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Polish towns: Praszka, Strojec, Rudniki, Jaworzno, Krzepice, Iwanowice Opato Wilkowiecko Mokra Miedz

jccalvin 1 | 8  
18 Dec 2006 /  #1

I am writing a novel that includes characters in a number of countries including Poland. I have done a lot of research but would appreciate any information and/or pictures that would help me accurately describe the following towns or surrounding areas. Information from the early 20th Century would be the most helpful. I believe that these town are located in the provinces of Opolskie or Slaskie and are along highway 43 from Praszka to Klobuck.

Praszka Strojec Rudniki Jaworzno Krzepice Iwanowice Opato Wilkowiecko Mokra Miedzno Izbiska.

Thanks for any help you can provide.

Jane Done - | 24  
26 Dec 2006 /  #2
Maybe this site will be helpful for you
Grzegorz_ 51 | 6139  
26 Dec 2006 /  #3
They seem to be really small towns.

I believe that these town are located in the provinces of Opolskie or Slaskie

So before 1945 they were probably German.
Kowalski 7 | 621  
26 Dec 2006 /  #4
I hope that is not too obivous here but anyway... trying Google Image search gives plany of pics for each destination and each town has its own website often with Galery of images
OP jccalvin 1 | 8  
29 Dec 2006 /  #5
I have searched so many websites I couldn't even guess how many. Some how I missed this one. Thanks much.

peachtree - | 1  
26 Mar 2009 /  #6
Merged: Genealogy - Locate Polish Town

Looking for info or website to locate people who once lived in a town/village in Polad that no longer exists. I have the town/village name, but it is no longer on the maps of Poland or is it listed as a current town/village. I have relatives that had once lived in this town or surrounding area, but the family lost contact with them 50 years ago. If you have some info or could direct me to a helpful website it would be appreciated. Have already exhausted my search with Ancestry, Genealogy, etc. Thanks.
Wroclaw 44 | 5359  
26 Mar 2009 /  #7
Post the name of the town/village and then we have a chance of helping you.

Archives - 2005-2009 / Genealogy / Polish towns: Praszka, Strojec, Rudniki, Jaworzno, Krzepice, Iwanowice Opato Wilkowiecko Mokra MiedzArchived