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Another german attack on John Paul II.

OP Antigerman  
4 Apr 2007 /  #31
seems you dont like that.

Not at all. Good luck on your Quest. Seriously.
daffy  22 | 1153  
4 Apr 2007 /  #32
thanks, you know, you can join in too! try to make your own little part of the world better.
1st generation  
11 Apr 2007 /  #33
The impression of most Americans is that Germans and other Europeans have abandoned Christianity. The liberal ideas have caused a cultural meltdown. I understand the legacy of WWII caused many people to lose faith. But if there is a vacuum, something else will replace it. The global warming phenomon is that something. It has quasi-religious overtones. Our goofy, Al Gore, is one quasi-religious leader.

Consevative Christianity is spreading in the U.S. despite the liberal message being spread in the media. Pope John Paul II was loved and embraced in the U.S. The younger generation appreciates orthodoxy and doesn't like selective morality or hedonism. Our diocese recently introduced a Latin Mass which is hugely popular. Christianity is spreading amongst young people. Just check out good Christian rock like Third Day or Jars of Clay. Europe has to return to its religious roots.

11 Apr 2007 /  #34
Smart move. But I am not the person. Althoug I wil finde one.

Tradition. Ths is what you lookig for. Look, I doubt myself - how about mathematicks?
ArturSzastak  3 | 593  
11 Apr 2007 /  #35
These threads are getting very annoying :)

Correction: the fact that everyone is insulting each other is getting annoying :)
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
12 Apr 2007 /  #36
Europe has to return to its religious roots.


I doubt it will happen. Just read some of the posts of our British membersand you will know what I mean. :)
ArturSzastak  3 | 593  
12 Apr 2007 /  #37
Europe has to return to its religious roots.

Crusades anyone??? :)
Crow  154 | 9566  
13 Apr 2007 /  #38
John Paul II was noticed from Balkan Serbs as first Pope of Slavic origin. It meant something to us.

German Pope means nothing to us.

Serbs has some opened questions with Vatican, on the first place because Vatican failed to protect Catholic Serbs when they, under pressure of German imperialism were object of violant Croatization (when were tranformed into Croats with administrative measures during occupational Austrian rule and with enormous cultural violance from Zagreb).

In the same time, we are aware that Serbian Orthodox Church failed to take adequate position on Vatican in case with sad events mentioned above (not only because of that) and that because of pressure from Greak Orthodox Church.

All in all, we Serbs are victims of divided Christianity. Our nation was split because of that and because of colission with advancing Islam.

Maybe we would have chance to endure, if Germany didn`t found her interest in weak Slavic South. Germans just grabed opprortunity when Serbs were under Ottoman occupation and gave their best (their worse) that political map of Balkan satisfy their interests. So, they supported creation of Greater Croatia, Islamic caliphte in Bosnia and now work on creation of Greater Albania.

All the time, Germany uses religious antagonims to achieve its goals and even manipulate with Vatican when their loby prevail in that powerful religious center.

With Polish Pope, we Serbs (Orthodox and one number of Catholic Serbs- who still exist) sow opportunity to find way to heal the rift between interests of Vatican and Orthodox Church, with that to re-unite our wounded nation (because of same reasons Croats didn`t like Pope John Paul II- they protested against him in Zagreb).

Serbs are great proponents of re-union of Christianity, that is in our best interest. Orthodox Serbs already sent their call to Russian Orthodox Church with hope in batter communication between ROC and Vatican.

But, we know Germans. They have their plans for us, for all Slavs. And, we lost a lot of when Pope who was of Polish background died.

With Poles, and because of Poles we could do a lot of but, with German- even he is Pope, we can`t do much, I afraid. Germany don`t have interst that Christians unites (that they heal the rift between them) because that would eliminate biggest antgonism which killing Slavic world and that is our division on different Christian proviniences.

With those antagonisms Germans control destine of Slavic world.

May Pope John Paul II, rest in peace. In one batter world, in United Slavia (if we are lucky) he would have place what bellong to him, he would be remembered as legend and great hope, man of millenium- those are correct words.
LoneStranger  3 | 382  
13 Apr 2007 /  #39
John Paul II

He was a Pope, not Christ. Let us first understand this.

There are many Popes. He can be important to a particular sect of Christians. Polish people can derive pride from him (?)... but if they are Christian....they should learn and understand Jesus. And live secular, harmonious life. Harmony, Peace and Unity is the truth of God...

About the Slavic Pope....it doesnt really matter to me. If he was a good man, God will give him good..... otherwise...its between God and him.



Calm Down.
Crow  154 | 9566  
13 Apr 2007 /  #40
Quoting: Crow

Calm Down.

I understand that this thread is dedicated to one great man, great Pole- Pope John Paul II and in respect on him and in respect on great brotherly Polish nation, I won`t react on your provocation with vulgar words.

So, I would just say, thank you for your - `Calm down`, my brother in Christ.
LoneStranger  3 | 382  
13 Apr 2007 /  #41
I won`t react on your provocation with vulgar words

Or otherwise you would? ... so much respect you have!

See... God is not present only on this thread... He should be present in the heart. Christ brought his messege...

Think about these things... you will never feel that extreme pride and be more humble and helpful.

Also...being vulgar is not a sign of strength....but weakness.

Ofcourse.....CALM DOWN with all your emotions.... in life at large.....and go into some serious thinking. It will give you more than anything else.

From a Pole...
Crow  154 | 9566  
15 Apr 2007 /  #42
Or otherwise you would?

You know, I probably wouldn`t. :) In general I`m not a vulgar man.
16 Apr 2007 /  #43
(because of same reasons Croats didn`t like Pope John Paul II- they protested against him in Zagreb).

you can touch me,but don't use our late pope as puppet in your outdated panslavic-read serbo-russian union ideals to rule the europe.he is beyond politics.

Pope John Paul is a man who dedicated his 100th visit to Croatia on purpose.He was the first who give Croatia independence.Croatia is full of monuments built for him.He is on our post stamps,he even got special silver coin made for him.He is an honored citizen of croatia.He is forever our pope and our saint.THE greatest and kindest man ever existed after Jesus.

who are you to tell such sick lies,can you tell me some non-serbian link or somethink which refers to your statement that he was ever unwelcome?

be a man and give me some evidence,or shut your mouth forever.
16 Apr 2007 /  #44
THE greatest and kindest man ever existed after Jesus.

LoneStranger  3 | 382  
16 Apr 2007 /  #45
THE greatest and kindest man ever existed after Jesus

I do not agree.
16 Apr 2007 /  #46
er...with whom me or minotaurus, I was merely questioning the validity
of his statement.
LoneStranger  3 | 382  
16 Apr 2007 /  #47
with whom me or minotaurus

minotaurus then :)
16 Apr 2007 /  #48
And you are too idealistic.

Which is what your world needs. :)
18 Apr 2007 /  #49
I do not agree.

of course,it's my opinion only,because i couldn't remember anyone else in 2 millenium that brought so many people together,and not by the sword.

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