BogusiaWoj 1 | -
24 Sep 2009 / #1
Polish Christian survivors of WWII oppression
All wars disrupt; they leave behind the dead and the living, the victims and the survivors. The war that tore apart Poland in 1939 with Hitler's avowed annihilation of an eastern neighbor "for German expansion", Stalin's westward thrust with Soviet communism and the mass deportation to Siberia of whole societies, all ensured that while millions died, those who survived could not or would not speak of their ordeal. Theirs was the story of deprivation and of humiliation; it was the realization that not only was a homeland lost, but that an entire future was denied.
Published this September, the book is available through Amazon, and Barnes & Noble websites, or through your local bookstore.
Published this September, the book is available through Amazon, and Barnes & Noble websites, or through your local bookstore.