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Genealogy in the Powiat kluczborski; Proślice - Byczyna; names Borner, Sadegor, Gula or Jurowska

Muggenhorst 1 | -  
5 Feb 2009 /  #1
Hi there folks! :)

I'm Sven (37) from Germany and I do some ancestors researches near Byczyna/Powiat kluczborski. My great grandfather moved from a small village named Proślice (which is a part of Byczyna today) to Germany about 1910. I don't know if there are still some descendants there or where (and when) the other family members moved to.

I know that I also have some polish roots because my male ancestors often married polish women. So if you are a genealogist in that area and have some informations about the names Borner, Sadegor, Gula or Jurowska feel free to contact me. Polish penpals also heartily welcome! :)


Archives - 2005-2009 / Genealogy / Genealogy in the Powiat kluczborski; Proślice - Byczyna; names Borner, Sadegor, Gula or JurowskaArchived