn't exist is "reality". If they will buy it back then that will be reality. Until then it is not, nostradamus.
OP Ironside  50 | 12946  
22 May 2009 /  #106
Such superb debating skills!

We crossed swords twice and twice you have been beaten. I don't know is that make my debating skill superb but I would be quiet if I were you.#

Anyway is nothing to debate as you are making venomous and spiteful comment full of hate.
What is to discus? Your mental heath or way to cure you?
No, thank you, I'm not a vet!

Archives - 2005-2009 / History / Germans Exiles & Museum in Berlin in the eyes of Poles and UE nationals.Archived